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One Stroke at a Time...

One Stroke at a Time...

Julie Willand

Julie writes... I often find when writing a blog post, the underlying theme is how the characteristics and philosophies of the Zentangle Method have made their way off my tiles and into my everyday life. Things such as gratitude and appreciation come easy to me, but the “No Mistakes” took a little more time to embrace (and I am still working on it!), but the one that I think has affected me most is “anything is possible, one stroke at a time.” I’ve always had a flare for the dramatics and for as long as I can remember, my first...

Paige Scheinberg, MS, ATR-BC, CZT writes.... I remember the moment I discovered Zentangle®. I was sitting at a computer at my first art therapy internship in graduate school feeling totally overwhelmed and anxious about entering the mental health field and working with people with severe and chronic mental illness. During my short breaks between facilitating art therapy groups and seemingly endless documentation, I would often search for inspiration for new, engaging art processes that could help my clients meet their treatment goals. On this fated day, I unexpectedly discovered an image that was filled with incredible patterns that weaved in...

Tangle Your Own Conclusions

Tangle Your Own Conclusions

Molly Hollibaugh

Molly writes... My mom never really told us what to do or think. If you ask my siblings, they will say the same. There was always an abundance of time spent listening, supporting, nurturing, and loving us, but how we were going to navigate our lives was up to us. We were steering the ship. Even when we were practically begging her for advice on some big life decision making moment, she always gave us the same answer, “make a decision and make it right.” “What does that even mean?”, my younger self would ponder. For years I took in...