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Molly writes... We decided to dedicate a whole month in our 20th year celebration to “Teatime” because of the importance it has in the culture of our company and our family. Teatime represents a time for friends and family to come together. It reminds us of the importance of stopping to catch our breaths and to catch up on the goings on in each other’s lives. It gives us a chance to talk and a chance to listen. It opens a space for empathy and understanding when one of us is going through something and many times ends in laughter....




Julie writes... When I first began my time here at Zentangle, Inc, I learned how to do many things. I learned how to count tiles (there is a technique!). I learned how to assemble Zentangle Kits. I learned the ins and outs of our products and our website. I learned many things, but perhaps the most important thing I learned, was how to prepare tea. Jen writes... Almost a decade ago, through Molly, I was invited to meet Rick and Maria to potentially come work for Zentangle, Inc. I was returning to the workforce after staying home with my girls...

Zentangle Community

Zentangle Community

Martha Huggins

Let’s face it… we all love tangling! Maybe you can recall that first tugging moment when you witnessed this mysterious, magical artform. For some, these primal marks felt familiar, like home, and perhaps resembled something they have created in their mind or on any available surface, for all their lives. For others, the introduction to Zentangle art was a whiz-bang, what the heck, I don’t know what this is, but I want to jump into a world where this surrounds me! No matter your journey, none of us can deny the magnetic pull towards following that black line, one stroke...