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CZT Family Tree: Katrina Thiebaut

CZT Family Tree: Katrina Thiebaut

We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.

Today, we are excited to introduce Katrina Thiebaut!

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Name: Katrina Thiebaut, CZT 22, 32, and 36

Favorite Tangle: Mooka
Favorite Place to Tangle: Anywhere and Everywhere
How I use Zentangle® Method in my life: Zentangle® Method permeates all of my life.  I use its focus of gratitude and appreciation most of all. One of the things mentioned in The Book of Zentangle is, “Be thankful for this opportunity to treat yourself to this moment of creativity.” I find myself saying this to myself about the moments of my life.  “Be thankful because it is all creativity…the way we view the world, the way we interact with others, the way we can be present in the moment we are in and look for the good in it.” I also like to think of the String as a metaphor.  I might have something planned out or expect others to act a certain way in a situation. When things don’t go as planned, I try to think of the “String,” which is my life and how it is only a guideline. I love the Zentangle® definition of the string being “the elegance of limits.”  It is both safe and full of possibilities for drawing tangles and for living life.
Another and equally important way that I use Zentangle Method in my life is to create whimsical drawings of faces with tangled hair. I have drawn over 400 of these. I have called them Zen Kin®. I draw the faces and then use the Zentangle Method of drawing the deconstructed patterns called tangles for drawing the hair.  When I have finished all the steps of the method, I sign my Chop and then I give the drawn character a DOB (Date of Birth) which is the day I draw them, and also a first and middle name.  These Zen Kin have given me great joy and have been known to bring smiles to others. It is wonderful for me to do something that I enjoy so much and then have the bonus of others’ appreciation and enjoyment of it.  I have plans to teach and give permission to interested fellow CZTs how to make Zen Kin Cousins and teach their students. My dream is to have a collection of actual tiles sent to me from all over the world of Zen Kin cousins. I will fill my walls with them with gratitude. I first want to have others experience the joy of creating these cousins as I have enjoyed creating the Zen Kin; and second, I want to foster an even greater sense of community while we experience living during a World-Wide Pandemic. The world is full of cousins and making Zen Kin Cousins with the purpose of connecting makes my heart just sing! I will be providing more information about this on my website.

This winter, I have head fun creating Zen Kin in the snow!

Through my experiences as a CZT I have learned: I have learned that CZTs are like family. Family has always been the most important thing in my life. Jason Mraz has a song called “Look for the Good,” and one line stands out to me in that song.  It is, “look for the people who will set your soul free.” I learned that I have a “family” of CZTs that set my soul free. Zentangle is about appreciation and gratitude.  Being part of the CZT family is a safe place for me where others are nurturing, supportive, caring, and they not only are appreciative of my art, but also of others’, and most importantly, of their own. I will forever be grateful to Rick and Maria for making this business what it is and for making their priorities be gratitude and appreciation and the method of drawing beautiful art that is meant to be appreciated and never judged. CZTs all over the world are busy telling people there are no mistakes, only opportunities.  I cherish being among them.
If not tangling, you will find me…enjoying my family. 

Mosaic Name:  KatrinaThiebautCZT




  • Great blog post! Very proud of my mom!

    Chase Thiebaut on

  • Oh! and, loved you story. Well said. ❣️

    Maria on

  • My zen kin sits on my desk, her smiling face, with eyes “a’closed”, is contemplating her wonderful life. Her hair is of exuberant rixty, a peace sign lives on a chain at her long beautiful neck. I checked the back, but no date or name is written on it. Perhaps she has a name, (?) if you kept tract of your “children”. She keeps the area around her in peace.

    Maria on

  • Oh what a surprise to see me with you! Such heartwarming memories.
    Your work has brought smiles to so many. Thank You!!!!

    Molly on

  • Katrina you have made your Zen Kin as cute and sweet as you.

    Diane Masloroff on

  • Katrina, I love your Zentangle creations in the snow! Quite an achievement and made me happy to see!

    Mary Illana Perrin CZT On January 27 on

  • Amazing!

    Gordon Nan Preschel on

  • Amazing. I can tell you have drawn many of these zen kins. When i was younger, I traipsed through snow with my brother creating some message, i no longer remember; i remember how long it took! thanks for the memory

    Barbara Joan on

  • Katrina is one of a kind – just like her ZenKins. I’ve been lucky to have been gifted one of her Kins. I treasure it. She is as beautiful on the inside as the outside. Thanks for sharing your gift with us all. Xoxox


    Deborah Bowyer on

  • Katrina is a joy herself. Her smile is infectious. So glad we met along life’s path.

    Janice England on

  • Oh my dear Katrina! You are such a blessing to the Zentangle world and one of the greatest gifts you have given me, and to so many other tanglers, is your beautiful and sweet friendship. Your ZenKin family is whimsical and fun! I would love to take a class from you and I will send you more cousins from Canada. XO

    Brenda Shaver Shahin on

  • Katrina, your snow Kin are quite superb. You draw better with your feet than many of us do with our pens. I have to tell you that I hate snow. At my age it is a hazard but, if it comes again this year, I may find a car park and tangle.

    Alan Quincey on

  • Love the movie, Katrina has tangling legs as well. Proud of our European tangling CZT.

    Stella on

  • Wonderful feature on Katrina’s art and on such a beautiful warm uplifting human being who I had the pleasure of meeting @ ZenAgain!

    Heather Toswell on

  • I love the zen kins, kids and cousins all! So fresh, very whimsical! Thanks Zentangle and Katrina.

    Marjorie Goosen on

  • I love Katrina’s characters—so charming!

    Mindy Jameyson on

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