Molly writes... When we talk about the Eight Steps of the Zentangle Method we often talk about the concept of The Elegance of Limits. This concept was integral in the development of the method and its eight steps. It was important to Rick and Maria to create a structure that nurtured and guided creativity with subtle suggestion, but also allowed room for artistic exploration. The Zentangle Primer Vol 1 describes “the elegance of limits” as a supportive matrix that paradoxically inspires creativity with gentle boundaries and limited options. Let’s take a closer look at the Eight Steps; how they offer...
This week in our Back to Basics series, Maria reflects on some early ideas they had about the Zentangle Method. Enjoy! --- + --- Maria writes:In the early days, when Zentangle was just a smile in our hearts, Rick and I knew that this new thing we happened upon, would be totally and inexplicably magical. We were obsessed with sharing this drawing system with whoever would dare to listen. I had dreams about how it would grow, by leaps and bounds. But my initial thoughts about who would love this new artform was …  wait, wait, get this … children. ...
Things are a buzz here at Zentangle HQ. This summer, we have some exciting new things to share with you and we can’t wait! As we look forward with excitement, we decided to also take a walk down memory lane to appreciate how far Zentangle has come and how it has grown over the years. For the next few weeks, we are going to be going Back to Basics as we pay homage to our Zentangle RootZ. What better place to start than with the Zentangle Blog. In 2017, we launched a new and we moved our blog to our website. But,...