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Tangle Rut, Now What?

Julie Willand

"What do you do when you're stuck?" We get this question a lot at ZTHQ. Maybe you, too, have found yourself a little stuck. There are times when you are trying to put pen to paper, but are feeling a little uninspired. Do you use a string or no string? Which tangle? Too many decisionsā€¦ nothing seems to work. I don't think there is only one correct way to get you out of a tangle rut, so I asked a few different people here at ZTHQ what they do in these situations... *************************************************************************** Julie: When I am stuck in a...

Another Side of Opus

Another Side of Opus


In 2007, we started BLOG Zentangle and began our enjoyable series of conversations within our Zentangle community. In reading through these blog posts with their insightful comments, we decided to bring a few of them to your attention from time to time. It is easy, for me anyway, to sometimes think of old information as stale information. But these insights and conversations are anything BUT stale! We invite you to enjoy this post from 2015... Ā  Begin previous post . . . Rick begins: This morning at breakfast I heard Maria laugh. "You have to read this," she said. And...

DingsplatZ to the Rescue!

DingsplatZ to the Rescue!

Maria Thomas

Maria writes... Another ordinary day in the life of a clumsy artist who is always spilling something on themselves. But, today I decided to embrace my clumsiness because the alternative would lead me to anxiety every time I go out, eat, paint, cook, clean, or whenever else I could possibly spill something. Unfortunately (or fortunately) a few days prior I endured a mishap at a lovely restaurant that my beloved and I had visited. In the midst of an interesting conversation, a notably tasty piece of gnocchi sprung from my fork, performing a perfect double somersault, and of course landing...