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Ninth Day of Zentangle

Rick Roberts

"On the Ninth Day of Zentangle . . ."   On the ninth stroke of Zentangle R and M moved on,   Black and tan square Bijou It was inevitable that before too long we would find room for both black and Renaissance Bijou tiles. These adorable small tangling surfaces proved to be ideal for more than we imagined. Zentangle artists across the world were creating tiny tangled masterpieces.  In January of 2016 we unveiled the black Bijou tile, followed by the Renaissance Bijou in September. In that same year after many requests we made all of Bijou's Bijouisms available too.  On...

Sixth Day of Zentangle

Rick Roberts

"On the Sixth Day of Zentangle . . ."   On the sixth stroke of Zentangle R and M produced,  Tan squares a-dancing It was early 2013, and all was good in Zentangle land. We were beyond busy with many projects but one idea kept coming back to us. People often asked,  "Why don't you use color?"  This is a long conversation but our short answer is that we felt it interrupted focus, particularly for an early practitioner. You had to decide which color, where to put it, picking up the right pen, not mixing up the caps . ....

A European 3Z Frenzy!

Julie Willand

Julie writes: When I pick up a tile to start tangling, I usually just reach for a blank tile.  I have nothing against the pre-strung tiles but I always savor the act of putting down 4 dots, a border and then my own string. I feel like it is an extension of me. The only exception is when I am tangling on the 3Z tiles. I love the pre-strung 3Z tiles. There are six different strings, and my favorite thing about them is that they all fit together. It was for this reason that I chose the pre strung 3Z tiles...