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On The Hunt

On The Hunt

Would you like to accompany me on a little shopping spree? Don’t worry, no money needs to change hands. You may not even have to leave your comfy abode. But, if you’re looking for an adventure, you’ve come to the right place. I went shopping in my own home, looking at all the old dishes, bowls, glassware and the odd “whatchamacallits” – you know, the things you collect over the years, and you have absolutely no idea what they are, or are for. Gosh, I love those things! But lots of them were not bought for their practicality. Oh, no!

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” — artist and textile designer William Morris (1834-1896)

I live by this statement of passion from my old friend, Will. Our home is full of useless but beautiful things. They are there simply to make me smile. The useful things, well, that would be Rick’s department. But I digress . . .

So in my shopping spree, in my house full of semi-useful things, I found a cache of tangled dishes that took my breath away. Yup. Right there in my cabinets. Some on the big blue stove. The borders and designs on these pieces were stunning in their simplicity. I photographed a few of them for you to study and admire. I documented the patterns on an Opus tile to see the luscious lines dance together and see what would come of this gathering. What fun to analyze the designs, try to imagine the artists’ thoughts as they decorated the dishes, glassware, sewing machines!

If you have no old, useless accoutrements or vintage “something-or-others,” perhaps you can peruse the windows in quaint antique shops or second-hand boutiques and harvest your own collection of new-to-you tangle inspirations. You can harvest them with your phone cameras, turning them this way and that, and collect a bevy of breathtaking patterns to work with.

So . . . armed with all this new-found excitement, I proceeded to do what I planned all along: turn out some heart-felt art just in time for the season of LOVE. Or, LIKE. Or, GRATITUDE. Whatever your heart desires. Hmm. It was that simple.

Maria Thomas


  • I’m having a chuckle rereading this blog post, Maria! Just in case you need a trip out west, you are cordially invited to my home, wherein a plethora of patterns exist! 😂 Perhaps being a collector of way too many items over the years (bringing great joy), including Americana, Dutch, English, Asian dishes to name a few, along with quilts, patterned upholstery, metal fireplace screens, ceramic tiles, etc, is beginning to seem rather overwhelming quite possibly due to having just reread The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning! Phew! Hope this has been a chuckle for you as well! I’ll attempt to find just one pattern to create a new tangle today!

    Mary Lindeblad on

  • Very Interesting Blog.More Informative.Thanks For Sharing.

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  • We appreciate you, Maria, and the entire Zentangle family; with it comes the gratitude for all of you showing us inspiration everyday to seek out and discover something new. Just stepping out of our comfort zones, being brave, and bold with our designs in which to tangle is a great way to spend a “snow day”. Yeah! Thank you, for all the wonderful ideas for looking within our own homes. I know my China cabinet is brimming with new ideas and inspirations just waiting to be discovered! :)

    A few days ago I looked at a tissue box and thought Oooo…what a beautiful pattern to tangle. It was shades of deep blue graduating to lighter shades that where “puffy” like marshmallows or white puffy clouds. Where they were joined they had gold dots. These desgins on the box could also be used for Reticulas and Fragments.

    Cheryl K. Jensen on

  • Мила Мария, толкова си вдъхновяваща!

    Абсолютно си права!
    Ние сме заобиколени с такива вълшебства!
    Преди няколко месеца бях в Швейцария!
    Накъдето и да се обърнех там – в дома на моята позната.. върху изящни съдове – чинии, чаши, върху стари дървени мебели, в килими… Виждах невероятни заплитания… В хотелите им – на врати, върху ракли… В градовете им – изключителни орнаменти върху старите дървени къщи… Богатство!
    Благодаря, Мария!
    Когато човек веднъж отвори очите си за тази красота… тя става негов спътник… И
    я търси…. И я открива навсякъде около себе си!

    Дафи on

  • It’s wonderful to start my day, with a smile on my face after reading yet another inspirational piece by Maria. SO much to explore, so much to create, so much to appreciate. Thank you.

    Gouri Krishna on

  • Just recently i decorated my livingroom with wallpaper from william morris, named pimpernel, beautifull.

    Thanks Maria

    Joke Leussenkamp-Wensink on

  • I love love love this! I have a house full of beautiful useless things…my Mother trained me right! And I just bought a wooden over the door sign that says, “Love is Enough”…by William Morris!! Thank you Maria for being so REAL and I can here your giggle in my head…see you in April!! xoxo

    Kim VanZyll on

  • well this might be one of my favorites blog posts. I love the idea of looking for ideas right under my nose!!!

    Paula on

  • DeLIGHTful❣️ I was just, this morning, tangling, then ’into a heart it started to shape❤️ You always inspire, and a-hunting I will go now. Always, thank you.

    Didi on

  • Thank you for another avenue of looking for patterns in the items we have at home. Interesting point of view and thanks for helping me open my eyes to the possibilities!

    Sandra Holt on

  • Something that warms my heart every time I hear it from newer Zentangle students, (and it never fails to happen)

    is “now I see Zentangle patterns everywhere”! They point out clothes strangers are wearing in grocery store lines, carpets in offices, fabric, gift wrap, curtains, wall paper and the list goes on ad infinitum! Dishes/ glassware/pottery/crockery-housewares in general are but a few of my favorite inspirations! I love that it happens spontaneously! Kind of like our beloved Zentangle practice!

    Roberta Strickland,CZT #32 on

  • I love this! I will be “on the hunt”!

    Melanie Rothchild on

  • What a great inspiration. I often look at items with designs (pottery, dishes, even designs on clothing & materials) and think about ways “tangle” them, and then I don’t. The blog is inspiration for me to revisit those ideas. Starting with 2 planter bowls I have and collection of shells in glass containers. This could keep me busy until PP26 is released. Thank you as always for the inspiring ideas.

    Johnifer Baker CZT41 on

  • Ooh la la …brilliant ideas!
    What a blessing to be in community w all of you!

    Mary Ellen Ziegler on

  • I have looked at my grandmothers dishes hundreds of time, but now with new eyes. Thank you!

    Alice on

  • A good place to check for beautiful old dish patterns is Replacements, LTD. You can find their site at:

    Deb on

  • Beautiful and clever and inspiring and so sweet … so like you, Maria! Sending gratitude to you and everyone at hq -

    Peyton on

  • What a beautiful and meaningful post!💙

    I too have a house full of beautiful and unusual objects. Such a great idea! Thank you 😊

    Robin Marshall on

  • Another layer of discovery…pushing off the dust on long-held treasures to see the glory beneath. What is “neither use nor ornament” can be let go. I tangle every day. The practice has led me to see patterns everywhere. The ones that Nature blesses us with are my favorites. Thanks Maria and Rick and all at Zentangle HQ.

    Viv on


    Joanne Vacalebre on

  • I love these sentiments and the quote from William Morris is so apropos! Thank you for your never ending always inspiring “ARTitude” Maria.

    Mary Kay Watson on

  • A whole-hearted thank you Maria for the inspiration to express love in one more way.🥰

    Kathy Y. on

  • I am setting off to explore my cupboards for dishes and plates with gorgeous designs to tangle.

    Thank you Maria for a great blog.

    Kathleen McMurtry CZT on

  • How fun to flip the perspective—a shopping trip in our own home, encapsulating (Auraing?) Appreciate and Appreciate Again.

    Susan Hansen on

  • Oh yes, I hear you Maria, and I see , yes, all the time. What a blessing to have eyes to see and imagination and inspiration. Thank you for sharing


    Antje Landanno on

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