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The Twelfth Day of Zentangle.

"On the Twelfth Day of Zentangle . . ."

On the twelfth stroke of Zentangle
R and M imagined, 
3Z Renaissances
What a fun trip we have had traveling with you all down Zentangle's memory lane. This metaphorical high-way abounds with the inspiring individual creative contributions of amazing Zentangle enthusiasts from across the globe. 

Thank you all!

Our precious memories of magical moments throughout the years go far beyond pen and paper. Each and every one of you has contributed something no one else could. All of us are grateful that you are a part of this extended Zentangle family. We are "over the moon" excited to see what Zentangle's future brings us.

As we meet you, through letters, in person, or via tangles, you inspire us to do what we do. Every bit of it is dear to our hearts. Thank you for sharing with us and each other. 

We are grateful for our Zentangle past, we embrace our Zentangle present, and we invite you to join us for our Zentangle future.

On this last day of our 2017 Twelve Days of Zentangle, we celebrate the regal 3Z Renaissance tile.

Project Pack #02 - Day Twelve (Part 1)
Project Pack #02 - Day Twelve (Part 1)

Project Pack #02 - Day Twelve (Part 2)
Project Pack #02 - Day Twelve (Part 2)

When you comment on today's blog post (here), please tell us which project you enjoyed the most in this year's 12 days series and why. We'd love to know. 

Thank you!

We leave you with a slide show of this years series and a special presentation from the Zentangle HQ chorus.

Project Pack #02 - Day Twelve Celebration!
Project Pack #02 - Day Twelve Celebration!

Rick Roberts


  • I really liked day seven! Each day I learned something new and they were a lot of fun to watch! Thank you so much!

    M Moore on

  • Which day did I enjoy most? Really hard to choose, so I guess since I want to do most of them again, I will choose the one I want to do next,… hmmm… the ren and black zendala! Or the prestrung Zendala.. and the stars…
    Thank you for all of your hard work!

    Debra Myers, CZT on

  • Thanks for days of inspiration! Now I have so many new techniques to try with the different types of tiles.

    N on

  • This was an amazing 12 days. Advanced techniques with your instructions anyone could try. I appreciate how much time you invested in preparing these 12 days videos. Day 11 was my favorite day. I love Rick’s Black star. Though it was hard to choose just one favorite. Thank you.

    MartyG on

  • This was soooo much fun. I am fairly new at Zentangling and don’t feel artistic at all! BUT this is fun and the results are amazing. My favorite was ….. ALL OF THEM. Thank you!

    Shelby Mogenson on

  • The videos were also helpful in pronouncing some of the tangles names. For instance, I have been saying Sha-took for Shattuck and was mispronouncing Printemps also. The entire 12 days of Zentangle was a really good tool to enhance my CZT skills. Will be teaching my first class in April and found the pronouncing of the tangle names was very helpful on the videos. Kudu’s to all of you!! Adding Molly’s husband was an additional surprise to the Zentangle family!

    Gloria Vatavuk on

  • Thank you for all the wonderful tips and tricks! Being a newbie to tangling, I thoroughly enjoyed all 12 days. My favorite might be Day 9, working with the Bijou tiles. I would never have thought to cut such a small tile. Just finished Day 12 today and thoroughly enjoyed the 3Z tile combination. You all are incredible and wishing you all good health, joy and peace for 2018.

    Gloria Vatavuk on

  • Choosing just one is really hard! I loved them all for different reasons.
    Day 1 is a favourite because I love going back to basics (with a twist)
    Days 2 and 5 really kicked me out of my comfort zone, but was so much fun!
    Day 7 with the repeating aura’s is another favourite.
    Thank you Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and Nick for doing these projects and video’s – I will be watching them again and again.
    Happy holidays!

    Tharina Etsebeth on

  • Day 11 with poke leaf poking through the auraknot gilded frame & your explanation of how Scena works with the effect it had on the whole design. Terrific seeing it & hearing you talk about the ‘smile’ at the same time. I honestly never could understand how to work that tangle.

    Evy on

  • Hi. Still catching up!! Did Day 12 and 5 today. The tree was very cool and I loved day 5, it came out beautiful. My favorite so far is day 2 and day 8!!! Love them all but those two days were so much fun!!

    Rosemarie on

  • Great and helpful videos! I liked the one where the tangling was done on a star~~~seemed very appropriate for the season

    Linda Barnett on

  • Thank you so much for the work you put in to this 12 Days of Zentangle. I enjoyed each and every day! If I must pick a favorite it would be Day 5. Because i started out hesitant to cut the Zendala, not wanting to ruin it. I chose to trust the process and see where it took me. It ended up being one of my favorite tiles. I truly enjoyed the process each day and I learned a lot! Oh! The tortillion “sharpening” trick you taught on a different day is amazing, too! ???

    Michelle Aalbers on

  • Sorry, almost forgot to mention my favorite day. It was Day #11 when we made the stars from 3Z tiles. Very creative and fun. I think these turned out especially nice. Thanks again!

    Harriet M. on

  • The 12 Days of Zentangle has been so much fun! Thank you Maria, Rick, Molly and Martha for your amazing talents and generosity in sharing them with us. I found that this series has re-awakened my inner Zentangle artist. I have missed it and discovered many new ways to explore tangling and ZIA! Thank you so much! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    Harriet M. on

  • The videos from both projects were fantastic in style and beauty. To each of you who worked on them, many thanks for taking time to do the videos. I think they are all super great.


    Bonnie on

  • I loved them all! Sometimes when I started one I didn’t like it but by the time I finished the tile I really liked it. I wasn’t too sure if I was liking the crown. But once it was finished it took on a whole new life of its own and now its sitting on top of a deer that a friend handmade for me. I think all of these project packs gives us so many more ideas for when we teach our classes. Its almost as good as being in the CZT training program. Thank you so much for coming up with this idea. I love continuing to learn new things in the tangling world. It keeps everything fresh and expands our knowledge so that we become better tanglers and better CZT instructors!

    Leslee Feiwus on

  • Favourite days were day 9- mirror tangles on different bijous and day 10-paradox on black apprentice tile and whatever you want inside. I liked them so much I did two of each this round!

    Heather Toswell on

  • This year I had much more experience with Zentangle. I am so excited to follow the videos with the new and beautiful pattern. My favorite days are day 2 and 4, but U love them all. Merci beaucoup, mille gracie, thank you, Danke ????

    Barbara Steyer on

  • I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. My favorite days were the crafty ones. I draw regularly, but I have never been a crafter, and those days push me to go beyond my comfort zone. That is something I desperately need. I appreciate the kick in the pants, so to speak.

    Dana "Jonesy" Jones on

  • I really looked forward to to the 12 Days of Zentangle since I also participated last year. I enjoyed every day and was constantly impressed how happy, enthusiastic and encouraging Maria, rick Molly and Marta are! My favorites day 2 (the 3D black tile frame),day 4 (crowns), day 9 (black and tan) and day 11 (stars). I shared every day on Mosaic and love the interaction between the artists and seeing the lovely creativity being posted from all over the world. I wish all of you a wonderful holiday and a New Year filled with love and peace!

    Gale Sherman on

  • How fun it has been to open such lovely gifts for the past 12 days. I loved them all!! Thank you. Christmas wishes full of love and joy.

    Peggy Pruitt on

  • Each day was my favourite! I loved “toodles,” “rumpus,” enthatching and the cutouts…gluing the white cutout zendala on top of the whole black zendala (oh, and using the concept of floating Knightsbridge!!). I also really enjoyed cutting the two different coloured bijou tiles and reconnecting them, mirroring their tangles. I can’t narrow my choice down beyond that!

    Tamra B on

  • I thought the final day would be original white tiles, but there were 3Z trees ..Haha. I bought 3Z tiles last year, and I did not know how to use them well. I did not like to cut or stick Zentangle tiles because of the prices are not low… after the work of today, I changed my mind because 3Z trees make a lot of fun! See you next year! I learned a lot from the 12days.

    林宛儀 Wanyi, Lin on

  • Thank you for this wondeful series of activities and videos – for your inspiration and infectious enthusiasm. So many favourite points, the new tangles, the challenge of the ornateness of Day 5 but the split Bijous of Day 9 win for me. I know I’ll revisit that idea again and again! Best wishes to you all for your festive season!

    Jem Miller on

  • So sad the 12 days are past. I would be hard pressed to choose which day was my favorite. I can, however, say that I thoroughly enjoy the new tangles rumpus and toodles. I also enjoy sharing and learning with fellow artists around the world. This is how art is meant to be. Shared! Merry Christmas!

    Mary Kay Watson on

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