One of the wonderful things about Zentangle celebrating it's 20th Anniversary is that sometimes we have already written exactly what we want to say.
We invite you to revisit this blog from February 2023. Enjoy!
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Maria writes...
For as long as I can remember, I believed that I was an artist. If anyone asked what I did, that was my response. I lived and breathed it, saw it, wrote it and lived it. It was a daily comfort, a symbol of the luck that the universe bestowed on me.
Well, not the only luck, but you get my drift. However, it was not until Rick and I discovered what would be called the Zentangle Method, that I became a "HEARTIST."
My life, my attitudes, and my mission all changed in that moment. Everything was more. My art was heartfelt in ways I could not compare to my past. And it wasn't just me. I heard it from others, how The Zentangle Method changed their lives, often not being able to describe it in words other than just . . . better. I felt lighter and more grateful than ever before. I smiled a lot. Was excited about life. I looked forward to every day, waiting to see what it would gift me. I no longer felt the pressure to create, but the absolute joy of creating.
I leave you with a few examples of how "hearts" keep showing up in my work. It is so hard to put it into the precise words...but perhaps one of you may be able to...

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We have loved seeing all of the heart string tangles that you are sharing online and on the Zentangle Mosaic App! The app user randomly selected to receive a Zentangle surprise is @BethGaughanCZT38! Please send your snail mail address to
You can download the Zentangle Mosaic App for free and search the hashtag #FromTheHeart2024 to see all of the heart string tangles!
Roberta Strickland, CZT #32 on
I love this one so much that I have it saved in a ‘Z favorites’ folder ❤️
Kathy Y. on
I love doing zentangle with my art. I usually use the zentangle as a background. But I started using zentangle a l-o-n-g time ago.
My husband and I have been married for 62 1/2years. He has just died earlier this year at 90years old. I am now 84 yrs old.
We have lived in interesting places:-
We lived in the Solomon Island ‘s for 4 years. During that time Robin (our daughter) was nearly 5yrs old. And Bill our son was 2 yrs younger.There were only about 6 other families on the Island. Robin had a friend called Cheryl, who was about the same age as Robin. So Barry and I and Cherryl’s parents decided to send them both to the little native school, situated on the island. Robin and Cheryl were the only white kids there. They learnt a bit – with a strong accent. The natives in those days spoke pidgeon English. We then went to New Guinea and lived on Kessa, a coconut and cocoa plantation for 2 years.After that we came back to Brisbane and Barry commuted to work every weekday and the 2 children went to an ordinary state school.
When the children were old enough and Bill got a job, we bought a sailing boat, and went cruising.
Barry loved the boat but I was not that keen. So we sold our boat and we bought 20 acres, 3/4 hrs outside Bowen (Qld).
As we got older, we decided we needed good hearlth care and so we bought up here in Townsville where we now live.
This year is 28/12/2023
After that we thought we could come back to Brisbane, Australia. He hated that job.
So Barry would come home from work with newspaper in hand and looked deparately for jobs. He found one. But his mind was not happy.
So then we went to live on a lighthouse along the Queensland Coast. We loved that. But then the Qld government ruled that the lighthouses were to be de-manned.
Margot M Laver on
Deborah Davis on
Pamela Mestler on
Rimona Gale on
JessicaDykesCZT39 on
Jackie on
Georgianna on
Katrina Thiebaut CZT on
Heartfelt thanks for the Zentangle method that fills my heart with joy.
Kathleen McMurtry on
Diane Harpster on
Margaret H(e)art on
❤️Art in everything that matters. Thank you both for sharing the brilliance of your hearts.
Leslie Hancock on
Jamie Herron on
My husband got a tile with a heart for Valentine’s Day – just like last year.
And he will get a designed tile the day after tomorrow for his birthday. He likes it very much.
I am grateful for this creative way to express myself.
Claudia on
I don’t want you to add implications such as good or bad, because it’s the only world you have.
One of the people who is really grateful to have met the Zentangle Method.
It’s not a person who makes a name for himself in history, but the tiles he drew show only one art in the world.
Emiry on
I was never a doodler & couldn’t work out how to just doodle. But, when I was shown how to tangle one step at a time (a structured approach) a light bulb went off in my head & now happily deconstruct patterns & always have a paper & pencil in my handbag for whenever I need to keep myself occupied unexpectedly – sudden hospital visits is when that comes in really handy. As far as I’m concerned there’s a world of difference between a doodle & a tangle – I still can’t doodle!!
Evy Browning on
I am primarily a watercolorist and as much joy as art has given me in almost all of my 70 years…I was hoping that when I became a CZT in 2010 I could start others on their journey “one stroke at a time.” My premise was,….if they could feel successful in tangling….begin to feel like an artist….that it might lead to them taking a drawing course….and then a painting course….then….Yay! My goal had been met!! After the training, I had no idea that, as a result, seven of my students would become CZTs themselves, that I would make so many friends, have a very active Zentangle Club, and besides teaching Zentangle at community centers and for parks and rec….that I would teach at an Art Center! Valentine’s Day projects included gold leafed hearts or swirled watercolors— always dramatic surrounded by tangles! I LOVE how being a CZT brought more LOVE into my life in so many ways!!!
Deanna Williford on
I am primarily a watercolorist and as much joy as art has given me in almost all of my 70 years…I was hoping that when I became a CZT in 2010 I could start others on their journey “one stroke at a time.” My premise was,….if they could feel successful in tangling….begin to feel like an artist….that it might lead to them taking a drawing course….and then a painting course….then….Yay! My goal had been met!! After the training, I had no idea that, as a result, seven of my students would become CZTs themselves, that I would make so many friends, have a very active Zentangle Club, and besides teaching Zentangle at community centers and for parks and rec….that I would teach at an Art Center! Valentine’s Day projects included gold leafed hearts or swirled watercolors— always dramatic surrounded by tangles! I LOVE how being a CZT brought more LOVE into my life in so many ways!!!
Deanna Williford on
It was very satisfying for me that over 120 people got the exposure to the wonderful artform of Zentangle through me during that month.
Gratefully, since I was a beneficiary of Rick and Maria’s largesse in becoming a CZT way back in 2012,, it has always been my practice to pay it forward the largesse to deserving candidates. After touching a figure of around 1000 such beneficiaries, I have stopped counting, but the practice continues.
Zentangle has given me a new identity as a ‘Zentangle Artist’ where as my art teacher during my school days had passed down a life sentence on me saying – ‘you cannot draw’. After 50 years I became free from that life sentence when Rick and Maria invited me as their guest to attend the CZT 09 seminar.
Thank you R & M.
Dilip Patel (09CZT) on
Jeanie ‘JJ’ james on
Our Zentangle family is an expression, vision truly, of how the world can be if we all come from our hearts and lift one another up to be who we are meant to be. The social world of Mosaic is a clear example…every comment from contributors around this world, is positive, respectful, heart-sent and heart felt. It is a joy to my heart to be taken into this community, taught the 8 steps, the Bijouisms, the No Mistakes philosophy and all the wisdom of this meditative art form that both begins and ends with a grateful heart. I end and integrate each of my days blissfully exploring wherever my pen leads me knowing wherever we go is exactly where I’m meant to be. Thank you to all at Zentangle “Heart-quarters” for all you do!
Donna Lynne Strong Brott on
Zentangle gives more to the heart than the expression “heartfelt”, it gives us a Zentangle family and a heartful gratitude which goes on and on because it fescu’s on to others and keeps the feelers out to more than we can imagine. Congratulations for all the love, just and heART your family gives and keeps giving. Cannot wait for the next PP!
Veronica Hodges on
Love you, Maria and Rick for accepting me as I am, and for who you are,
Kat van Rooyen CZT20
Kat Van Rooyen on