We hope that you have enjoyed our Back to Basics series as much as we have. It has been exciting, humbling, and inspiring to look back at where we stated and how far we have come. At the same time, we also found comfort in the fact that over the years, the Zentangle Method has remained the same, guiding us on our creative journeys.
To wrap up this series, we are taking a trip down memory lane and looking back at the Zentangle Kit over the years... with an exciting announcement at the end.
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Rick writes:
When Maria and I gave our first Zentangle Workshop in July of 2003, we did not have a Zentangle Kit.
Until that workshop we didn't have a Zentangle tile . . . or a trademark!
So, just before that first workshop Maria lettered some art for the back of our 3.5 inch (89mm) square piece of paper we call a tile . . .
. . . printed them on the copy machine and the cut them by hand.
Meanwhile, we realized we should trademark "zentangle" so I got to work on that and, if memory serves correctly, we finished in the wee hours of the morning.
After that super successful class with about 100 of the most awesome calligraphers in the world, we started thinking about a kit for our Zentangle tiles and tools. (That first class was at the annual meeting of IAMPETH, the International Association of Master Penmen, Engrossers, and Teachers of Handwriting.)
We mocked up ideas with pieces of foam board, mat board and tape . . . always with the divine proportion in mind to guide our design. Here's one of those early prototypes:
Once we had something we liked, Maria and I took our mock-up to a box maker we found in Hadley, a town in western Massachusetts. We chose the green because we liked the swatch from the limited assortment available.
Here is a picture of that first kit:
We used a ribbon as a "lifter" under the tiles instead of a finger cutout. There was no latch to keep it closed.
We used a 3.5" DVD which we thought was clever because, well, our tiles were 3.5" square and it fit so well in the tile section in the box. But that was a bit of a problem on slot feeding DVD drives. So our technical support (Rick) was forever sending instructions on how to get that tiny disk out of your Apple computer's DVD drive.
Our idea was that the Zentangle Kit could be like a book and fit nicely on your bookshelf.
The next version of our kit was made in Nepal. Maria had been tangling on lokta paper which is made from the bark of trees that grow in Nepal. Our paper supplier suggested it as a good material for our Zentangle Kit box. We appreciated the idea that the paper and the kit boxes would be handmade in local Nepali villages and that the trees regenerated their bark.
This version added a string and button closure. We also shifted to a full-size DVD in this kit.
Soon we learned we had to schedule our orders around the local monsoon season. Then, as we ordered larger quantities, we began having quality issues.
Molly's first Zentangle job was helping Maria and me repair the salvageable boxes with a hot glue gun. Often we would be up late at night with the hot glue blisters to show for it. So, if one of your older kits is held together with odd globs of hot glue . . . now you know the story!
Every shipment came with a different challenge and often a different color! We began to look for another option.
That led us to another local box maker, this time in Rhode Island. For many years we got our kit boxes from them. I remember unloading them and storing them at my parents' home when we ran out of room at our home.
This box came with a small foam button to hold the DVD and it closed with a magnetic flap.
We have been planning to introduce a new kit box for over a year. We thought we had enough kit boxes like the one above to last us well into 2021. But in 2020, with the increased interest in finding refuge in calm creativity amidst the clamor, we ran out of kit boxes sooner than we expected.
And now . . . (insert drum roll and cymbal, or, trumpets if you prefer) . . . we are thrilled to introduce our new Zentangle Kit.
Our new Zentangle Kit comes in two "flavors." Both flavors use the same larger box with sections to accommodate our different size tiles and to organize your various tools.
Our overall concept is to provide a portable Zentangle studio with plenty of room to grow as you add tools and tiles and collect your creative treasures.
Instead of including an instructional DVD, we provide links to a growing library of online Zentangle instructional videos. This first instructional video comes in four versions: an edited version in right and left handed formats, and an unedited, see every stroke, version - also in right and left handed formats.
Each Zentangle Kit includes a new and expanded instructional booklet.
Let's take a look at the two versions.
Zentangle Kit-Classic
In this Zentangle Kit-Classic you will find:
1 Introductory Booklet
34 White Zentangle® Tiles of assorted sizes
1 Black Sakura® Pigma Micron® 01 Pen
1 Black Sakura Pigma Micron PN Pen
2 Mini Graphite Pencils
2 Pouches (for tools and tiles)
1 Sharpener
2 Tortillions
This is a great foundation to begin your Zentangle journey. It has the basic tools you need to begin and offers plenty of room to grow and to collect your treasured works of art.
Zentangle Kit-Expanded
In this Zentangle Kit-Expanded you will find:
1 Introductory Booklet
34 White Zentangle® Tiles of assorted sizes
34 Colored Zentangle Tiles of assorted sizes
1 Black Sakura® Pigma Micron® 01 Pen
1 Black Sakura Pigma Micron PN Pen
1 Black Sakura Pigma Micron 10 Pen
1 Brown Sakura Pigma Micron 01 Pen
1 White Sakura Gelly Roll® 08 Pen
2 Mini Graphite Pencils
1 Mini White Charcoal Pencil
4 Tortillions
2 Pouches (for tools and tiles)
1 Sharpener (KUM® for graphite)
1 Sharpener (All Art® for white)
1 Zentangle Legend Booklet
1 Icosohedron Die
If you are familiar with Zentangle tools and tiles, you probably understand most of what is on that list. But what, you may ask, is a "Zentangle Legend Booklet?"
Ah, so glad you asked. That is the custom booklet that we released in Zentangle Project Pack No. 10. Gather your inspirations and imaginations in this delightful booklet as you create your own legend!
We are thrilled to finally share these new Zentangle Kits with you! Kits are available now for Certified Zentangle Teachers and will be available to all tanglers the afternoon of Friday, July 23rd! Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to find out when you can get yours.
Thank you again for enjoying with us this marvelous journey and exploration of all things possible (and once thought impossible) . . . one (delightful, relaxed, and fun) stroke at a time.
The randomly selected winner from last week's blog is Deborah Alborell! Please send your snail address to julie@zentangle.com! Has your name been picked during our Back to Basics series? Congratulations! You will be receiving a Zentangle Kit - Classic!
Please share your stories about your Zentangle timeline in the comments below. We will randomly select THREE commenters to also receive a new Zentangle Kit!
I discovered Zentangle from a library book, and learned to tangle in the fall of 2016. I practiced for a year or two, then spent more time on music than art. In 2021, I returned to art and rediscovered Zentangle. I will attend the CZT42 conference this fall!
Heidi on
Just over a year ago I began learning the Zentangle method from your videos and from other CZTs. Since then, I’ve become more focused when tangling as well as enjoying everyday activities in a new relaxed manner. Thank you for continually sharing your adventures with us Tanglers, for imagining new tangles and projects and inspiring me to create one line at a time.
Nancy Needler on
Just over a year ago I began learning the Zentangle method from your videos and from other CZTs. Since then, I’ve become more focused when tangling as well as enjoying everyday activities in a new relaxed manner. Thank you for continually sharing your adventures with us Tanglers, for imagining new tangles and projects and inspiring me to create one line at a time.
Nancy Needler on
Love from Reunion Island
Yasmina on
So cool to see the history of the kits! I have one (treasured) with the lokta paper box and a string and wooden button closure. I also love that you include Fibonacci numbers in your supplies. :)
Margaret Bremner on
Vicki Walsh on
Judith Tosado on
barb mcquoid on
I started tangling about 6 years ago after some really hard times. This peaceful practice helped me through a lot. I stopped for a long while when things started getting better. I’m at a wonderful place in my life now and I have rediscovered the joys of tangling. I hope to one day attend a CZT class.
Carol on
My timeline is rather short, but very intense. Zentangle found me in the summer of 2020 and carried me away so much that I spontaneously decided to go to the CZT seminar in October in Frankfurt.
I just wanted to do something good for myself, just for me. I met great people who enrich my life every day.
And I accepted the adventure of passing on this great method to interested people. It is a joy to accompany this path. ♥️
Claudia on
Preeti Gupta on
Myriam on
Now that we are retired and traveling with our travel trailer, it’s the perfect time to break out the supplies and play. Seems to me to be the perfect travel hobby with my Zentangle supplies taking so little space in an already packed RV.
Karen Fryar on
Linda Stephens on
Barbara Steele on
I took my first Zentangle class from a CZT well over a dozen years ago. At the time I was an educator who found tangling a valuable practice to reduce stress. Starting with the original black on white basic tangles, I progressed to white on black and rennaisance. Between gifts received from friends and my own purchases, I have delighted in ALL of the project packs, fascinated by all the possibilities. Now retired, tangling is my daily meditative joy. I do not know how I would have survived these past traumatic years of turmoil and pandemic without the gift of drawing. Thank you! With all of my heart, I send my profound appreciation for the joy and creativity you have brought into my life. 💜
Cindy Martin-Shaw on
Rosane Chiarantano on
Marsha Campbell on
Mary Bartrop on
I discovered Zentangle this past year, I’m not sure how- but I’m so glad I did! It is such a calming practice. I can only imagine how anxious I might have been at times without it. I don’t have any of the kits, but I’ve made my own storage boxes by using clean pizza boxes! We buy unbaked fresh locally made pizzas from a small grocery store nearby, and the boxes are great for storing tools and finished artwork- not as nice as a true Zentangle kit, but it works! I must admit I have coveted a real Zentangle kit, but I have been happily drawing on everything from the inner surface of cut-up cereal boxes to pages in a sketchbook to pieces of card stock. I love having this as an artistic outlet, and have even ventured into making some watercolor paintings, holding in mind the “no mistakes” philosophy. Thank you so much for all the resources you all share & make so freely available! ❤️
Lucinda Mathews on
Annie Sargent, CZT 33 on
Rondy L Murray on
So wonderful to see this journey of kits! Totally reminds me of my journey with Zentangle – starting to learn about it (with a few pens and paper) and then getting the hang of it (a few more pens) until now I am fully comfortable with the Zentangle Method and have been able to expand my exploration into a variety of mediums (way more pens and paper). Thank you for all the innovation in the last year, it’s truly helped – refuge in calm creativity describes Zentangle for me in the last year perfectly.
Lauren H on
I love the story of the evolution of the box. It shows all the little things that were considered, planned, created, transitioned and built upon. The unexpected modifications and changes in material brought extra challenges but were handled one step at a time with a beautiful end result. Sounds like Zentangle to me!
Holly C on
I was gifted with the magnetic box by my best friend who is a CZT and had been wanting me to try it. I finally said I was interested in trying it and on New Year’s Eve 2018 I not only opened up the magnetic box but also received a lot of extras not in the kit to start my journey. I was instantly hooked.
DM Smith on