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Maria's Mysaic

Maria's Mysaic

Maria writes:
Hi everyone.  Today’s blog is about “mysaics.”
We are all familiar with the word mosaic (in the world of Zentangle). It is a collection of tiles, created by a group of individuals, assembled into a grid for presentation purposes: to admire, to appreciate, to learn from.  But, what would you call a mosaic all made up of only one artist’s tiles?  Mysaic, of course!   
It occurred to me that I had never gathered up all (!) my tangles and appreciated the interplay and glow that only a mysaic can deliver.  
Well, for me, it was quite an effort to actually find all my tangles. They are sprinkled all over the house, stuck to walls, windows, cabinets, frames, clocks, knobs, book covers, floors, moldings, mirrors, desk blotters, lampshades, clothing, lightbulbs, furniture, shoes,  and well, you get the idea.   

Eventually, I decided to just use tiles.  So what you see here is a sampling of some of the tiles, and I think there may be a few of Rick's, Martha's and Molly’s here and there.  But certainly not even close to all my tiles.  And yet, it makes quite a mysaic, don’t you think?

Here's a flyover in a balloon that the gnomes use to get around our house. (Can you find two of them in the background?) They borrowed Rick's camera so you could see it from their perspective.

I can’t wait for you to see yours!   You might decide to have a grand gallery opening, invite your closest friends and family for wine and hors d’oeuvres and to show them what you have been doing for the last XX nights, weeks, months, years!  Or, maybe you decide to make it a permanent installation, once you have been exposed to your masterpiece.  

My favorite way to exhibit my tiles is to cover a large piece of 1/2 inch foam board with a beautiful, subtle colored fabric, and gently affix the tiles by sliding straight pins around them at an angle (do not pierce the tile paper).  This way you can rearrange or add to the mysaic at any time, as your collection morphs.  I have quite a few of these boards in frames, scattered about the house and studio.  I never tire of seeing the progression of years tangling, and the tiles that were the beginnings of this art form. 
Please feel free to take inspiration from any or any portion of a tile you see here. Always add your own wonderfulness to it.  

Have fun.

Be grateful.

Admire your own work.

Maria Thomas


  • You have a dining room to die for ! Adore your dotted blue wallpaper and quaint old house ….. Quite a backdrop for your unique twist on Mosaic ! My own Mysaic has a meager beginning in a elephant Dingbats journal. I began my Zentangle journey three years ago with Beckha Krahula’s book. I am on Mosaic app as designaworkofheart. My heartfelt bucket list is to dine in that spectacular dining room ! Ah, but first l am signed up for CZT 42 Online in November …. In working with my local CZT June Maffin she suggested that some guys really like tangling. And since he brings me to my CZT lessons she encouraged my partner and now we are both doing Zentangle ! !

    Valerie Lynn Hodgins on

  • Разкошна мозайка, Мария! Благодаря за вдъхновението, с което ни зареждате! А, гномите, малките любознайковци, създават радост и настроение!

    Дафи on

  • Why are comments dated March of 2020?

    Donna on

  • Wow!

    Maria, this is amazing, and do beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Dominique on

  • What an outstanding display! Thank you for sharing. Do I detect that you use a pre-strung tile from time to time? I love them.

    Linda Dochter, CZT 16 on

  • Sensacional! Comecei a aprender Zentangle através dos tutoriais que vocês publicam na internet, no canal de YouTube. Sou iniciante, totalmente fascinada por essa arte maravilhosa. Muito obrigada pela inspiração, pela partilha de tanta beleza e alegria! Recebam meu abraço, com carinho e gratidão :)

    Ana Maria de Campos on

  • Lovely idea for display!

    Rimona Gale on

  • What a great idea. And thanks for republishing the video for us “newbies”. I see some of the tiles I have made from following your videos. I have a long way to go to catch up to Maria’s collection! You are so talented! Thanks again and happy tangling …

    Christel Shumate on

  • Beautiful display. I use virtually every tangle I make as a gift to give away, either in the form of cards or sometimes framed. As a result I cannot make a mysaic because my tiles are scattered in the wind. I live in a retirement community, and some people save every card they receive from me (I’ve been here 8 1/2 years); I suppose we could create a retrospective mysaic if everyone were willing to share their collection.

    Hannah Dean CZT39 on

  • Whenever I open one of the many boxes of tiles I have, I’m surprised at some of the amazing pieces I have created over my years of Tangeling. And then I’m left with the challenge of what to do with them, and where to place them all. What a clever idea to creat Mysiac’s. Thank you for sharing your Mysaic and idea!

    Josephine Wood CZT36 on

  • Maria, and family; awesome, display of tangles. I imagine over the past twenty years you have accumulated many different tiles of your delightful tangles.

    One gnome is sitting at the back right hand corner beside the china cabinet and the other one is hanging from the four tear drop style light fixture. Lovely gnomes; I have a few scattered around my living room. 🤗👌😇✅👍

    Have a fabulous autumn! Take care, love and best wishes to everyone; Cheryl, from Canada.

    Cheryl K. Jensen on

  • What a wonderful “Mysaic” retrospective! Your work on display like this is thrilling. I, personally, could fill tables and tables and more and I love your idea of the cloth covered foam board. I have a cork board I have been wanting to use for the same idea. Your creative mind never ceases to amaze, Maria.

    Linda R Elkin on

  • What a wonderful treat to see so many of Maria’s tiles together!

    And I love the gnomes!

    Kelley Kelly on

  • Maria, your words and your tiles are always so inspirational. And this Mysaic is fantastagorical or Superallifragilistic or even more. And fabulous ideas for ideas for displaying my own tiles too. Thank you so much for everything!

    Kathleen McMurtry CZT on

  • LOVE IT ALL – the word, the tiles, the thoughts, and (always, from you, Maria) the inspiration!

    Peyton on

  • I love this email/ newsletter. Your mysaic reminds me of a quilt pattern I made years ago called Dear Jane Quilt. Thank you. Nancy

    Nancy on

  • Ja, ik ben ook bezig maar dit zal ik nooit bereiken,is ook de bedoeling niet.Heb al `n hoge leeftijd .Maar wel `n bijzonder mooie tech nic.Groetjes,Andrea

    andrea on

  • Mesmerizing. Thank you so much for the inspiration, as you always manage to do.

    Alice on

  • When I first saw the word mysaic, I also thought mystery. Every time I tangle is a mystery. I never know what the end result will be. Love this new word and what a wonderful idea. Also, when I first saw the elf hanging off the light fitting I imagined Rick up there taking the birds eye view picture. It made me laugh.

    Lianne on

  • When I saw the word “Mysaic”, the first thing came to mind is “Mystic” !!!
    And there’s truly something mystical going on while such an overfly view appearing before eyes!
    That’s how I love about Zentangle: something mystical is going on…
    I think I’ll keep holding the word “Mysaic” that way :) My mystical mosaic <3

    With lots of gratitude and love as always, Tzujung

    Tzujung Lee on

  • Thank you, Maris, and especially the gnomes, for sharing this amazingly awesome vista with us. I too give away some of my tangles to family and friends, but it’s almost like parting with a child or family member. I need to find a way to display my own “Mysaic!”

    Jake on

  • Maria—what a gift you have given us! Thank you so much! I just really appreciate how much of yourself you share with us. This is SO inspiring!

    Lynnette Jerome on

  • Wow – thank you for sharing yoursaic with us Maria! I feel so warmed by the sight of it – like a patchwork blanket of loving time spent with paper and pen. My imagine ran away with me, and I started to try to picture how big an area we might cover if every tangler in the world laid their tiles together with everyone else’s? I wonder what the size would be! Wowzers!

    Jem Miller on

  • Wow, wow,wow!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!! I can’t even imagine how long it took you to do just that and you still have hundreds that you can’t see.

    lynette Marie christensen on

  • Mysaic add home is a wooden frame with squares and rectangles I normally use for photos, but I have my Zentangle creations in there. I’ve also framed the 12 days of Christmas and they’re on the wall. My next project is framing Inktober! I agree our work should be shown on our walls not hidden in notebooks and binders!

    Mary Illana Perrin CZT 32 on

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