Maria writes...
Our home, to me, is a museum of Rick's and my worlds together. His and my musical instruments are sprinkled here and there, remnants of "bee" things can be seen in any room, and other little hints at what he's been doing lately. I also love being surrounded by all things Zentangle. It inspires me, warms me and I can revisit the wonderful memories (re: meditation) that they bestowed upon me. The latest "installation" in our museum is a new board on which to easily mount our latest works of art.

This frame formerly housed an old print that neither of us especially liked but loved the frame! So, I decided to replace the innards with something Zentangle-friendly.
I cut a piece of 1/2 inch (approx. 1.25 cm) thick foam board. You can find such stuff online or at frame stores, or perhaps even in Michaels, frame department. It's fairly easy to cut with an exacto knife, but the frame shop may also cut it for you. As is my habit, I use antique frames, you can get at yard sales or antique shops. Measure the dimension of the artwork that would go into it, or bring the frame with you when you buy the foam board. I choose a fabric that goes with the surroundings of the room, not necessarily matching exactly, but complimenting the mood. In this case, I chose a rose color that was in the next room (the kitchen). You can stretch the fabric on the foam board with double faced tape or common pins, inserting the pins through the fabric into the edges of the foam board. Stretch the fabric starting in the center of each side: top to bottom. Then center to center from left to right. Then gradually on each side of the first pin, to each side of the left to right pins, until you get to the corners then fold them neatly, like a fitted sheet. Then trim off the excess from the back. You can fit it into the frame with 3/4 to 1 inch very thin nails nailing diagonally through the foam into the side of the frame. Hang promptly and prominently, then fill with love. Changing often, as time (and tangles) go by.
I tend to assemble them all over the place, this way and that, but it looks equally beautiful if you prefer evenly measured spaces.
Hope this project inspires you to present all your beautiful tiles for all to see and admire, for that's what they will do! You are an artist, after all . . .
carol on
Inge Frasch on
Leslie Hancock on
Such a lovely idea! Great to have them on display where they can be enjoyed.
June Bailey on
Just Beautiful and yes it is inspiring, but I am not as talented as you both are. Thank you for all the beauty that your e-mails bring to me. I save almost everything.
Joanne on
Kim Kohler, CZT 16 on
What a great idea! I will definitely complete one for my studio. Thanks so much!
Debbie Butterfield on
Claire Warrington on
Cheri on
Annie on
Mart De Cock on
Lovely Maria, you and Rick always inspire!
I have my tiles propped up around my cottage and have a frame just like this….inspired by you last year. I love replacing the tiles as I do them and being able to look at them whenever I want. I find I get a continued sense of calm and enjoyment from them being there.
It always seems a shame to think of them being shut away in a folder where they cannot shine and flounce, be seen and continue making magic. x
Jo Quincey on
Evelyn Aveledo on
Hello Maria,
What a fabulous idea !! This will be a constantly changing treasure !!!
Miss all of you….Still feel the energy from our wonderful week…
Sharon Jerkovic CZT31 on
Jackie on
Jeanne on
Tracie on
Lianne on
Quwatha Valentine on
Linda Genaw on
Mary (Mamie) Pennington on