Julie writes...
We were recently asked about chops and how we develop them. Rick and Maria wrote a great response in this blog post.
After reading their blog, I naturally began to think of my own chop. I have always had a love hate relationship with my chop. I have tried many different ones over the years, but never really happy with them.
After a while, I eventually settled on this combination of j and b (my initials before I was married) with two dots. Even though my last name has changed, I still often go back to this chop.
Since the beginning of Zentangle, my mom has tangled here and there but she really started to pick up her practice when she became a CZT a few years ago.
Her initials are also “JB” and one day I was looking at her tile and I saw that she used a combination of j an b with dots. Identical to my chop. I looked at her and said (with love), “Mom! You stole my chop!” she denied this saying it was her chop first. We bantered back and forth about this for a little bit before my mom pulled out some tiles from the very early years of Zentangle and sure enough, she was using the chop long before I was. I don’t know if great minds think alike or if I was subconsciously inspired, but if there is anyone, I’d want to share a chop with, it is my mom!
One of the things that I love about the Zentangle Method is that there are so many great minds thinking alike all over the world. It happens all the time – two people (or more?) in different parts of the world will come up with a similar tangle or technique. Sometimes we develop a project pack and right before we release it, we see a CZT teaching a similar teaching a similar concept or theme. We have a saying when things like this happen… “there must be something in the air.” It is so much fun being a part of this community of great minds.
After writing this blog, I realized that my (little) brother, also a CZT, uses a similar chop to my mom and me. He definitely copied me though!

Anonymous on
Glenda, I love the symmetry of lowercase script g, with a loop down, and d, with a loop up. Perhaps play with that. I don’t think anyone will think of the slang; you have such a lovely name. Layla is very sweet too though, so, if you like, include it too, of course. Make it fun!
Donna Lynne Strong Brott on
Yes, Joyce.. of course!
Julie on
Annie Sargent, CZT 33 on
Joyce Block on
Mary Kay Watson on
I have always believed that there is an invisible thread that connects minds and creativity enhances this.
A great blog, Julie.
Anonymous on
It happened to me at zenAgain! The person sitting behind me said that I was using her chop (humorously of course). It’s pretty funny when the universe lets us know that we aren’t all that different in the long run.
Kim Kohler on
What a fabulous post Julie..love you and your mom. I did a spiral-ly J once upon time like one of your tiles too..I have a page dedicated to all of my chop iterations in one of my journals. It is so funny how we often are riding the same universal wave and doing the same type of thing at the same time. I’ve noticed it on many occasions. Love this community. Thanks for always bringing a smile.
Jody Genovese on
Julie on
Judi on
Gale sherman on
Kathy Y on
Laura on
Ginger White on
Pam Truitt on
And I love the message.
Molly on
Marsha Fuller Glenda, why not try using just your first initial with some fancy flare. As you can see, I don't have the best combination for initials either. on
Linda Elkin on
But of course a little brother is used to copying His big sister -what else do little brothers do? 🤪
I love that you have a family of CZT’s. That’s just the best!
LIsa HOesing on
Rosemary Turpin on
Peyton on
It could I will make it into the elephant I already ‘sign’ my little notes to my family about shopping groceries or walking the dog.
Enough to try again :-D
Thank you Julie WB ;-)
ArjadLH on
I am having a hard time since my initial is GD… some might interpret that as a slang. I would love ideas. My middle name is Lala. (Pronounced Layla. )
Should I use that…gld ugh?
I love this idea of dots. Thanks for sharing. Love your mama too.
Glenda Dudley on