We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.
Today, we are excited to introduce Eni Oken!
Name: Eni Oken
Hometown: I'm originally from Brazil, but now living in El Segundo, CA for many years.
Favorite Tangle: Mooka
Favorite Place to Tangle: in my kitchen
How I use the Zentangle Method in my life: I found Zentangle at a particularly delicate time in my life when I was going through Stage 4 Cancer treatment. During the 3 years of treatment I found myself creating pictures of the treatment procedures totally covered with tiny repetitive patterns. My oncologist recommended I draw happier drawings as part of my recovery and that’s when I discovered Zentangle. I immediately became enamored by the method since it elegantly allows a person to reach that wonderful Zen flow feeling artists chase all their lives. I had been an art teacher for a few decades and desperately wanted to become a CZT right away, but health and financial recovery didn’t allow me to attend seminar until 2016. Zentangle has literally changed my life, I tangle every single day as a way to calm down and de-stress, as a meditative practice and also find immense joy in teaching Zentangle to others through videos and live online classes.
My favorite story or memory about teaching the Zentangle Method is: As an experienced art teacher, I am particularly impressed at how the Zentangle method can easily teach a person with very little or no artistic background to reach artistic confidence and Zen flow, something artists with more experience take years to master. Every time I see the look of surprise in a person’s face, or the surprised comments online “I never thought I could create something like this”, it gives me such happiness, such joy, it’s hard to describe. I have collected many emails from people expressing similar feelings of surprise, and it never gets old.
Through my experiences as a CZT, I have learned: It is such a great feeling to be part of a community of like-minded people from all over the world, people who connect through this visual language that is Zentangle. I always enjoyed repetitive ornamental patterns, but thought it was too much of a specialized topic in art to dedicate myself exclusively to. Well, CZTs LOVE exploring tangle patterns and easier ways to deconstruct them, it’s such a joy to bond and explore those processes with other teachers.
If I’m not tangling, you will find me: My fiancé and I love to dance, cruise and travel, and during our trips, I am constantly searching for patterns everywhere when we are not dancing. Recently we created together a free app called “Art Raffle” for iPhone, iPad and Mac which explores different ways to combine tangles and enhancers, so we are constantly refining the app and adding more step-outs. Finally, I also teach a LOT, I run a Zentangle monthly membership program called Eni’s Art Club, and the online classes can be very intense, so I spend a lot of time coming up with new projects and preparing for classes. I have created dozens of video classes online, it's amazing how technology can help reach people from all over
Mosaic Name: EniOken
Website: enioken.com
Lisa Wyckoff on
Shalini Rajesh on
I love Eni’s classes. She is an experienced artist. She brings her deep artistic knowledge to every class and shares it so graciously with all of us. Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag.
LIsa Hoesing on
Miriam Z (HIPster the Artist) on
Sallie Gurth on
I have been on my Zentangle journey for nearly 8 years. Joining Eni’s Art Club earlier this year has had a fabulous impact on the quality of my art as well as my emotional well-being during this difficult time of Covid. She truly is a gifted teacher. Zentangle has been such a blessing in my life and Eni has expanded it in wonderful ways.
Leslie Barr on
de sus pequeños trazos. Cuántas cosas maravillosas pasan por nuestra mente en unos pocos minutos cuando nos enredamos. Gracias Eni, por estar ahí!!
Elsa Dueñas CZT#26 on
Thank you Zentangle family for sharing my story!!!! I’m so psyched for being part of the family tree, thank you! As I mentioned, Zentangle literally has changed my life in ways I cannot describe. I’m forever indebted to you and to the Zentangle method for everything that it continues to bring to me on a daily basis. Not a day goes by that I don’t get a surprise at how well the method works, how it can easily provide Zen flow regardless of how the drawing looks, at the wisdom of “slowing down”, at the magic that comes with each tangleation, or how the “no mistakes” takes me into places I could have never imagined. I particularly love it when halfway through the tangling I can see the entire composition emerging, completely unexpected. It brings a smile to my face every time. Thank you!!!!
Eni OKen on
Leslee Feiwus on
I found Eni’s ebooks relatively early in my Zentangle journey, and it was a defining moment of my creativity! I remember being completely enveloped in the style, tone, creativity and approachability in the way she described things, and I felt I had a connection with her even before we met in person! I’m now a long term member of Eni’s Art Club, and being one of Eni’s students has truly improved my creative style and detail. We are very lucky that Eni is part of the CZT community!
Mary Rose Feldman on
I absolutely adore Eni! I was a fan of her work before I realized who she was. She is one of the most giving persons I know when it comes to sharing her knowledge of art, techniques, inspiration and time, lots of time. Eni’s classes can be intense and well worth one’s time. The Art Club is a fantastic place to learn so many styles and new ideas. I look forward to each and every one. Thanks Eni!
Terri Young, CZT 16 on
Kathy Y. on
Maria, Ricky, Molly, Martha, and Juliet W…. also love to try and replicate their styles and alas, my own style comes forward which is what’s it’s all about!!! Thx for sharing YOUR story Eni!! Awesome tangles
Laurieann Jacobs on
Pamela Sauerwald on
Paulette Kirschensteiner on
LOVE this to keep up with my Zentangle family. Thank you all at ZTHQ!!!! xoxoxo
Karen Izzi on
Peyton on