Zentangle Project Pack No. 26
"When forced to work within a strict framework, the imagination is taxed to its utmost and will produce its richest ideas. Given total freedom, the work is likely to sprawl."
- T.S. Eliot
The goal from the very beginning was for people to put pen to paper and create art. When Rick and Maria sat down to design the structure of the Zentangle Method, they collected enough information that made it clear that putting pen to paper and creating art is not as easy as it sounds. One might think that giving someone limitless freedom without structure or boundaries would be the best way for people to "be" creative.
However, they quickly learned it is quite the opposite. When given guidelines, structure, or constraints to your creative process you tap into innovation, imagination, and focus. We are much more motivated and inspired when we are faced with challenges or limitations. It was this discovery that guided Rick and Maria to provide a series of steps that offer suggestive structure to creating.Â
The initial steps of dots, border and string are integral to the Zentangle process. This pencil framework offers suggestion and guidance and inspires direction and composition. In this Project Pack we bring focus to a specific type of string and challenge you, the student and the artist, to work within its means. Together we will gather round these inspiring limitations and find creative expression that is formed by its boundaries.Â