Maria writes…
Dear Tanglers,
Did you know that there are specific and different names for groups of creatures? Really! And really interesting names – some unexpected, some funny, some apropos, and some, most certainly are not.
A swarm of bees.
A pride of lions.
An unkindness of ravens.
A pack of wolves.
A murder of crows.
I was thinking about this the other day and I realized that we do not have a specific name for a group of tangles . . . or for that matter, for a group of tanglers! How could that possibly be right? How did we survive this long (17 years!)?
Well, I think it is certainly time to remedy this situation. Of course, we decided that you, our beloved Zentangle community, should be the ones to do this.
So . . . your mission is to come up with names for
And, perhaps the story about how you came up with the names; and the wonderful staff here at ZTHQ will choose a name!
We will have most excellent prizes for this, possible including a copy of the artwork shown above! So, don’t hold back! We will announce the winners in next week’s blog
So, put on your thinking caps and give it a think!
We can’t wait to hear what you came up with.
Joyce Block on
Marguerite on
Jeanne Hamilton on
A tribe of Tanglers
Pam Hartz Miller on
Inky Meditations on
Vickie L Stamper on
A concert of tanglers.
An opus of tangles.
Diane M on
Cynthia Aten on
Sue Reynolds CZT36 on
A draw of Tangles and
A Society of Tanglers
Thanks. Lisa
Lisa Hoesing on
Nora on
Ginny Stiles on
Joyce Block on
A Knottle of tanglers
Shauna on
Sophie Queuniez on
Barbara Searcy on
A ‘knob’ of tangles and a ‘cluster’ of tanglers
Lori Riden on
Melinda Caballero on
Barbara Searcy on
A mess-not of tangles
A nation of tanglers
Ginger White CZT34 on
A kindred of tanglers
Or: A kindness of tanglers
Pauline on
How about just “A zen of tangles” and “A focus of tanglers”
Karen P on
Ann Lindsay on
Suzanne crisafi on
Ann Lindsay on