Julie writes...
When people first discover to the Zentangle Method, they sometimes ask about the “rules.” Whether it is an email I receive or a conversation I come across online, people have questions about black and white vs. color, tangling surfaces, which tangles to use, and other inquiries as they begin heir Zentangle Journey. There is often a desire to do things correctly and they are seeking clarification.
So here my friends are the official Zentangle Method Rules:
1. There are no rules.
The Zentangle Method has steps to guide you in creating Zentangle art, but at the end of the day the Zentangle Method is all about putting pen to paper and creating art. If you are doing that and having fun, then the rest does not matter.
Original Zentangle art is done on a white square tile (approximately 3.5”) with black ink and we always suggest that is where you begin but there is nothing that says you cannot explore beyond the basics.

A few weeks ago, we shared a blog Molly wrote a few years ago discussing Zentangle art vs. Zentangle Inspired art. I encourage you all to read that blog here.
The other question we seek asked often is about which tangles they are allowed to use. If a tangle is not an “official” Zentangle tangle, can it still be used? The short answer: yes. The long answer: is also yes. There are also no “official” tangles. There are tangles that Zentangle, Inc. have deconstructed and published, and some say those are the “official” tangles, but as you might know, we are not a huge fan of labels here and that label can often lead to confusion. There are many tangles deconstructed by Certified Zentangle Teachers and other members of the Zentangle Community that are just as “official” as a tangle deconstructed by Rick and Maria. You may also find that different people deconstruct similar patterns without knowledge of one another (a great blog on this topic here). We encourage you to explore any tangle that catches your attention.
Now, if you are anything like me, you may really like rules. They offer an elegance of limits that is comforting and provides direction. So, if you need a rule to help you get started, I have a good one for you…
1. Have fun.
Margaret H Doman on
Jan ~ Sailandbejoyful~ on
Zentangle’s “no rules” is fun and so freeing! Love it! Thank you!
Jeanne on
Just as it’s always good to go back to basics occasionally, it’s also good to be reminded to take it easy. Thanks Julie.
(Just a suggestion, near the beginning of your article, instead of “original Zentangle art” (isn’t it all?) how about “classic Zentangle art”?
Have fun!
Margaret Bremner on
Jacki Brewer, CZT25 on
Leslie Hancock on
Rimona Gale on
Viv on
Rule 2: no judgements, comparisons or Criticism, repeat Rule 1!
Susie on
Sue Leslie on
Lisa Hoesing on
Rule #1 Have Fun!
Rule #2 See rule #1!
This was a perfect blog post for me to read today! Thank you!
Kate Ahrens on
Delightful article answering questions I’ve had about official or unofficial! I am always so impressed by the generosity of Maria and Rick’s ways. Thank you again for giving me a leg up on believing in “the true beauty” shining bright in spite of the brokenness we see all around us. Kudos to y’all! Great article Julie!! ❤️
Susan Talbot on
Delightful article answering questions I’ve had about official or unofficial! I am always so impressed by the generosity of Maria and Rick’s ways. Thank you again for giving me a leg up on believing in “the true beauty” shining bright in spite of the brokenness we see all around us. Kudos to y’all! Great article Julie!! ❤️
Susan Talbot on
Norma T. Grinberg on
Wanted to share: when my Doctor came into my exam room for an appointment,
She glanced at my art notebook and said, “what is that? I immediately felt calm from my first glance!”
That was her first experience with Zentangle!
You never know when a new opportunity will arise to share this meditative art form!
Gail Rosin on
The best rule that no one can dream of. Thank you!
Whenever & wherever I find myself with a group of people working on a task, my fallback question is “Are we having fun yet?” In the Zentangle Method it’s all about the FUN of creativity & freedom from rules! 🙃 Thanks for sharing an escape from rules, where creativity & simplicity collide into beauty Tangled pieces of art!
Josephine Wood on
Joyce Rosenberger on
Rule 2: No judgment, criticism or comparison. Repeat from Rule 1!
Susie on
Jessica Dykes on
Rondy L Murray on
I definitely “have fun” when I Zentangle. I’m so blessed to have found this art medium!
Dianne on
LOVE it :-D
ArjadLH on
Babou on