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Question Mark

Question Mark

What would you like to talk about?

Here at Zentangle, we have so much fun working and coming up with new ideas that it is easy to assume that you know all the background and context of what we do, but maybe you don't.

Maybe there's something you know that you assume we already understand, but maybe we don't.

We love to answer questions because there's a fair chance that the person asking is interested in an answer and that is an inspiration to write.

As we put together our blog posts for 2019, We want to know what you want to know and what you want to discuss.

What do you want to talk about? Do you have a question for a specific person (or snail)?

Let us know by leaving a comment on this post or you can email

Thank you!



* Gilded tangled question mark by Maria Thomas

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Rick Roberts


  • I, too, would like to know which directions Zentangle is planning to take us.
    How about teaching techniques such as using watercolors or distress oxide on a tile? And/or how to prepare items before tangling on them, like canvas or lamp shades, candles, plates, etc. and how to protect them from fading, smudging etc., afterward. (I don’t have a CZT nearby to attend these types of classes.)
    And it would be nice if you could share advice about staying motivated when the going gets tough.
    Maybe ask how others to chime in regarding making time for their practice when the going gets so busy.
    Are there any plans to implement a Mosaic computer program? I for one would so appreciate it because I need to see tiles on a larger scale due to minor but still limiting cataracts and double vision. If computer programs are not in the foreseeable future, can you offer ideas how we can see Mosaic tiles on a larger scale? I already expand my screen on my cell phone to make it easier to see, but it doesn’t quite do it.
    Finally, if we’re going to ask for what we want, let’s go all out! Can you do a video tour through the rooms in your house showing all of the items you’ve tangled?… Or how you organize all of the various art supplies you use? These would be just plain cool; however I completely understand if you want to protect your privacy. Alternatively, how about a video tour through the Zentangle offices (introducing us to the staff), art studio, and/or warehouse? It has to be bigger than your garage nowadays, right?

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do this. I can’t wait to see what comes of it!

    Theresa M Smith on

  • I love the human interest stories from all the Zentangle family. What motivates each of you and how your brain works! I’ve enjoyed several of Molly’s posts in the app.

    On a completely different wavelength, I would also like any posts about basics – how to steady your hand as you draw, simple technical “tricks” of the trade. Thanks for asking.

    Lynnda Tenpenny on

  • I would like to know about your vision for the future of Zentangle. It could be just a blog about your wildest imagination of where it might lead or one explaining a five/ ten year plan. I am not asking for specifics, but what are your general goals of the company and your path ahead? What do you want more of? Is there anything you want less of? You have brought us all on an amazing journey so far. Thanks for that.

    KatrinaThiebautCZT 22 and 32 on

  • I would love to start a discussion on what makes a successful tile! Is it the outcome that makes a tile a ‘success’ or is it the process that got you there, no matter the outcome? I got to thinking about this while tangling a tile about a week ago and had such an amazing flow going while drawing….it was wonderful! But when I got done I was deeply disappointed in that two of the tangles I used made the overall composition far too busy and a lot of the details were lost. As I sat and looked at it, I couldn’t help but feel that it was still a success because of the lovely journey I took to get there. Just wondering about the thoughts of others and if this wouldn’t make a good conversation for classes. Thanks you guys for reaching out and asking our opinions!

    Rita Miller (LovelyRita) on

  • I would like to know if or when Mosaic App will be available for Kindle. I am a member, but the app keeps crashing on my iPod. (not iPad)

    I can’t upload tiles or comment on others without it crashing. The app isnt available to me in Google Play Store either.

    Jan Brogan on

  • Do you use a dip pen for your exemplars? If so, why? The quality of the lines seem different to me, but I use a sip pen rarely.


    Lisa on

  • Thank you for asking. I would echo the questions in all the comments so far – gilding, color, pen caps, tangle names, etc.

    Jennifer Kwiecien on

  • I agree with Elaine, would love a KTT on how you do the gold (gilding?). Would also like to know about outcomes/reports on research using Zentangle for stress relief. Thanks for the opportunity to ask!

    Wendy CZT 20 on

  • I agree with Elaine, would love a KTT on how you do the gold (gilding?). Would also like to know about outcomes/reports on research using Zentangle for stress relief. Thanks for the opportunity to ask!

    Wendy CZT 20 on

  • I am feeling guilty that I get much more satisfaction from creating ZIAs than from doing tiles. I feel that my ZIAs give the tangles soul. I will always do tiles because it gives me practice and confidence. Is that wrong?

    Clara Brunk on

  • I too am very interested in the gilded treatment and would LOVE to watch how it is done per those fine hands of experience,, A Kitchen table video would be of the “won’t miss” category, and then watch it again and again.Thanks for all you ALL do at Zentangle in support of creative well-being. I am most appreciative.

    Polly Martin CZT28 on

  • I love tangling! I learned 1st from Joanna Campbell Slan after reading about in her mystery series. I’d love to become a CZT, but could never afford the course or the travel necessary for that.

    I especially enjoy the black and white with shading. I wish I could move into TIAs, but I’m not sure how to do that.

    Amy Gill on

  • I did my first workshop last week! I Zentangle is so exciting to teach! I bought a large Post-it pad and cut it to make it 25“ x 25” square. Went on Amazon and ordered extra large clips joy them they’re actually clamps. Clip them one on the side and one on the bottom and was able to rotate on my easel and demonstrate each tangle for my five students. Every time I rotated the Post-it bad, they rotated their tiles. It’s a little cumbersome. Does anybody else rotate the oversize paper they are drawing on for the class? Any other ideas are welcome. At the seminar last year, Molly demonstrated this technique. Looking for hints?

    Mary Illana Perrin Cct 32 on

  • I’m going to ask a simple one, maybe. I absolutely love the gold you used on the question mark in the photo above. I’ve seen you use it before. Might you be able to do a KTT on this technique? I’ve experimented with various pens/gold flakes. Can’t seem to get it right and I know it takes practice. But what materials to use and basic steps would be most appreciated.

    Elaine Wegenka on

  • How do you “store/corral” all the tangle tiles???

    Tracie on

  • Hi

    When I am teaching tangles what stories do I have to share with my students. I usually talk about our steps, no mistake rule but still I think they want to know further..

    Sweta Dalal on

  • Just a question as to whether putting the pen cap on the pen when in use balances it better in your hand. I usually leave it off but have seen others use it on. Any preferences?

    Karen on

  • Thank you for asking us to ask questions! One never knows unless one asks! I would also like to know about color. One of the major draws I felt to Zentangle was that it was in black and white… no need to decide about color. After seeing color on the mosaic, I can see how much it enhances the tangles.

    Beth Lovelle on

  • How do you get motivated to tangle when you just don’t feel like it?

    Kim on

  • I would like to know more of the history/story behind the names of the tangles. I don’t often know when I teach a class. It would make my teaching more interesting, give me some trivia to chat about when I introduce a tangle.

    Jacki Brewer on

  • When you teach your workshops, how do you decide which tangles you are going to include? I work, primarily with adults and they are very talented, so skill level isn’t always a good indicator. The method is such a great way to teach that even tangles that look hard are easy. I spend a lot of time on this and I just wondered if there’s an easier way.

    MKay B B Watson CZT on

  • I have loved the beginning of my Zentangle journey this past year. Now that I’ve got some of the basics down, what would you recommend as next steps? I’d like to further my practice but am at a plateau of sorts. Thanks so much.

    Kim Longenecker on

  • I would like to know more about how you add color to your zentangle (ZIA) and when you think it is appropriate.

    Donna Kinsler on

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