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We receive the occasional request for left-handed Zentangle instruction. Maria had a great idea to flip the screen, so I made this brief compilation of excerpts from Day 1 of Zentangle Project Pack No. 13. In this compilation I flip some of the scenes to show Maria tangling with what appears to be her left hand. So, dear left-handed tanglers, would this be helpful to you? Please tell us what you think of this approach in the comment section below.  In gratitude for your feedback, Bijou will choose at  random a few commenters to receive a special thank you gift. Bijou has already chosen the gift...

Tangling Outside the Box

Molly Hollibaugh

Molly writes:   Some of you may have heard of the phrase, “thinking outside the box”. This metaphor speaks of a creative thought process that perhaps explores an unknown territory, looks at something from a new perspective, offers a unique approach and steps outside of the otherwise expected way. Encouraging this perspective on brainstorming and problem solving often leads to new and exciting exploration and discovery. I was raised in an “outside the box” house. Every day, every meal, every holiday, every hairdo, even every prom dress was a new adventure. Sometimes I would ask to get back in the box....

Blank Spaces

Blank Spaces

Julie Willand

I was talking to my husband the other day as we were trying to navigate a situation under current restrictions and he became increasingly frustrated before declaring, “I just want things to go back to normal!” I agreed … kind of... While yes, I do long for a sense of normalcy, I also recognize some of the silver linings that this past year has provided, and I won’t be so quick to abandon some new habits. The biggest takeaway being the way we were forced to slow down and take a break. I have always been someone who likes to be busy and...