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Caring for Caregivers

Caring for Caregivers

Jennifer Sumner

Jen writes... It is the middle of the night, bleary eyed, I am double checking my spreadsheet to make sure I am giving the right medicines at the right time. It is the middle of the night, I am holding her hand, trying to say goodbye but trying to hold on. It is the middle of the night, I am weeping softly into my pillow, because alone, in the middle of the night, is the only time I can empty some of the bucket of tears inside me. These are snapshots of times in my life. I am a caregiver,...

The United States has been observing Mental Health Awareness during the month of May since 1949. Each year, businesses, organizations, schools, and individuals dedicate this month to acknowledge those affected by mental illness by presenting innovative ideas, events, and programs to support the treatment and prevention of mental illness. Many individuals that suffer from mental health symptoms have found that creating art can be used as a therapy and have very positive effects on their condition. A regular practice of creating art can be nurturing for relieving stress, increasing confidence, and supporting general mental health wellness in all of us,...

In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month and our collaboration with UMass MIND of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, we would like to share studies around the general benefits of creating art and the use of the Zentangle Method for individuals with serious mental illness. If you are an avid tangler, you may not need another excuse to tangle, but here are some benefits of creating art:  Engaging in visual arts has been shown to improve emotional regulation, or the control we have over our emotional state in a diverse range of stressful situations, as well as overall well-being...