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CZT Family Tree - Alicia Gutierrez Rey

CZT Family Tree - Alicia Gutierrez Rey

We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.

Today, we are excited to introduce Alicia Gutierrez Rey!


Name: Alicia Gutierrez Rey                                                               CZT#: 18

Hometown: Madrid, Spain

Favorite tangle: Crescent Moon

Favorite place to tangle: on my terrace surrounded by plants and flowers

How I use the Zentangle Method in my life: I discovered Zentangle in my life when I was going through a personal and emotional crisis and Zentangle helped me overcome those difficult moments of insecurity and low confidence in myself. After my certification, I left my previous job to dedicate myself full time to be a CZT and to commit to teach this method and accompany people like me who were going through difficult situations in their lives. I also understood that Zentangle increases the creative potential of people, so I extended my training by doing a master in Coaching and a certification in CPS (Creative Problem Solving) in order to expand my tools to help people to develop inner personal growth from their own personal stories.

My favorite story or memory about teaching the Zentangle Method is: I have been teaching zentangle for 5 years and I am still fascinated by the amazement with which people rediscover their own dormant creativity. People who have had difficulties to look inward with other tools, discover creative meditation, as I understand it, and they are able to discover their full potential. I have many many stories that I could tell you about the people I have taught zentangle and how they tell me that it has impacted them in their lives. I have received countless messages from people during the confinement of Covid19. During this confinement I have been doing live workshops every day to accompanying those people who are alone in their homes and who are going through complicated situations. People who have lost loved ones or close friends, or people having deep feelings of loneliness and isolation, even depression and hopelessness. Even nurses and health personnel who also were needing disconnection and respite from their daily work. I am very happy because the initiative it´s being a big success and is currently reaching many people and being followed largely, getting a lot of followers. I have been receiving numerous messages of people telling me that they have practicing Zentangle and following my workshops and how this has helped them to cope with these difficult situations and to trust a little more in their recovery and their future. This have been and immense joy for me and truly a feeling of purpose and contribution in this challenging time we are facing.

A couple of weeks ago I did a course to benefit the World Food Bank, where we donated € 500, thanks to the contribution of the people who signed up for the workshop.

Through my experiences as a CZT, I have learned: The huge capacity for creativity that we all have and our potential to look inward with different tools and methods, all of them aimed at learning a little more about ourselves and appreciating our unique lives.

If I’m not tangling, you will find me…: I love to travel, visit new places and learn exciting and different things for around the world, and above all I love to continue learning new tools for personal growth and activities that spark my creativity. I really enjoy reading, practicing yoga, meeting with friends ... If I didn't work as CZT I would have loved to be an oenologist (I love to know the stories behind each wine!)

Mosaic Name: AliciaCZT18


Check out Alicia's free Zentangle classes on Instagram Live: @mindandtangle

Here are some comments from Alicia's instagram students.. 

"Thanks to your classes my days pass happier, it is food for my soul. I am more afraid of running out of paper than of running out of food! Thank you"

"Hello Alicia, I want to thank you for these daily meditations. I know it is a great effort for you to be there every day and you don't know how I appreciate it. A part form being confined for a month now, days before the quarantine I lost my partner in an accident and it has been really hard. Your meditations are the only thing that have given me peace and tranquility. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"Thank you, Alicia, for your time and for showing us something that I did not think existed in my life and that would be so good for me."

Julie Willand


  • He conocido a Alicia y esta técnica durante el confinamiento y me esta ayudando muchísimo a desconectar. Están siendo una maravilla tus clases y tus consejos!! Sobre todo los que nos ayudan a ser mejores personas!! Mil gracias!!

    Nuria Vaquero on

  • I found Alicia on the 18th of March and have tangled everyday with her. My tiles are a record of this strangest of times. Like many people who join her I don’t speak Spanish although I have picked up the words needed for tangling. I love listening to her voice and to her her laugh during the process. I am humbled by her generosity and commitment and know she has inspired many people to explore Zentangle. I made a personal commitment to find something positive during this time and Alicia has helped me to do this for which I would like to thank her. Nicola

    NIcola H on

  • Hace tiempo que conocía el Zentangle pero nunca me atreví a practicarlo, me parecía muy complicado de hacer, pero hace un par de años hice un taller con Alicia y todo cambió. Se ha convertido en un imprescindible en mi vida y en época de pandemia más aún.

    Alicia, enhorabuena por tu saber hacer y gracias por todos los talleres y esfuerzo que nos has regalado durante más de 60 días. 🥰

    Cristina_r_v on

  • Gracias a Alicia mis tardes de confinamiento han sido mucho más llevaderas, después de jornadas duras en el Hospital donde trabajo, poder desconectar de todo lo sucedido me daba paz y serenidad.

    Como nos gustan nuestros dibujos ❤️

    Núria Moltó Miralles on

  • Fué una autentica suerte encontrarme con los directos en Instagram de Alicia durante la Cuarentena. Sus clases no solo fueron mi primer contacto con Zentagle, sino una experiencia muy positiva, relajante y y sobre todo enriquecedora.
    Muchísimas gracias Alicia, el Zentagle llegó para quedarse en mi vida!
    It was a real luck to meet Alicia’s live sessions on Instagram during the Quarantine. Her classes were my first contact with Zentagle, and a very positive, relaxing and enriching experience.
    Thank you so much Alicia, the Zentagle comes to stay in my life!

    Gildo on

  • Siempre hay que mirar el lado positivo de las cosas y como dice el refranero español “no hay mal que por bien no venga” y es que el bicho ha hecho cosas horribles pero también nos ha dado cosas maravillosas como conocer a Alicia y el Zentangle por el camino… gracias por hacer nuestro confinamiento mucho más ameno. Namaste 🙏🏻

    Srta. Coto on

  • Estoy feliz por formar parte de esta familia, y haber podido caminar por el maravilloso mundo de los tangles de la voz y d la mano d Alicia. Han sido tardes d confinamiento, en las q al llegar las 5 y media con ella llegaban tambn brisas d aire fresco, piano, difumino, consciencia y…..respira.

    Gratitud máxima.

    Raquel S on

  • Alicia es maravillosa como profesional del Zentangle y como persona. Trabajadora, detallista y hace las cosas desde el 💜

    Leila on

  • Alicia ha dado paz, sosiego y entretenimiento a mi vida durante el confinamiento del Covid 19, y espero con mucha ilusión que eso haya sido para iniciarme en Zentangle y seguir trabajando bajo sus amables y sabios consejos en el futuro. Alicia es una persona cercana, sencilla, natural y muy simpática con lo que las horas invertidas en dibujar Zentangle con ella han sido mucho más beneficiosas que lo que ella misma puede imaginar. La adoro!!🤗🥰

    Flavia on

  • Dar las gracias a Alicia por hacer que esta etapa que vivimos algo mucho más llevadero, que cada tarde estemos deseando que llegue las 17:30 para dejar todo atrás y solo pensar en ese momento, nos sumergimos en su voz y nos dejamos llevar.

    Gracias por tu generosidad.

    Beatriz Gutiérrez on

  • Lo mejor que nos ha podido pasar a tantas personas como yo durante este confinamiento ha sido conocer el zentangle gracias a Alicia de Mind&Tangle. Nos ha enseñado la maravillosa persona, tan generosa y dibertida que es y mediante esa meditacion creativa que nos a brindado, nos hemos ido introduciendo en el mundo del zentangle hasta convertirlo en algo necesario para nuestro dia a dia. Gracias infinitas Alicia, te queremos!!

    Iratxe Unzurrunzaga on

  • Gracias por dedicarnos tu tiempo, tus conocimientos y tu esfuerzo, conseguiste que tuvieramos todos los dias una cita para dibujar, olvidamos el miedo a esta situación, y estar a gusto dibujando en esas casi dos horas…. nos relajamos con tu voz, nos entretuvimos con tus dibujos y aqui estamos habiendo casi Pasado sin enterarnos mas de dos meses! Hasta pena nos da que se acabe….. De nuevo gracias!!!!!! Por tu generosidad, paciencia y buen trabajo!!!!!!!! ❤️👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

    MYriam on

  • Alicia es increíble! Con su generosidad nos ayudó tanto en estos momentos complicados…. mucho más de lo que ella se pueda imaginar. Me ha hecho descubrir esta técnica, totalmente desconocida para mi, Y que realmente me apasiona… todas las tardes desconectar de todo durante una hora y media, disfrutando de su música, su calmada voz y dibujando… una experiencia fascinante, compartida con miles de personas… su cercanía Y calidez, nos hace sentir muy cerca… infinitamente agradecida Alicia!

    Natalia Sciaini on

  • Han sido maravillosos estos días…. Gracias

    Esther on

  • Muy agradecida por las maravillosas tardes pasadas contigo y toda la gente que uniste alrededor de una tesela. Calmaste a miles de mentes errantes. Y esa es tu gran obra. Disfrútala.

    Raquel Velazquez on

  • Bien merecido ese reconocimiento por tu buen hacer y tu pasión por el zentangle. Gracias por este tiempo tan maravilloso que nos has dedicado…nos seguiremos viendo.Exito ..!!!!!

    Pilar Los Arcos Maestto on

  • Congratulations amiga! I am so proud of you! 😘😘🥰

    Raquel Hernández González on

  • Thank you so much 😊. It was so nice to watch your design in the making.
    It relaxed me.


    SHeralyn on

  • I, too, am so happy to see you’ve highlighted Alicia. I discovered her morning Zentangle meditations a few weeks ago. I haven’t been able to follow along every day, but have really appreciated the days that I have tangled with Alicia. I’m not a Spanish speaker so can only understand an occasional word, but the tone of her voice & the calming background music are really wonderful. I don’t need to understand Spanish to be able to tangle along. Thank you, Alicia!

    Betty on

  • I, too, am so happy to see you’ve highlighted Alicia. I discovered her morning Zentangle meditations a few weeks ago. I haven’t been able to follow along every day, but have really appreciated the days that I have tangled with Alicia. I’m not a Spanish speaker so can only understand an occasional word, but the tone of her voice & the calming background music are really wonderful. I don’t need to understand Spanish to be able to tangle along. Thank you, Alicia!

    Betty on

  • Ali, muchísimas gracias de corazón por ayudarme a mí y a tantas personas a disminuir la ansiedad cada día con Zentangle. Un abrazo, eres muy grande.

    Vanessa on

  • Thank you for your heartwarming story. Zentangle and those who teach and practice it have so much to offer. I also enjoyed seeing the tiles – so beautiful. Stay healthy and buena suerte en estes dias.

    Deborah Davis on

  • I’m so grateful you featured Alicia! I follow her IG classes and don’t understand a word she says?! BUT, I can tell from her voice and breath and gentle touch of our tools that she is full of gratitude, calm And is guiding us on a meditation journey and of course ART requires no words. She is a huge part of my day! Thank you Alicia, Maria and Rick.

    TRACIE CZT 32 on

  • I am so happy to see Alicia featured on the Zentangle blog. Her work brings so much joy. It has been inspiring to see so many CZTs sharing their work, their stories and creativity especially lately! It all started with you, Rick and Maria and your founding the Zentangle Method and it keeps growing. What a precious and amazing community!

    Juliette @ArtsAmuse on

  • The bright spot in my day. Thank you Alicia. ❤️

    BEtty Card on

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