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Passion and Gratitude

Passion and Gratitude

Molly Hollibaugh

Molly writes... When people ask us what is required to attend our Certified Zentangle Teacher training seminar, we respond with a simple phrase, ā€œpassion and gratitude.ā€ Passion, because it describes a level of enthusiasm for what you are doing. If you are excited and enthusiastically interested in something or in other words, ā€œpassionateā€, it is likely to bring you joy, fuel your desire to learn more and inspire you to invest yourself in the process. Gratitude is first step in the Zentangle Method. Recognition, awareness, and a general sense of appreciation for that which you already have is very powerful....

Through a Zentangle Lens

Through a Zentangle Lens

Rick Roberts

Rick writes: Here are three fragments of life seen through a Zentangle lens. 1 We live in an oldish (1875) Victorian home. Some of the windows have the original wrinkled glass. After raising the sash on the window in my office, I noticed that the two right panes were the old glass and the two left panes were modern flat glass. The sunĀ cast shadows on the roof across the street in a way thatĀ reminded me ofĀ diva dance.Ā  We introduced this tangle about 10 years (!) ago. You can learn more of its story in this newsletterĀ and see its step out...

Podcast Shout-out

Podcast Shout-out

Rick Roberts

Rick writes: MariaĀ and I have been working on Zentangle for 19 years now. Our passion has never waned. Ā Most of you reading this have experienced some of theĀ benefits of the Zentangle Method. As caretakers of the Zentangle Method, we are searching for new ways to spread the word to people who can benefit from it, particularly now with all that is going on.Ā  In the past few weeks, Maria and I did our first two official podcasts (at least that we can remember!). They are both linked below. One was hosted by NAEA for a national organization of art teachers....