Molly writes...
Albert Einstein famously said, “creativity is contagious, pass it on.” I love this quote. I think it is quite accurate, and I love when I see it in action. We see it often in the Zentangle Community. It is wonderful to witness those who create with the Zentangle Method, sharing their creative ways and ideas with others. We all feed from and learn from each other without a sense of competition, and you really do feel like the creativity is contagious.
In our Zentangle practice, we begin and end with gratitude. That is how it has always been. We are not definitive about what one should be grateful for in those moments, but rather that we honor time and space for it. Naturally, most of us would say that we are grateful for things in our lives in general sense, but how often do we pause and think about the specific things we are grateful for in any given moment? I love that my Zentangle practice has changed the way I think and focus on gratitude. By pausing and putting a specific intention toward gratitude I find myself filling up with warmth and positivity. By narrowing in on one thing I am grateful for, I find my thoughts slowly morphing into something else I am grateful for, and then another thing and so on. The more I focus on the things I am grateful for and the beauty I see in my own world, the more beautiful things I see in other people and places. It becomes a beautiful seamless feeling of love. Gratitude changes your perspective and affects how you interact with others. I have found that my sense of gratitude starts to appear beyond my own being.
As I notice this stronger connection with gratitude in myself, I start to notice it in others as well. Have you ever been around someone in a dire situation that in that moment, filled with whatever yuck or challenge, they instead choose to focus on the beautiful thing, the good thing or the wonderful people around them? They have just gone through something so hard, yet they come out of it more grateful than before. And you think to yourself, how extraordinary is that? Given the choice, they chose to focus on gratitude. Because that is what fills us up and lifts us up. It is often the people with less that have deeper sense of gratitude for what they have. When I see this and feel this, I too become humbled and begin to feel more grateful for the things I have been blessed with … almost as if I caught the sensation from them. And this is what had me thinking. Is gratitude contagious? From my experience and opinion, I think it is. And if so… I encourage all those intrigued to catch the gratitude fever. And know that when in proximity with others, it will be passed along, with gratitude.

Michele Couture on
Thank you. I never learned to focus on gratitude until I took my first Zentangle class with you all. It is a gift from you all that has taught me the importance of daily gratitude in my life. There will never be enough “thank you’s” to express how positively this has impacted my life.
Gratitude, love, and laughter to all.
Melanie Rothchild on
Дафи on
Attitude is gratitude, and I am very grateful for the wonderful years of creative tangles that everyone has created and shared.
I appreciate all the hard work and love that you have put into Zentangle. And a special thank you to Bijou who always brings a smile to my face. Love from Cheryl one of your Canadian neighbours.
Cheryl K. Jensen on
Susan L on
Lianne on
Yes indeed Molly! Today morning as I woke up I was feeling very grateful to almighty for everything that has happened in last one year and felt totally blessed and for grateful for the help I received. Besides everything happening zentangle has been my best friend in which I find my solace warmth and comfort. I feel I have a friend for life where I can go back to and find my cozy corner. The way the community works and progresses I feel that there will be never a dearth of things to practice and learn. My most sincere thanks to Zentangle for entering my life and making it so fulfilling.
Sincerely Thankful! Happy holidays!
Mira Parekh CZT34 on
ChrisK on
Sue Lesle CZT on
LaquetaS on
What a blessing Zentangle & all its Czts & founders have proven to be in so many lives!
With gratitude!
Mary Ellen Ziegler Czt33 on
Gratitude… it’s a top candidate for my Word of the Year 2025, which I’m currently contemplating. It’s like a mother source from which all good things flow.
Kendra Page on
Arlene Mindus CZT15 on
Gratitude fever is one fever I certainly don’t mind catching! And passing it on to others! My tangling practice has recently raised its head again, my mojo is coming back. I am ever-so-grateful for this, and the chance to express my gratitude for everything in my life, be it positive or seemingly negative. What a blessing for this Season!
Ginger White CZT34 on
Jessica L Dykes on
Exactly! Zentangle demonstrates the philosophy of gratitude every time it is shared. Because it’s the first and most important step, gratitude, along with appreciation, is a priceless gift. At this holiday season it’s an unwrapable present.
Ann Baum, CZT36 on
Wishing all of you at zentangle HQ a joyous holiday season and a new year filled with good health and happiness, and the love and laughter of family and friends.
With gratitude for all you’ve brought to this global community,
PamS on
Mum on
Lois Rodenhuis on
What a wonderful Blog Molly. And a perfect time to share with all tanglers. If we just pause for a moment we realize just how much we have to be grateful for.
Thank you!
Kathleen McMurtry CZT on