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What do You Call a Group of Tangles?

What do You Call a Group of Tangles?

Maria writes…
Dear Tanglers,
Did you know that there are specific and different names for groups of creatures? Really! And really interesting names – some unexpected, some funny, some apropos, and some, most certainly are not.
A swarm of bees.
A pride of lions.
An unkindness of ravens.
A pack of wolves.
A murder of crows.
I was thinking about this the other day and I realized that we do not have a specific name for a group of tangles . . . or for that matter, for a group of tanglers! How could that possibly be right? How did we survive this long (17 years!)?
Well, I think it is certainly time to remedy this situation. Of course, we decided that you, our beloved Zentangle community, should be the ones to do this.
So . . . your mission is to come up with names for
And, perhaps the story about how you came up with the names; and the wonderful staff here at ZTHQ will choose a name!
We will have most excellent prizes for this, possible including a copy of the artwork shown above! So, don’t hold back! We will announce the winners in next week’s blog
So, put on your thinking caps and give it a think!

We can’t wait to hear what you came up with.

Maria Thomas


  • A group of tanglers would be “ granglers” (GRoup + tANGLERS), and a group of tangles would be called “grangles” (GRoup + tANGLES).

    Kim Springer on

  • A group of tanglers would be “ granglers” (GRoup + tANGLERS), and a group of tangles would be called “grangles” (GRoup + tANGLES).

    Kim Springer on

  • Group of tangles = LUSH

    Oh I saw that word used in an email and I thought it was perfect for a group of tangles!! They look lush! They are lush all together! It’s perfect! 😍

    Missy Keller on

  • How many can we submit?
    A focus of tangles, a concentration of tanglers.

    Betsey Youngs on

  • A group of tangles is a Zen.
    A group of tanglers is called The Zenettes.

    Quwatha Valentine on

  • There are more tangles that have been created than any one person could ever use, and always more out there. We can feed on a bounty of wonderful tangles that have been created and deconstructed by a whole world of tanglers who come from every corner of the globe. Zentangle is there for everyone – for many individual reasons – and it has has made everyone’s world better. A Bounty of Tangles. A Universe of Tanglers.

    Claire on

  • I would propose :

    A relaxation of Tanglers (as the example given for animals, this “relaxation” word is not supposed to be used like this, but sounds good to me , perfectly linked to the method !

    A border of Tangles : the border delimits a space where to collect tangles, but as we are allowed to cross the border, other tangles can join within the border initially defined ;-)
    I enjoyed take some minutes for that reflexion, thanks !

    celine Micout on

  • Love this. Thinking of the lovely interactions and inspirations… a web of tangles and a hub, convergence, network, or inspiration of tanglers.

    Danielle DeRome on

  • A silk of tangles. A spider of tanglers.

    Kimberly Barber on

  • uniontangle,

    Gloria Jezzini on

  • I love the term coven, it feels like a deeper relationship than a collection of things.

    Kathy Y. on

  • The strokes The one steps

    Zenstep ( group)

    Barb on

  • To me, any group of tangles is called tangleze A language all its own! And a group of Tanglers can be called Tanglettes! I was inspired by the famous dancers the Rockettes.

    Mary Illana Perrin CZT on

  • A Group of Tangles is A “Tranz” of Tangles A Tranz of Tangles is the result of transitioning simple lines to a whole. We transform our outer world to find ourselves in a trance of line-related art-making. If stressed or worried, we transition to a state of inner peace where our world is defined only by paper, pen, stroke, ink, and deep breathing. Line becomes design and pattern, and we reflect peace.

    A Group of Tanglers is A “Tranzen” of Tanglers
    When a group of Tanglers gets together, the level of “Zenergy” is increased. Each Tangler brings their individual Zentangle experience together with others to make the sum of members and their ideas greater than the whole membership of the group. A “Tranzen” of Tanglers creatively and Zenfully expand the art of paper, pen, stroke, ink, and depth of breathing. The art of sharing transcends the qualities of all members within the group.

    Louise Horner on

  • What a fun challenge!
    I was reading through the last blog posts and came across the quote about mosaics from The book of Zentangle in one of the forwards: “With individual variations combining in a diverse whole.”
    So I thought of ‘A wholesome of tanglers’ , because we all become one when we tangle together and share our tiles in the mosaic.
    And I thought about a ‘color of tangles’ because Rick talks about tangles as colors that mix and mingle on our tiles.

    Doris Bisschop on

  • Tanglemobs!

    Jacqueline Lee CZT36 on

  • An Inspiration of Tangles or An Aspiration of Tangles An Affinity of Tanglers or An Affirmation of Tanglers

    Elizabeth Williams on

  • I suggest:

    A Zen of Tangles and
    A Happiness of Tanglers

    Linda Deedy on

  • Well I suggest "Zallete"of tangles And “ZenTang” of tanglers

    Zallete comes from Pallete of colors as tangles are the colors of our Zentangle art

    Preeti Gupta on

  • Last year in October (at the weekend we celebrate our 1st anniversary 🥰) I was together with amazing people in Frankfurt at the CZT-Seminar. We met in reality and a few of us were together nearly the hole time.
    Since then we see us regulary via Zoom, because we live in different countries.
    We realized that we have a special connection – like a family. That’s why we call us “ZENSISTERS”. 😂 It’s my very special word for a group of Tanglers.

    Claudia Fießinger, CZT EU3 on

  • A suite of tangles Countries of tanglers

    Julie Quin on

  • Love this post.

    I like a “string of tangles” for obvious reasons. We start with a string and use our tangle patterns.

    Then for our community of Tanglers “an accident of Tanglers”. I felt like I accidentally became an artist and Tanglers. Hence my business name and I feel many feel that way once they stumble upon the Zentangle method.

    Much love

    Deborah Bowyer on

  • A" Zallete" of tangles “ZenTang” of tanglers

    I chose Zallete as Z is for our Zentangle and tangles are colors in our pallete for doing our art in Zentangle.

    Preeti Gupta on


    roxana moreno on

  • A Tangle of Tanglers. A Ton of Tangles.

    Bonnie Luther on

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