Welcome to Day 11 of the 12 Days of Zentangle.

Alfie got so inspired by Martha and Molly's tangling yesterday that he stayed up late last night to tangle.
On this eleventh day of Zentangle, Maria struts down the knightsbridge to find herself on the luxurious scena, but betweed you and me, that's some exquisite purk!
Project Pack #04 -- 12 Days of Zentangle - Day 11 |
You can find the "12 Days of Zentangle" supplies in Project Pack 04 which is available at this link.
To see spinners that tanglers post on the Zentangle Mosaic app, search on hashtags:
We'd love to read what you have to say and each day we will randomly pick a person from the list of commenters and send that person a gift from Zentangle Inc
Our winner from Day 10 is:
Please send your snail mail address to info@zentangle.com so we can send you your surprise!
Tisha Cabral on