In 2007, we started BLOG Zentangle and began our enjoyable series of conversations within our Zentangle community. In reading through these blog posts with their insightful comments, we decided to bring a few of them to your attention from time to time. It is easy, for me anyway, to sometimes think of old information as stale information. But these insights and conversations are anything BUT stale! We invite you to go back to the Twilight [Zen]Zone with this post from 2013... Begin previous post . . . Maria writes: My thoughts were wandering recently (actually they wander quite often, without...
Introducing Zentangle in the Early Years, is a peer reviewed study by Gillian McAuliffe, CZT and Sandra Hesterman. It evaluates five outcomes of a Zentangle practice for children during early development. We first met Gillian McAuliffe when she travelled from Perth, Austraia to attend a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) seminar. We hold our CZT seminars in the United States in the state of Rhode Island, which is about as far from Perth as you can get. We asked Gillian why she would travel so far to come to seminar. She told us she was school Principal in Perth. She had...
Molly writes: I recently came across this list. I was intrigued by it and searched around a bit for an author but kept coming up as Author Unknown. 10 to Zen Let go of comparing Let go of competing Let go of judgements Let go of anger Let go of regrets Let go of worrying Let go of blame Let go of guilt Let go of fear Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day. - Author Unknown Zentangle is not Zen. They are for sure two very different things. However there are some overlaps I...