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Maria's Meanderings: Newly Minted

Maria's Meanderings: Newly Minted

Sometimes our tangles have stories or tales behind the pen strokes and sometimes our pen strokes inspire stories or tales. When Maria posts a tile on the Zentangle Mosaic App she almost always shares with us some sort of creative narrative. Her words range from inspiring thoughts to fanciful tales. We thought we would share with you some of these parings in a blog series we are calling Maria’s Meanderings.

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Maria writes (April 2023) ...

I was sitting at my desk the other day, working on some certificates. On my right was a beautiful bottle of Zentangle green ink, with the afternoon sun creating such a spectacular spectacle as it lit the bottle up like a Christmas light, only this was not a color one would associate with Christmas. This color was rich and complex, like a fine blend of merlots. . . if merlot was green. Wow! I thought. Maybe this is one of those moments I should pay attention to. Can you imagine a new winery bringing out a vintage like no other. Grapes, that perhaps were growing close to a field of rambunctious mint. Imagine what a bottle of that would look like sitting amidst all those “oh so ordinary” couleurs du vin. So I was daydreaming about the magnificence of it all, when BAM! my hand (oh so casually) bumped the magnificence out of the bottle, sending it spewing the Zentangle green liquid all over my tangled blotter. Wouldn’t you think that, in a case like this, the blotter would do its job (the only job, by the way, it has and was meant to do?!). You pay a lot for these desk enhancements and they just sit around all day twiddling thumbs! That is, of course, if it had thumbs, but I could swear it was in the description on the package. But, heh, no mistakes, right? After the (magnificent) ink became a permanent addition to the desktop, I began to tangle a line here and there, until my heart was happy. Maybe there’s a story here? Perhaps the bottles of this newly minted (🤔) wine would be even more interesting with a tangle or two. HUH! Well, please take a closer look at it and let me know what you think. Hmm.


Maria Thomas


  • I believe everything happens for a reason so the spilt green ink ✍️ was meant to happen. It created a new tangled image on your desktop. Voila! And inspiration and creativity was ignited you became happy once more. Appreciate and have Gratitude for the little life’s messes that gives us our inspiration to fix them. 🤗❤️

    Cheryl K. Jensen on

  • I love this story. No mistake, but a great opportunity. Otherwise you wouldn’t have such a beautiful desk.

    Irene Lammerse CZT on

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