CZT Family Tree We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs. Today, we are excited to introduce Mark Duran -----+----- Name: Mark Duran CZT#: 24 Hometown: Delavan, Wisconsin U.S.A.Favorite tangle: Purk Favorite place to tangle: At the VA with other veterans, I along...
Hello Dear Tanglers, The blog today is simple. It is just a way for us to show our appreciation to all of you, the amaZingly wonderful Zentangle artists we have had the pleasure of meeting, whether in person or in spirit. We wish to give away a few Zentangle inspired items that we think you might be interested in. First off, this original Zentangle Zendala tile (by Maria) You can see this tile (and others!) on the Zentangle Mosaic App. Search for artist MariaThomas a signed print of the Tangle Wheel a signed print of AIPOSAAT (Anything Is Possible One...
Maria writes... Recently I posted a tile on the Zentangle Mosaic App with the following story: Armed only with a small (3 1/2 x5”) sketch book, and the tools of my trade, I approached my mission, wholeheartedly. I was hired to find the real reason for these icons. The mission was vague but also interested me. It all began at the Museum of Russian Icons, in central Massachusetts. The fortresslike armory (?) was intimidating, although very beautiful. It must have been a jail of some sort, at some other century. There were cells (albeit lovingly restored) obviously designed for discomfort,...