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Tangling Away the Fear

Tangling Away the Fear

Rick and Maria write... 

You cannot focus on tangling and cultivate your fears at the same time.

The Zentangle Method offers you the chance to set aside your concerns and fears, even if it’s only for the time it takes to tangle your tile.

The same scary thing may be there when you finish tangling. But you will be more relaxed and better able to deliberately respond to whatever is going on.

So, pick a time, perhaps right now. Get out your pen, your paper, your pencil. Get comfortable. Find something to be grateful for.

And tangle. 

When you finish, take another moment to be grateful for this time you gave yourself to create something beautiful. You always have this tool at your fingertips. At any moment, you can choose to put down your pack of worries for a time and reconnect yourself to your core of creativity.

If you need an inspiration for what to do, if you need something to distract you from stress and concern, we invite you to visit our YouTube channel for free videos and instruction, including Project Pack videos.

Over the past years, we’ve produced a Zentangle Project Pack series. You don’t need to buy anything to participate, you can follow along with whatever you have at home. We thought that we would share with you some of the most popular videos from the project pack series as well as some of the most popular Kitchen Table Tangle videos from the Zentangle Mosaic App.

Project Pack No. 01 - Paradox

Project Pack No. 02 - Day Three

Project Pack No. 07 - Day Eight

Project Pack No. 06 - Day Five

You can view all of our Project Pack videos on our YouTube channel or

Kitchen Table Tangles- A Tile From Start to Finish

Kitchen Table Tangles - tranZending

Kitchen Table Tangles - DingbatZ

Kitchen Table Tangles with Indy and Mazzy

If you are in a situation where the whole family is together at home, remember that tangling is a wonderful activity for all ages to share together.

Take this opportunity to regain your creative balance. Put aside any worries and fears for a few moments. When you return, you can respond creatively and constructively to whatever situations you encounter.

Anything is possible one stroke at a time.

With best regards and best wishes,

Rick and Maria



  • WOW to the great little (not SO little) teachers!! They have learned well, and are paying it forward already!! Thank you, girls. LOVE that you’re part of this fabulous news letter!!

    Didi Teufel on

  • Wow did I need this. I’ve been very stressed about everything going on in the world right now. I use crocheting to keep me from eating everything thing in site. I usually do Zentangling for my moments of mindfulness. I haven’t even been thinking about being mindful. Your Email reminded me of all of my DBT skills and to keep practicing mindfulness. I haven’t tangled in a while but I did yesterday. It did bring a little peace to my mind we’re there was a stillness to all the rambling of all the noise about all that is happening everywhere. I needed that more than I can say. Since I am fearful of exiting my home right now I need even more. I think this is a good time to start doing some of those project videos. This is such a wonderful email full of hope. Thanks Maria and Rick

    Raven Gerson on

  • So grateful for Zentangle during these incredible times. I have done so many tiles this week, I think I will be able to wallpaper my entire house! Have finished all Project Packs. Selfishly, I hope 9 will come out soon. Thank you so much for all you do!!

    Jacquelyn Melin on

  • I have come home to a daily practice of tangling. I needed something small and focused as I adjust to new social norms that change every day. There is peace in the practice and I can approach it with beginners mind all over again. Thank you for reminding me that calm is right here.

    Athena GRey on

  • My project 6 package has just arrived (in Canada) Your message “no mistakes” is so uplifting for the days we are experiencing. At 91 my memories include a trip to one of the Calligraphic Arts Symposiums where Maria was in attendance with “Pendragon”

    Bless you both for your sharing and contributing life enrichment so deeply needed on this planet
    Kindest regards
    Grace Cowling

    Grace Cowling on

  • What a wonderful post! I’ve been thinking the same thing and I’m looking forward to more tangling in the days and weeks to come! Thank you for this beautiful gift of Zentangle!

    Brenda Campbell, CZT on

  • As I read your email I was reminded, once again, of all the reasons that I love Zentangle. Thank you for this gift. And thank you for inspiring hope for humanity! Focusing on helping each other, seeing the art in each other, finding the happy accidents of being unique! AND thank you for the links to some favorite videos! I look forward to some social distancing time with tangles.

    Debra Myers, CZT18 on

  • Ein grosses Dankeschön für Eure wunderschönen Gedanken und Ideen, Menschen wieder zu sich selbst zu finden. Genau weiß ich nicht mehr wie ich auf Eure Webseite gekommen bin. Ich bin schwer herzkrank, habe einige Operationen hinter mir. Zentangle tut mir richtig gut. Fleißig zeichne ich mit. Alle Materialien bekommt man nicht in Deutschland, bzw. ich habe die entsprechenden Quellen noch nicht gefunden. Es ist für mich eine Freude Eure Anregungen und Zeichnungen umzusetzen. Vielen Dank. Rosemarie

    Rosemarie Seefeldt on

  • I just received and read your email for this blog. Thank you for the sense of peace it gave me!! I found Zentangle quite a few years ago when my brother was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. It really helped me during those difficult years. Then I picked up knitting and crochet again and I only “watched Zentangle from afar”. I have been feeling at odds with my knitting and crochet lately and after reading this post I feel it is time for me to put down the needles and hook and pick up the pen again. Thank you for your timely post. Your emails always give me a sense of peace, but this one really resonated!

    Peggy Westerman on

  • Thank you for this thoughtful and dignified post. Zentangle brings us together as a world, even when that can’t happen physically. It can also help us to hold ourselves together a little better when we feel we’re at risk of crumbling. Sending love and calm to all my tangle friends!

    Jem Miller on

  • A great reminder – at any time! Tangling is a safe haven and serves as a Reset button, allowing us to redirect our focus. Zentangle: Good Medicine for Life!

    Jenny Perruzzi, CZT10 on

  • I just read this as an email and wanted to thank you for the calmness and peace it had. I found Zentangle quite a few

    Peggy Westerman on

  • Definitely go into a zen like state when drawing….fabulous for mental health….not good when cooking dinner…..have burnt a couple so now use the timer ..duh……

    Judy Longden on

  • Thank you both for your very thoughtful and timely post at this very strange time. I work in a school in the UK which may, of course, get closed very soon, but through all the uncertainty, I just keep thinking how lucky I am to have found Zentangle – I know I can get lost in my Zentangle bubble and make all the worry disappear for a few minutes at least – just that thought reassures me and keeps me calm! Let’s hope this will all pass sooner than we think – keep well everyone.

    Gloria King on

  • Thank you for your very appropriate and timely response to our environmental situation. Who’d have thought years ago our Zentangle Art would be such a needed form of peace at such a time. Blessing to you and your team of dedicated leaders. You are all a God Gift.

    Twin410 on

  • I taught a beginning class today, and the first thing I told the class was- “Everyone needs Zentangle right now. After this class is over, I predict all of us will be practicing a lot in the days to come.” What a great gift to give ourselves at this crazy time in the world!

    Kay Hess Grogg on

  • This post is so appropriate. In just the past few days several of my classes have been cancelled by the sponsoring sites, some far into the future. Tangling is such a soothing activity and can be shared with families in person and with others by posting photos. Thanks for your caring thoughtfulness

    Sue Schneider, Pittsburgh on

  • How thoughtful. I’ve been tangling a lot the last few days. My heart just yearned for the quiet calm.

    Margo on

  • This is a very thoughtful and meaningful post during this time. Thank you.

    kp on

  • Dear Rick and Maria,

    Thank you so much for this wonderful idea with the videos.
    This is exactly what we need in this times.

    Agnes (Jessie) Schoenmaekers on

  • Thank you for such supportive life Zentangle encouragement! It is a very timely


    Joanne Erhartic on

  • Thanx a lot from Roime, Italy. Reading your mail about …how to have nice time in virus-time——OH! It’s a so sweet confortable mail! Thanx thanx a lot and hugs…and :-) sorry for my bad english….Im going to tangle with your ‘pack’

    Dealia (Laura) from Italy on

  • You two … are … the very best teachers, mentors and life coaches I have ever, in my 66 years, had the honor of knowing. The love you demonstrate to each other, to your family and to all of us is inspiring and contagious (meant in the most positive way!). I sense the “butterfly effect”.

    I so appreciate your presence in my life, though I’ve only been in the same room with you twice. Tangling is, for me, a respite from chaos, a shield from negativity, an invitation to focus and calm, a confirmation of my creativity, a passion that never fails to excite and comfort me. I am and will always be GRATEFUL for you.

    Jan Brandt, CZT 12 on

  • Thank you, Maria, for a post that promotes wellness and peace and calm. Much needed in the craziness that is going on all around us. I had to have a talk with the pastor and president of the church to get them calmed down and remind them of our job!! As Kipling said “If you can keep your head while all those around you are losing theirs and blaming you for it…” Thank you Thank you Thank you.

    Deborah Alborell on

  • The calming voice and practice of Zentangle. Now is a time for us all to focus upon what is important and that starts with ourselves. Taking time to keep ourselves grounded, calm and resilient enables us to be there for others. Tangling allows us that space. Thank you my dear Maria and Rick.

    Joanna Quincey CZT29 on

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