"On the Eighth Day of Zentangle . . ." On the eighth stroke of Zentangle R and M thought small, Tiny squares called Bijou What a delightful year at Zentangle HQ when a quiet little snail named Bijou™ joined the Zentangle family! Bijou was and is an amazing wisdom-whisperer for the Zentangle Method . . . and he doesn't even speak. His tactful and modest way of reminding us of the little things about the method that mean so much. We have come to call these special sentiments Bijouisms. Learn more about Bijou and his Bijouisms here. Not only did Bijou bring us his...
"On the Seventh Day of Zentangle . . ." On the seventh stroke of Zentangle R and M pre-strung, tan Zendalas swirling Zentangle Renaissance unleashed a new phase of tangling as it inspired an outside-the-box approach to the use of color. Working with rich rusty tones, exploring depths of shadow and the power of light brought new possibility and dimensionality to every tangle. So it was only natural that we created Zendalas on this new surface. In May of 2014, we introduced the Renaissance Zendala in both blank and pre-strung versions. Today we have a playful challenge for you using...
"On the Sixth Day of Zentangle . . ." On the sixth stroke of Zentangle R and M produced, Tan squares a-dancing It was early 2013, and all was good in Zentangle land. We were beyond busy with many projects but one idea kept coming back to us. People often asked, "Why don't you use color?" This is a long conversation but our short answer is that we felt it interrupted focus, particularly for an early practitioner. You had to decide which color, where to put it, picking up the right pen, not mixing up the caps . ....