One of the wonderful things about Zentangle celebrating it's 20th Anniversary is that sometimes we have already written exactly what we want to say.
We invite you to revisit this blog from February 2023. Enjoy!
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Maria writes...
For as long as I can remember, I believed that I was an artist. If anyone asked what I did, that was my response. I lived and breathed it, saw it, wrote it and lived it. It was a daily comfort, a symbol of the luck that the universe bestowed on me.
Well, not the only luck, but you get my drift. However, it was not until Rick and I discovered what would be called the Zentangle Method, that I became a "HEARTIST."
My life, my attitudes, and my mission all changed in that moment. Everything was more. My art was heartfelt in ways I could not compare to my past. And it wasn't just me. I heard it from others, how The Zentangle Method changed their lives, often not being able to describe it in words other than just . . . better. I felt lighter and more grateful than ever before. I smiled a lot. Was excited about life. I looked forward to every day, waiting to see what it would gift me. I no longer felt the pressure to create, but the absolute joy of creating.
I leave you with a few examples of how "hearts" keep showing up in my work. It is so hard to put it into the precise words...but perhaps one of you may be able to...

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We have loved seeing all of the heart string tangles that you are sharing online and on the Zentangle Mosaic App! The app user randomly selected to receive a Zentangle surprise is @BethGaughanCZT38! Please send your snail mail address to
You can download the Zentangle Mosaic App for free and search the hashtag #FromTheHeart2024 to see all of the heart string tangles!
Akila Kalaichelvan on
Susan Browning on
Molly on
Just JOY!! The Zentangle Method brings me such JOY! Not only while I am enjoying one stroke at a time, but the learning, the exploring, the playing…. the beautiful peacefulness that Z brings and spreads is awesome!!!! Happy Valentines Day from one ‘Heartist’ (is it okay that I use that? Love love love it) to ALL❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Wendy Need-Beak on
A heart-felt wish for a Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Rick and Maria, Holly and Martha, and our entire community of heartists!
Ginger White CZT34 on
Since the start of Covid 19 I have been obsessed with Zentangle. I was desperately looking for something to fill my life as I was retired, in lockdown, unable to see family/friends etc. and tangling was just the key! Even though the lockdowns are not as necessary right now, I still find myself causios to Most of my ZIA’s are inspired by nature, with a focal point (i.e. an animal? bird? object?) and then I tangle around it. It has given me so much joy that I hardly have a day go by without working on a tangle/picture. I’m so happy that you continue to share your love of Zentangle. I look forward to reading your blog post and can’t wait to hear when a new project pack is out. Gives me new ideas and a fresh focus on my tangles. Thank you for sharing. Happy Valentines Day.
Dianne Riva Cambrin on
For a long time, I stopped saying I’m an artist because I’d usually be asked what kind of artist. Since I’ve always done a variety of arts & Crafts it wasn’t an easy question to answer. Fortunately I’m comfortable saying I’m an artist now. I loved becoming a CZT in 2021. Win-Win I could take the training & not have to travel.
Christi Marie on
Eileen laBarre on
Kendra Page on
Rita Miller aka Lovely Rita on
Jana on
In 2015 my mom died after living a rich and active life. Those who knew her called her “the Energizer Bunny”. She passed away just before her 99th birthday. That event left a big hole in my heart and I didn’t know how to cope. She was the last of her siblings and immediately caused a passing of the torch to my generation. I felt old and not ready to accept that role. I was searching for something to rekindle my joy that seemed lost. It was some months before I wandered through a craft store and saw a book titled “joy of Zentangle”. What a great way to express what I found within its pages! I rediscovered my creativity in those small, calming tiles. I’m still learning and creating, finding inspiration from all the great people who share their art in the Mosaic and online. Words can’t convey my thanks to the creators and supporters of this “No mistakes” way of connecting with joy!
MaryS on
In 2015 my mom died after living a rich and active life. Those who knew her called her “the Energizer Bunny”. She passed away just before her 99th birthday. That event left a big hole in my heart and I didn’t know how to cope. She was the last of her siblings and immediately caused a passing of the torch to my generation. I felt old and not ready to accept that role. I was searching for something to rekindle my joy that seemed lost. It was some months before I wandered through a craft store and saw a book titled “joy of Zentangle”. What a great way to express what I found within its pages! I rediscovered my creativity in those small, calming tiles. I’m still learning and creating, finding inspiration from all the great people who share their art in the Mosaic and online. Words can’t convey my thanks to the creators and supporters of this “No mistakes” way of connecting with joy!
MaryS on
Bulletin boards were always on my things to do when I was in grade school and high school and when I taught art. Zentangle for me is a quiet time of play and prayer. I have always loved design and when I saw my first book on Zentangle I feel like I fell into it and don’t want to get out. And becoming certified to teach Zentangle was a dream realized. I love it. Thanks Maria and Rick, Martha, Molly and Julie!
Paulette Kirschensteiner CZT36 on
I pulled out a Micron pen at a coffee shop and the barista asked, ‘Oh! Are you an artist?!’ Several self-examining seconds passed by and then I said it, ‘Why Yes, Yes I am!’
Judy Walsh on
Mary Kay Cass, C.Z.T. on
Judy Walsh on
I ogled the various examples of Zentangle for several years before picking up a pen and drawing my first line in January 2021. I have come to appreciate the approach to the creation of art with the Zen balance in ways that continue to surprise and please my brain, my heart, and my soul. And, let me add, how it applies to ANY creation, artistic or otherwise. The learning every ceases and that adds to the excitement and pleasure of each time I sit with a tile, pen, pencil, and tortillon. What a gift the universe gave you and through you gave the world! Thank you so much! Happy Valentine’s Day dear Maria, Rick, Molly, Martha, Julie, and the whole Zentangle “Family”!
Anonymous on
Donna Perrino on
Thanks to Zentangle I have discovered that I really am an artist and not just a crafter. I feel much more comfortable with exploring my various tools and materials, and an art with no mistakes provides such refreshment! It calms the inner scream, if only for a little while, and soothes the jagged edges.
Catherine Gisby on
Jonathan Rohrer on
Hoping to register for Czt in September and enjoy meeting you in person. Thank you for all your inspiration.
Barbara on
“Art is your soul made visible”. I heard this many years ago and wish I knew who to attribute it to.
Karen on
Joyce Rosenberger on
Diane Stefane on