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Reticula and Fragments

Reticula and Fragments

Maria writes...

Hi everyone. We thought we would take a more in-depth look at the Zentangle Collection of Reticula and Fragments book that we first offered last November at ZenAgain. We feel like this book deserves to have a more formal introduction.
So, without further ado, here it is! Two years in the making. A “handbook”  to inspire us all in the subject of fragments, and of course reticula.

A Zentangle Collection of Reticula and Fragments

At our Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) reunion in 2016, we asked our CZTs if they would be willing to contribute to a book we were contemplating. A resounding yes was heard. I had designed and printed some special tiles, on Fabriano Tiepolo, about the size of a baseball card, with a square at the top strung with different reticula, and places underneath for the artist’s name, CZT class, the fragment code and an isolated fragment. I filled out all the cards with different fragment codes.  Then, we handed them out to anyone who wanted to be part of this project. Some CZTs did three, four, or five cards!
They are jewels, every one of them (approximately 650) sparkling with energy and love. As far as I know, every one made it into the book. We added our own bits of stuff to read, a few full-page illustrations, a brand new cover . . . and our Zentangle gold seal of approval. 

And the really cool part of this: all profits go into the Zentangle Foundation, to establish scholarships, support research and provide funding for Zentangle outreach projects. The Zentangle Foundation was recently approved by the IRS as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
We dedicate this book to all the amazing CZTs who generously contributed their art to this project. Their names are listed in the book and also on each tile. The tiles are in alphabetical order by first names of CZTs.
I keep this book on my desk for reference and as a sort of “spinner” or chooser of tangles and ideas. It is a really valuable addition to our Zentangle library.
Thank you everyone, for sharing your passion and your art on this wonderful adventure.

(Search hashtag #reticulaandfragment on our Zentangle Mosaic app, too!)



  • How do l get your book "Reticula & Fragments " in Canada.

    Carmen on

  • It would be great if you’d make this available as an E-book! So much easier to be able to enlarge the drawings and read on a digital display.

    LH on

  • How can you buy

    This book?

    PAt FIedler on

  • Wo kann man dieses Buch erwerben ? Danke in voraus Gentilia

    Gentilia Azzarone Brill on

  • I am grateful for being given the honour of contributing to this wonderful book. It is a valuable resource of inspiration. I love the generosity of Rick and Maria donating all profits of this book to the Zentangle Foundation.

    Lianne Woods on

  • Love this little reference book. I learnt a lot from making the samples for you at Zen Again. Now, a special reference. Thank you for passing on our contributions forward in the scholarship. Sandra Chatelain,CZT8

    Sandra Chatelain on

  • I just got mine today and I love it already. It is just what I was looking for.

    Sandra Mitchell on

  • I am dying to get my copy, however I must control myself until I return from Ireland and replenish my funds!!! I love reticula and fragments and I use them often!!!

    Clara Brunk on

  • So excited! Just bought my copy!

    Joanne Raia on

  • I just bought this book and I love the fact that it’s a collection of CZT’s tiles and that the money from sales goes to the foundation. I love doing fragments and reticula, the surprise that arise from the different arrangement of fragments, and the meta patterns are so fun and fascinating! Fun to color in too!

    Jan Albright on

  • I too, am honored to have participated…so cool to be published!! The addition of the Zentangle Foundation is awesome…the generosity of Rick, Maria and family is endless!!

    Kim VanZyll on

  • Looking forward to pouring over this book.

    Jessica M. on

  • I love this book and had a great time working on my tiles. And then seeing all the tiles in print is just fantastic! Thanks for letting me be part of this book!
    I would love to have a set of blank forms to use as a class tool when teaching R&F’s.

    Terri Young, CZT 16 on

  • Sounds like a great resource and touchstone. I will be patient, and get a copy in June when I come to your town for the CZT training! It will be a present to me, from me.

    Ginger White on

  • Great to hear a bit more about how this book came together.

    My copy arrived from across the Atlantic just last week! I’m planning to give the reticula / fragment scene a proper work out over the coming months. I love browsing through the book and spotting familiar names, alongside all manner of tangled wonder!

    Jem Miller on

  • I purchased this book but was disappointed in the quality of the printing and the paper.

    That said, I do find it a valuable resource.
    Susan Arnsten-Russell CZT 31

    Susan Arnsten-Russell on

  • Thanks for reminding me about this great resource! I’m pulling it out and using it as a resource for a labarynth I am working on this snowy cold Winter day!

    Heather Toswell CZT 18 on

  • I love this book. I, too, keep it in a handy place for inspiration and ideas. I get into the habit of drawing the same tangles that I love. I use the book to get out of that habit, sometimes. I don’t just use it for fragments. I use it to rediscover tangles. Since it’s paperback I don’t mind if it gets worn and messy. I think that’s a great feature.

    MKay B B Watson on

  • I came home from CZT 32 with this amazing reference. It travels with me between classes. It’s a never ending inspiration. Thank you.

    Mary Lou Minard on

  • I love that I had an opportunity to be in a ZT HQ book! Thank you so much for your generous spirits and allowing this to be a pay-it-forward accomplishment!

    Kim Kohler on

  • Awesome book! Grateful to have been present to tangle!

    Sandy Kelley-Jones CZT 23, 29 & 32 on

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