It has become an annual Zentangle tradition for us to celebrate the holiday season with a series we call The Twelve Days of Zentangle. For twelve consecutive days, we deliver daily tangling lessons, guiding you through the steps to create festive tangled works of art that are all part of the same theme.
Join us now for Day Seven, as our old friend Alfie and a couple of new friends take us through The 2022 Twelve Days of Zentangle.

“Oh my! Look who’s here!” exclaims Marasu. “It’s our new neighbor, Harold. So glad you could join us.”
“Thanks for inviting me.” Harold replies. “I know you are all working on your Project Pack No. 19. I know very little about the Zentangle Method and hope you could enlighten me on some of the finer points. I brought some of my drawing tools.”
“Well, first of all,” Alfie says with a shy smile, “you will not need that eraser. There are no mistakes in Zentangle, only opportunities to draw something you may not have originally planned. It’s a great concept in working with unexpected situations. It will serve you well in drawing, and might even teach you something about life, which, by the way, has no eraser. It’s a little tricky at first, but fun finding ways to make an “oopsie” into something really interesting.”
Nomi adds, “I have learned a lot about being creative when you take away the erasers. Like, when life hands you lemons, make some yummy lemonade.”
Marasu starts giggling. “You won’t need the ruler either. Everything is drawn by hand. No ruler, eraser, or compass. Just beautiful paper, pencil, and pen and maybe a bit of zen. The colored pencils can stay! We like to keep it fairly simple, even if it doesn’t look simple.”
“Well I can’t wait for you to show me more.” Harold tells his new friends.
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After the newsletter was sent out, Alfie took Rick aside to gently point out that the picture that went out in the newsletter didn't match the story. Rick thanked Alfie put in the correct one. Here is the old image. Alfie thought everyone looked so good in it, he wanted you all to still enjoy it!

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This Zentangle series is unique as we will be working on one singular piece of tangled art over the course of twelve lessons. The customized surface will provide structure and a common element to guide us on this adventure together. We will methodically and magically add to the structure as we simultaneously discuss and share our system of collecting, deconstructing, and categorizing tangles. As we take you on an adventure, we will introduce you to our Zentomology™ approach. We will explore Tangle Genuses, or categories of tangles.
In true Zentangle fashion, our approach to this system is playful and open to exploration and interpretation. We use the Zentomology system as way to learn about the characteristics of tangles and explore how to use them in ways that enhance and balance our tangled compositions. As we dig into this concept, we leave a trail of tangled artwork behind us. Join us as we get tangled up in the Zentomology approach of studying tangles while creating one large piece of tangled art.
Each day, as we add to this singular piece of tangled art, we remind you to trust the process. Watch as this composition comes together with different tangles, concepts and your individual style. At the end we will bring all of the elements of the Zentangle Method together in a beautiful and unique piece of artwork.
Tangle along with Julie as she guides you through the seventh lesson in this series. Today, she introduces you to a new tangle, pouyang.
We recommend doing these videos in order, beginning with day 01. You can view all previous Project Pack No. 19 videos here.
Please share your creations on the Zentangle Mosaic App using the hashtag #PP19Day07 and #12DaysofZentangle2022.
Let us know your thoughts below and at the end of this series, we will pick a commenter at random from each day to receive a Zentangle surprise!
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New Tangle: pouyang

Ulrike on
Pouyang is another intriguing tangle – it looks so like a jellyfish in the video yet when I look at the step out I wouldn’t have imagined that. Seeing Pouyang in the video makes me think that Gourdgeous & Aquafleur got themselves intertwined somehow!!!
Evy Browning on
Sarah Hluchy on
Dorian on
Martina Fegeler on
Linda M Dochter on
Pouyang is a fantastic new tangle and I can see using it in so many different ways. It’s a beauty!!!
Rebecca Adams on
Pouyang is going to be a fun tangle to practice and use on my tiles!
Linda J on
Carol R. on
Interesting tangle – I have to try it soon.
Claudia on
Thanks for the new tangle. Pouyang is beautiful.
Jackie on
Andrea K on
Deborah R on
LLS on
Andrea R on
I have played with this one over and over…it’s really nice!
Cathrine Nicols on
Suchitra Komandur on
I love that you are using some new tangles in this series. How fun!
Mary Margaret Yahnke on
Caught up today with day 6 and 7….happy to use pouyang again, and to play around with bunzo in different places!
Ellen Weinman on
Pouyang is an exciting new tangle. Can’t wait to work with it.
Nancy Wilcox on
This piece is truly alive with all the creature tangles floating around it! (Did I come up with a new genus?) :)
Donna on
Wendy on
What a fun new tangle! I love how 3D it looks.
Debbie J on
Beatiful…. beautiful. . love the flowing nature
carmela on
Thank you for putting together these terrific videos. So much fun!
Patti A on