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Lady Aura

Lady Aura

Molly writes:

From almost the beginning, one of the first tangles we teach is crescent moon. In the process of learning this tangle, without even knowing it, you also learn the drawing technique we call aura. Aura, in Zentangle speak, is a line that is drawn close to a previously drawn line that mimics its path like a halo. Aura is a technique that we use in many of our tangles and tanglenhancers. Knowing this technique brings ease and confidence to your practice as you learn new tangles, tackle ways to build composition, and look for inspiration on how to enhance your art. Over the years we have learned that aura has so much to offer us, both on and off the tile. And how did we learn all these things about aura?  Well, it was almost as if a little bug told us … a ladybug that is.

For years she has sat quietly in the background offering bits of helpful advice and nurturing support, here and there, almost as if you did not know she was there. Her whispers are deliberate and comforting, yet beautifully suggestive and never demanding. Amid this most celebratory year for the Zentangle Method, this near and dear friend has graciously come out from beneath her wings to meet all of you. We are over the moon excited to introduce to you our newest member of the Zentangle family, Lady Aura.

We believe you will get to know her just as quickly as we have. She sits there quietly; but her presence brings subtle reminders that will enhance your practice and approach to your art. You can feel her energy as she dances deliberately round and round, carefully responding to her previous work. She is persistent, reflective, and reactive but her marks are inventive and open-ended. She is aware of where she has been but does not attach herself to the past. Rather she uses it as a launch pad for opportunity and new experiences. Under her hard shell you will find a soft-spoken confidence. Lady Aura is aware of her inner beauty and steers clear of comparing herself to others. She sees the world through a rosy, red-colored lens and truly believes there is room for all kinds of beauty in the world. She leads by example and cares for those on a creative path. You may see her here or there or maybe just feel that she is near. And, sometimes, you may see many “of her” as she does tend to repeat herself. She will tell you there is plenty of her to go around and around.

Lady Aura is over the moon to meet all of you. She loves the Zentangle Method and this amazing community. She says she thinks she will stick around. We look forward to seeing a lot more of her in the years to come.

Thank you, Lady Aura, for joining us!

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In the comments, join us in giving a warm welcome to Lady Aura and let us know what her presence means to you!

We invite you to follow the sweet little step out above to add Lady Aura to your Zentangle art. Be sure to use the hashtag #LadyAura when uploading your work to the Zentangle Mosaic app and other social media sites!


Julie Willand


  • WOW, It’s so amazing to welcome lady ARUA~~~ I think Bijou probably will be the happiest one to has a new friend to share Zentangle worldwide. He/She will not alone from now on.

    Lynn.LING on

  • Lady Aura is like ones inner self. She has always been there. We have been busy in our own worlds. One needs the spiritual guidance to see within and discover oneself. Thank you Zentangle.Inc for the guidance and make Lady Aura be known to all and discover.

    Shilpi Ranjan on

  • Was on road trip a few weeks, but took PP24 with me to continue Aura tangles. Just yesterday watched the “wrap-up” video. So…..I went back to tangles in PP24 booklet and added lady bugs to celebrate “Lady Aura”. Will be introducing Lady Aura to Bijou in some future tiles. I think they will make an excellent pair!

    Johnifer Baker CZT41 on

  • Lady Aura, we all open our hearts to you, just like we did with Bijou. Now, Bijou has a wonderful friend to join him with the new, up-and-coming, and exciting journeys both of you will have with your Zentangle family. We all are looking forward to seeing both of you in your next adventure.

    Sincerely, Cheryl

    Cheryl K Jensen on

  • レディーオーラ🐞は、私がゼンタングルを始めた時、1番始めに貴女に出会っていました。貴女を描きながら少しずつ上達してきました。
    貴女の名前を呼ぶ度に、私を成長させて頂いた喜びで心が踊ります❤*.(๓´͈ ˘ `͈๓).*❤

    Madam Mikako on

  • レディーオーラ🐞は、私がゼンタングルを始めた時、1番始めに貴女に出会っていました。貴女を描きながら少しずつ上達してきました。
    貴女の名前を呼ぶ度に、私を成長させて頂いた喜びで心が踊ります❤*.(๓´͈ ˘ `͈๓).*❤

    Madam Mikako on

  • Sweet Lady Aura… Many of us have been aware of your presence as we work on our tiles, but we just didn’t know your name! I often heard a tiny voice in my ear reminding me to draw another line right next to the one I just drew, and for some magical reason it gave me courage to even go in a different direction! Now we know your name… so welcome to the family!!

    Bonnie Johnson on

  • Welcome home, Lady Aura! All those paths walked, visiting and inspiring each tangler. Sometimes straight, sometimes wiggly but always elegant. Bijou has the most elegant companion.

    Claudia on

  • Welcome Lady Aura. She’s a wonderful addition to the Zentangle family.

    Nancy on

  • I’m so glad to see my “old friend,” Lady Aura, coming out of the shadows and into the sunlight! She (and her many family members) have been crawling all over my tangles for years!

    Jessica L Dykes on

  • I’ve been contemplating what to tattoo on my other hand, opposite of Bijou. Now I have the perfect companion!!! Lady Aura it shall be!

    Kim Kohler on

  • Thank you Lady Aura for coming out of hiding and a very warm welcome to you from us all! We have known you since we each began this journey. Unknowingly you have befriended us; grown close to our hearts. Welcome.

    Christine Kwiecien on

  • Lady Aura – I thank you and welcome you to the Zentangle family. Know that your small presence is felt in a huge way. Every time you crawl parallel to a tangle – magic occurs.

    Nancy Needler on

  • Welcome to the Zentangle family Lady Aura. You are very lovely; and I have always been facilitated with Lady Bugs since I was a little girl. I bet Bijou is happy to have you join him/her in the new adventures that will be coming your way. ❤️

    Cheryl Jensen on

  • She is the cutest lady! and a lovely tale that goes with her!

    Jasmine Jehangir on

  • Yay! Welcome, Lady Aura! We already feel your presence and have from the beginning of our individual Zentangle journeys! And I can’t wait to see what fun you and Bijou get into soon 🐞❣️

    Laqueta Soule on

  • Welcome Lady Aura! It’s been fun to see her make her way gently into Project Pack 24. As I love auras, I’m sure I’ll be seeing more and more of her. 🐞♥️🌀

    Diane Harpster on

  • I am so happy to meet Lady Aura! She is a very wise ladybug… and I am so glad to have her with us! Ladybugs have been a part of my life since I was a child. And they continue to delight and are even more dear to me as an adult. It has been wonderful to include her in PP24 and have her creatively dance with us onward!

    Lea on

  • Welcome, our little lovely friend!

    Maria Cheng on

  • So lovely to be welcoming a new, little friend to help guide us in our Zentangle journey!

    Jennifer Bollinger on

  • How exciting. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on Day 6 of PP #24 you introduced all of us to Lady Aura! So I got to add her at t he very end. I love ladybugs. Thanks for the fun!🐞

    Karen Bunnelle on

  • I love ladybirds, and auras! Such a comfort when you’re not sure what to do.

    Catherine Gisby on

  • I love the introduction of Lady Aura! What a lovely addition to the Zentangle-family.
    Bijou enjoy your friendship with Lady Aura. A lot of love for the both of you from the Netherlands!

    Jolanda Schouwstra on

  • Fun times for all of us with a new little happy bug too!

    Sue Lesle CZT on

  • How lovely, confident, and comforting she is! She has always been there, and yet I haven’t appreciated her as I should. I think she and Bijou will be besties! Welcome, Lady A🐞!!

    Tracy B on

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