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Zentangle Community

Zentangle Community

Let’s face it… we all love tangling!

Maybe you can recall that first tugging moment when you witnessed this mysterious, magical artform. For some, these primal marks felt familiar, like home, and perhaps resembled something they have created in their mind or on any available surface, for all their lives. For others, the introduction to Zentangle art was a whiz-bang, what the heck, I don’t know what this is, but I want to jump into a world where this surrounds me! No matter your journey, none of us can deny the magnetic pull towards following that black line, one stroke at a time, wondering where in the world it would wander next.

The duality of Zentangle art, in its whimsy and calm, its chaos and order, its challenge and comfort, its tangle and zen, builds up its creators’ confidence by providing support through the 8 Steps of the Zentangle Method. This brilliant framework has enabled tanglers to learn, admire and soar as artists. The road to creativity, paved by a regular practice and a yearning to learn more, is incredibly accessible to any who encounters it.

Over 20 years ago, Rick and Maria discovered that one of the most powerful elements of this experience is the overwhelming desire to teach it to others. Like a fine meal, or a magic trick or a good joke, Zentangle art is best shared with others! It didn’t take long for newly minted enthusiasts to want the ability and knowledge to “officially” teach it to others under the guidance and wisdom of the founders of the method. The Certified Zentangle Teacher training seminars came to light in 2009 with a small group of devoted tanglers, willing trust in the process. People from all corners of the earth, different religions, different languages, and different ways of life, found a common thread weaving them together as lifelong friends.

Today, after more than 70 CZT seminars held in the US, Asia, Germany and Online streamed around the planet, brave artists have gathered for their shared love of Zentangle art. They come to learn all there is to know about the Zentangle Method and the philosophy’s that accompany the method. They come to learn advanced techniques and nuances of teaching that are unique to Zentangle classrooms. Through it all, we find that the most amazing people find their way to these seminars. They forge friendships, trusted partnerships and a network of family that transcends the art. They meet friends that they never would have found if not for Zentangle. It fills our heart to overflowing to watch this happen time and again. What we know for true… They come for the tangling but they stay for the community.

Learn more about becoming a Certified Zentangle Teacher here.

Martha Huggins


  • What a treasure each and every one of you in your family and staff are! Your spirit of “can do” is so beautifully expressed in all your recordings and interactions with all of us fortunate enough to have access. A recent fall occurred with just an annoying injury to my left side and the absolutely first thought that crossed my mind was “I can still tangle!” Bless you!

    Mary Lindeblad on

  • I have had folks Suggest Zentangle is ‘just’ doodling. With having ‘met’ Rick and Maria, online, their stories behind each tangle, and true I have had folks Suggest Zentangle is ‘just’ doodling. With having ‘met’ Rick and Maria, online, their stories behind each tangle, and true appreciation of the natural JUST a doodle. Thank You, Influence…never. of the natural Influence…never JUST a doodle. Thank You, Founders.

    Didi on

  • We all love Rick and Maria and the family. I am CZT15. It was mother/daughter event for us.

    We were still meeting in the Hotel in Providence. Gorgeous June weekend. We’ll never forget it!!!
    That was the year that you introduced Bijou to the community of tanglers. How we have loved that little guy!
    We all root for Maria as she struggles with a comeback from her hand injury…a testament to Zentangle!
    Thanks for all the free video support over the years.

    Ginny on

  • When I stumbled upon a Zentangle book while Christmas shopping in a fog of grief back in 2012, I never could have imagined how it would change my world. Lifting me out of that dark place, inspiring me to share the “magic trick” with others, attending CZT training and Zen Again – what a joyful journey!
    Forever grateful,
    Leslie Barr

    Leslie Barr on

  • Thank you to Zentangle, as 10 years ago when it and a major health issue came into my life both changed my life for ever. And I’m so grateful for the tangle community world wide and all the opportunities it has given me. You have said it so well Martha. Many hugs to you all in the Zentangle world.

    Sue Lesle CZT on

  • Martha, I love how you presented the duality of Zentangle. I discovered a Zentangle book in a checkout line and ended up tangling for about 6 hours every day for a week or more. Within 6 months I was a CZT and have incorporated Zentangle in my art practice along with bookmaking, scratchboard, collage, etc. it has made me a more interesting artist and teacher.

    Gale sherman on

  • I agree with Sandy. I’m on a very limited budget but have been tangling for 10 years with what I have learned on-line, in books and from ZQH. Love the Project packs, just use what I have on hand and follow along. I volunteer at a State Park with an art program. I have talked about many subjects from color theory to Watercolor, Acrylic and oil painting; Neurographic Art and Zentangle using the clinical studies found on to promote this art form. I draw Mandalas using a bow compass and ruler. I’ve done pine needle baskets, para cord bracelets, rock painting and more. The friends group of the State Park has paid for some of the supplies, but I usually wind up paying for most of it which puts a strain on my finances. Having a scholarship or reduced fee would enable me to possibly attend and become certified.

    Tracy Lamb on

  • This is so true for me as well! I had always been involved in art, in some form or another (sketching, doodling, calligraphy, doll making, basket weaving, arts and crafts, docent work at museums). But after 40-some years of working, raising a family, and nursing my Mom, Dad, and husband thru terminal illnesses, my creativity was pretty low. Then I moved to CT, found a Zentangle class at my local Senior Center, and met Rick & Maria at a Zentangle lecture at NMAI in RI .

    And that has made all the difference in my life!
    Thank you, Rick and Maria, for the fantastically creative recharge you gave me! It opened a whole new outlet for me, and brought me so many new friends! I can’t say enough positive things about Zentangle, so I’ll just say, “I am forever grateful for you both, and for your gift to the world: The Zentangle Method!”

    Jessica L Dykes on

  • I have often wondered why it is so expensive to become a CZT when you offer it online, many of us would like to teach and share it with others but the cost is prohibits us to do so, especially those who are on a fixed income, would you ever consider the idea that the people who would like to be apart of this online would pay for the shipping and supplies and then offer the class for a few hundred dollars of course you would need to limit the space but this would help people who can not afford thousands of dollars to take this online class, thanks for listening, looking forward to your comment

    sandy on

  • I love every moment I spend tangling and have so many students who feel the same way. Teaching the Zentangle method has brought me unimaginable pleasure and satisfaction. I just love seeing my students thrive as they explore this wonderful art form. Thank you Zentangle!

    Kathy McMurtry CZT on

  • So very true! I love the Zentangle process of creating so much. And I love the ways it has opened up and helped me reconnect to my creativity. It has opened my eyes to notice life in a deeper way. When I came for the Zentangle, I had no idea how it would open a worldwide community to me! Thank you! Such gift.

    Diane Harpster on

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