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CZT Family Tree - Terri Delaune

CZT Family Tree - Terri Delaune

We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.

Today, we are excited to introduce Terri Delaune!



Name: Terri Delaune                                                                        




Hometown: Home is where the heart is, right now my heart is in Marlborough, Massachusetts.



Favorite tangle: Divadance, but it is so difficult to pick a favorite, there are so many my hand and my brain automatically go to, like mooka, fengle, pokeroot, nzepple. 

Favorite place to tangle: In a room with other Tanglers


Favorite quote:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't – you're right,” by Henry Ford

How I use the Zentangle Method in my life:

I try to use the Zentangle Method in every aspect of my life, from Step 1 of the “8 Steps of the Zentangle Method”, Gratitude and Appreciation to changing to a minimalist lifestyle. Yes, minimalism, because Zentangle requires simple, easy to follow guidelines and tools. I wanted to make changes to bring that simplicity and beauty to all aspects of my life. Zentangle has taught me to seek simple pleasures, simple foods, and a simple life.

It influences the way I look at the world; I search for patterns in nature, in art and in life. I admire and appreciate the world in a different way. In the past I would have described a rainy day as dull and dreary. Not today, if Zentangle has taught me anything it is how to appreciate life.


So, instead of dreading the rain and lack of sun, I can appreciate all the subtleties of the overcast sky. Lessons have taught us to use and appreciate gray, graphite and shades of gray. Now I look at the cool gray colors from light to dark, the shadows across the sky, the highlights, and the slick black ribbons on the road, the browns and greens telling me to turn them into a Renaissance tile. Life is more than a sunny day, it’s all the shades of gray in between. 

I reflect on everything I have to be grateful for, one of which is this world of creativity. I appreciate that I’m part of an international community that believes in acceptance, appreciation, inspiration, encouragement, generosity and love. 

If I’m not tangling, you will find me … with friends and family or just living a normal day to day life. 

Mosaic Name: @Terriczt


Do you want to join our family of Certified Zentangle Teachers? Learn more about ou 2019 CZT Training seminars here.

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  • It was so nice to “meet” you online recently. I got a big smile when I saw you here, and said to myself, “Oh, I know her! :-D” I look forward to meeting you in person someday. Hmmm.. Maybe ZenAgain 2020??

    Heidi Kay on

  • Lovely write up Terri. I was so excited to read this Family Tree blog. I like your inspiration on living simply. My 2019 word is Ritual. Inspired by Zentangle 8 steps to find comfort in life. We need a MA tangling gathering!

    Michelle Broadbent on

  • Such a beautifully written piece about applying the Zentangle Method to everyday life. Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Beth Lovelle on

  • How lovely to see you here, Terri. Wonderful words and wonderful tangling to reflect the wonderful person that you are.

    Anonymous on

  • How lovely to see you here, Terri. Wonderful words and wonderful tangling to reflect the wonderful person that you are.

    Anonymous on

  • Hey Terri! This is the other Terri! Love everything you wrote and so glad you are enjoying rainy days now. They have always been a favorite of mine. Your work is always lovely and inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing!

    Terri Young, CZT 16 on

  • Hey Terri, this is a fantastic writing by you. How beautifully you are reminding all of us to see beyond hues and colors, and relish some warmth and comfort in the cool greys, black and rains.

    I am so glad to have met you for the brief hours at Providence, Rhode Island. Tears, tears! 😊

    Aishwarya Darbha on

  • So inspirational Terri! I had not thought of the browns and greens turning into a Renaissance tile or the paved roads like strings. So cool. I will be thinking of you as I journey outside.

    Donna Danowski , CZT 27 (Madison, WI)

    Donna Danowski on

  • I know what you mean about the shades of gray on a cloudy day! I was just remarking to my husband the other day how all the various shades of gray remind me of shading my Zentangle tiles, either spreading the graphite or choosing a gray tone colored pencil. So many shades of gray! And I appreciate Terri for her outlook on life and her beautiful work also.

    Mary Illana Perrin CZT on

  • I’m so glad we got to meet at Zentomology. I enjoy your work and appreciate your talents. I love seeing what you are doing on Facebook and Mosaic. Thank you for sharing your Zentangle experiences with all of us. We need more people in the world with your positive outlook. 😊

    MKay B B Watson CZT17 on

  • What a terrific perspective! And it goes without saying – beautiful work!

    Shawna Oertley on

  • Hi Terri,
    Such lovely writing! Definitely gotta love those shades of gray, especially this time of year. Gratitude for it all!!

    Wendy Hoffman CZT 20 on

  • I love you Terri. You are a generous and loving soul! I am glad that Zentangle has brought us together. Your story was well told!

    Katrina on

  • That was lovely, Terri. The world is richer is so many ways!

    Susan Goodman on

  • Beautifully written, Terri!

    Julie Willand on

  • Terri – I just love your take on applying the 8-steps of Zentangle to life. It had no occurred to me before to APPRECIATE the deary days as well as the sunny days. Thank you. I will try to do better.

    Linda Dochter CZT 16

    Linda Dochter on

  • Let me wipe away the tears. Very beautifully written. Love your analogy of appreciating all the shades of grays off the tile as well. Thanks Terri.

    Molly Hollibaugh on

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