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Language of Love

Language of Love

Julie writes...

One of the beautiful things about the Zentangle Method is that it is understood by people all over the world, regardless of region, culture, language or background.

The same is true for love. There are many different words for love, but the feeling is universal. This week we are celebrating the world-wide Zentangle community and its abundance of creativity, harmony and love.



Chrissie Frampton, United Kingdom


Dina Schaffer, Brazil


Marguerite Samama, The Netherlands

Shaochi, Taiwan


Marie Tvrdikova, Czech Republic


Jeonghee Ham, South Korea


Maria Tovar, Spain


Deb Bowyer, Canada


Ela Rieger, Germany 

Hiroko Matsuo, Japan 


Vandana Krishna, India (Kannada)


Claudia Schaulin, Switzerland   
Happy Valentine's Day to our beloved Zentangle community. Thank you for helping us spread the love.

Banner image by Molly Hollibaugh, United States

Julie Willand


  • Feliz día de San Valentín, el amor es infinito! Mil bendiciones a Todos ❤️

    eglee torres on

  • Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone around our wonderful planet earth! We are so blessed to have so many beautiful souls all joining in with their labors of love creating these gorgeous hearts. Thank you to each and everyone of you and may your hearts fill you with warmth, and loving kindness not just for Valentine’s Day but for each and every day.

    Cheryl K Jensen on

  • So very uplifting to see so much love shared around the world. Who could ask for anything more? Thank you to all who participated and for giving us this opportunity to do so.

    Diamond on

  • I love seeing Love from different countries through Zentangle. It gives me hope that everything will be okay.

    Nancy Lefkof on

  • Love this theme and variations! My fingers are itching to tangle!!

    Jane Lawler Smith on

  • Благодаря, Джули!

    Зентенгъл е вдъхновение, обич и тихо пристанище за релакс и отмора на душата!
    Благодаря за споделянето на красивите творения!

    Дафи on

  • A fabulous compilation of ideas on a theme! Everyone of them is different but as a group, they make you realize that there’s no “right way” or “best way”, there’s just YOUR WAY!!!! Love them!

    MaryAnn Scheblein-Dawson, CZT 1 on

  • Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing the “Heartfelt Love” Happy Valentines Day!

    Josephine Wood CZT36 on

  • Love right back to you all! Infinite Zentangling…it’s so special. Communicating without words, isn’t that the definition of art? Thank you for sharing your work.

    Judy on

  • These make my 💕sing! Beautiful and inspiring.

    Laurie Nielsen on

  • Such a LOVELY gallery! Thank you, Julie!

    Peyton on

  • Be still, My ❤️.

    Judy on

  • Love in so many ways. And it’s not just for February and Valentines day, it’s for every day all year long.

    Sue Lesle CZT on

  • Heart shaped candy is always good too!

    Jackie on

  • My favourite time of year! I always do a heart themed class and just wrapped up a few. Happy Love Day everyone.

    Deb Bowyer on

  • 💜 To the whole Zentangle community!

    Katrina Thiebaut CZT on

  • Zentangle is truly a beautiful way to spread and share love. So grateful for this practice and this real community of people I have gotten to connect with around the world.

    Diane Harpster on

  • Minden kép gyönyörű! Szeretetemet küldöm a közösségnek!!!!

    Erika Blahó on

  • What a fantastic variety of designs based on one simple concept, from all over the world.
    “All you need is love.” ( The Beatles)

    Kendra Page on

  • Such beautiful expressions of love in so many languages, united by the language that is Zentangle. The uniqueness of circles of love.

    PamS on

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