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Any Project Pack Is stroke at a time

Any Project Pack Is stroke at a time

Molly writes:

I recently received the following question about our latest Project Pack:

“I've been doing Zentangle only since April, and I have done a lot of the traditional black ink on white 3.5" or 2" tiles. I have followed the Zentangle Primer Vol 1 book and many YouTube videos of yours and other CZTs but have never done a project pack. I am still new to Zentangle. Do you think it would be ok to dive into project pack 21 or would I be better off going back and doing other project packs before it? I guess I'm asking if project pack 21 is for more advanced tanglers?”

Zentangle Project Packs are designed for all levels of tanglers that have some experience with the Zentangle Method. The lessons use common Zentangle language and techniques that would be better understood with some prior Zentangle knowledge. In the beginning we started with basic concepts, and though not in order of difficulty, it does seem that our Project Packs have thematically become more sophisticated over time. With that being said, there are some Project Packs that offer more basic instruction and exposure to fundamentals of the Method than others. We try to vary the themes throughout the year and seek out ideas that tanglers might be interested in exploring. 

Many, if not all our project packs, have multiple underlying themes which overlap. For instance, there are some that feature materials, but we wrap a little bit of philosophy into each lesson. Or we start with philosophy but wrap a new technique or skill into the lessons. It is this intersection of artistic technique and Zentangle philosophy that is ultimately where the value lies. 

When I review the collection of our Project Packs, there are a few Project Packs that offer more to those who are new to the Zentangle Method. If I were to select the best Project Packs for learning tangles, I would recommend Project Pack No. 04 and No. 10. Both offer fun ways to learn individual tangles in their basic forms. If I were to choose the best Project Pack to introduce you to different tile shapes and paper surfaces, I would choose Project Pack No. 02 which offers a taste of many of our different tile shapes and colors as well as accompanying pens and pencils. If I were to recommend Project Packs that bring focus to Zentangle philosophies I would suggest Project Packs No. 06 and No. 14. 

We have Project Packs that feature themes that take a deep dive into a specific collection of materials such as No. 01 with Black tiles or No. 12 with Renaissance tiles. Some Project Packs work thematically around a surface or a specifically curated collection of tools, such as No. 07, No. 08, No. 11, No. 17, and No. 18. These Project Packs usually feature lessons that are independent from one another and are not sequential. In other words, you can do some or all of the lessons in the series and they can be done out of order. These are great opportunities to progress from working on white tiles and you can learn a lot about different materials and techniques specific to those tools and tiles.

Then there are Project Packs that are more thematically tied to a technique or project. These include ones like No. 05 that features Zentangle Cartouche, and No. 15 that works with letter forms and alphabets. Project Packs No. 09, No. 13, and No. 16 also guide us through fun tiles that thematically work around a style or technique that we as artists can get all tangled into. Each of the project packs leave you with another tangling skill to take with you and integrate into your practice.

In 2019 we began a series of Project Packs that work with our concept of Zentomology®. These include Project Packs No. 19, No. 20, and No. 21. They all focus on learning the different categories of tangles, their characteristics, and how they work with each other compositionally.

If you were to ask me if there was a Project Pack that is not a beginner experience, I would have to say Project Pack No. 19. It has been, thus far in our series, the marathon of Project Packs. It is also my favorite one and the one I would recommend to any avid tangler. You can get lost in this project for hours and hours of tangling bliss. It challenges, inspires, and requires quite a bit of tangling stamina. It leaves you learning about many different tangle categories, how to build composition with tangles and works you through sophisticated shading techniques. And it leaves you with a very large and impressive piece of artwork!

We really do believe that all our Project Packs can be approached by tanglers of all abilities. 

  • Will some people need to watch a lesson a few times? Perhaps they might.
  • Will there be challenges or mis-strokes here and there? Perhaps there will be.
  • Will each and every tile or composition created be unique? You bet they will be!

Project Packs as a whole can be approached just like any other tile, one stroke at a time. Take it slow, enjoy your pace and embrace your Zentangle practice. Have faith in yourself as an artist and give yourself some room to explore and go in different directions. 

Finally, to answer the specific question asked, "Is Project Pack No. 21 for more advanced tanglers?"

My response would be, “not necessarily.”

“Should you try Project Pack No. 21?”

The answer is, “Yes”. If you have any introductory exposure to the method, you have enough experience to do the Project Pack. Work at your own pace and embrace your work. More importantly, do it the best that you can. It is your journey, not anybody else’s. Following along as the videos are released is fun and the energy is supportive. It is exciting watching it all unfold. You can always watch a video lesson first without tangling and then watch it again and tangle at your own pace. It is magical to see what others are creating along with you, and you can always choose to take your time on your own work but still follow what others are doing.

Our Project Pack series unfolded almost accidentally and has unexpectedly grown into something we both love and cherish. We never envisioned that we would get this far. Here we are, 21 packs later, and things have evolved in a very exciting way. We have learned and been inspired by all of you and thank you all for supporting us and tangling along. If you are also new to the Zentangle Method, I give you an encouraging, “Go for it!”, any Project Pack is possible, one stroke at a time!

Which Project Pack inspired you the most? What did you learn from that Project Pack?

Let us know in the comments below. We will be giving away something special to 3 winners, names picked randomly. Winners will be announced in our next blog.

Molly Hollibaugh


  • My favorite project pack is always the most recent one I’ve done. That being said, even though PP21 is the most recent and I thoroughly enjoyed it, I am still working on PP19 and that may be my favorite. Molly’s comment about PP19 is so true — you can get lost in it for hours of tangling fun. It continues to inspire and encourage my creativity. I enjoy seeing what each new project pack will bring.

    Joyce Rosenberger on

  • I have enjoyed doing project packs with materials I have on hand. However I did purchase project pack 14. I do think that some projects are more beginner friendly and would not recommend project pack 21 for beginners

    Susan Arnsten-Russell on

  • I Love the project packs! #4, The Tangle Spinner is one I’m still working on…hesitant to lay down those first tangles on my beautiful watercolor base. I’ll get there, I just keep watching the videos, and practicing. Zentangle has helped me walk thru a very difficult time with my Moms disease of dementia. It is a great escape from the heartache associated with caring for her. Thank you Zentangle HQ Family, and all of the wonderful people that support us on our tangling journey! I’m hoping that Maria will take on the challenge of leading us in tangling with our non dominant hand! We’ll all be beginners once again!

    Andrea on

  • I also love all the Project Packs. The excitement begins as soon as you announce a new one is in the works! Of them all, I am very fond of PP04 – Tangle Spinner. So much so that I made one for my sister too. Thank you for sharing this fantastic creative outlet with us all!

    Jane Lawler Smith on

  • I have enjoyed all the project packs I’ve done. Some I’ve finished and others I haven’t. But always learning something from each one. But I must say this last one pp21 has been my favorite and inspired me to try combining tangles in ways I had never thought of. Thanks again for all you do for us tanglers.

    Sue Leslie CZT on

  • Number 21!!! I have avoided colors, fearing that it “complicated” things. I doubted my ability to use colors in a pleasing manner. But PP 21 blew me away! As soon as I watched the intro and day one, I ordered the pack. I was thrilled with all the creativity it unleashed! Imagining the qualities, growth patterns, attributes and yes, the COLORS of these creative gems brought me hours of joy. My confidence increased and I’m now excited to move forward, using color!

    Maryanne Leagans on

  • For some reason project pack 09 was one that resonated with me most. Fun to do, unique result with quiet musings of my own inside. I say was because this newest project pack 21 is the one I believe stretched me most. Specifically the challenges made me think in different ways and on my own. I know I have a great deal more stretching to do, but see this as a lovely springboard in ‘getting my tangle on’. As always I am grateful for all of the project packs, the thoughtfulness and creativity that goes into each one, the exciting bespoke elements and the surprise each time when I open one and try to anticipate what will become of it. I think it was Project Pack 19 when we were reminded to ‘trust the process’. Truer words never spoken because at the end of every lesson it is amazing to see what one’s wrought, no matter how much you questioned it during the making.

    PamS on

  • I love the project packs and would recommend any of them to anyone, even a novice. The instructional videos are just that. They are easy to follow and entertaining. And there’s always that handy reverse button if you need to watch that again!

    MKay Watson CZT on

  • No. 05 featuring the Zentangle Cartouche was the first one that really kicked off my brain into the absolute creativity Zentangle could provide for me. I had done a few prior PPs but that one was the first that had me hunting for objects and photos important to me and to family.

    Beyond the PP, I made two Cartouche pieces for both our mothers with our photo as the centerpiece.
    I used white frames for the pieces and they became their Mother’s Day presents that year.
    Both mothers treasured them while they were alive.
    We lost both of them in 2022, both at age 90.
    Now we have the pictures back in our possession, one at my desk at work and one on our wall.
    I know the two heart daughters in our wills will each take one with them to treasure.

    Debbie Smith on

  • I loved project pack 10! It was actually the first one I ever did and I learned so much as a beginning tangler and I refer back to it often!

    DJ Armstrong on

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