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The Votes are In...

The Votes are In...


Maria writes: Well, now. How could we have ever predicted that there were so many creative, thoughtful writers in our Zentangle community? (On second thought, how could we not have!) The response to this blog post was so delightful. It took us a long time to go through them carefully and not rush. We could have chosen 50 we really loved, and yet would have struggled with even that limitation. The selections we finally came up with are wonderful. We decided that we should have five "runners up" in each category so that it could give you an idea of...

The Shades of Gray between ZIA and Zentangle

The Shades of Gray between ZIA and Zentangle

Molly Hollibaugh

Rick writes: In 2007, we started BLOG Zentangle and began our enjoyable series of conversations within our Zentangle community. In reading through these blog posts with their insightful comments, we decided to bring a few of them to your attention from time to time. It is easy, for me anyway, to sometimes think of old information as stale information. But these insights and conversations are anything BUT stale! Today, we invite you to revisit this blog from 2018...                      Begin previous post . . .                   Molly writes: This topic comes up often. We see it discussed through different social media...

What do You Call a Group of Tangles?

What do You Call a Group of Tangles?

Maria Thomas

Maria writes…  Dear Tanglers, Did you know that there are specific and different names for groups of creatures? Really! And really interesting names – some unexpected, some funny, some apropos, and some, most certainly are not. A swarm of bees.A pride of lions.An unkindness of ravens.A pack of wolves.A murder of crows. I was thinking about this the other day and I realized that we do not have a specific name for a group of tangles . . . or for that matter, for a group of tanglers! How could that possibly be right? How did we survive this long (17 years!)? Well, I...