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CZT Family Tree: Kim Kohler

CZT Family Tree: Kim Kohler

We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.

Today, we are excited to introduce Kim Kohler!

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Name: Kim Kohler

CZT#: 16

Hometown: Elk Grove, California

Favorite tangle: At the moment, I’d pick: mooka, knights bridge and my own Jax!

Favorite place to tangle: Well, my absolute favorite place to tangle is Maui. But if you are asking where I normally tangle, it’s in my craft room/office at home.

How I use the Zentangle Method in my life: I use Zentangle to combat anxiety and depression. That might be news to some folks in the tangleverse. Most folks know that I found Zentangle when I was going through treatment for breast cancer in 2012. Well, a few years post treatment I found myself with increased anxiety and depression, which has only gotten worse. Having Zentangle to rely on and having the lifelong friendships from the community has helped me tremendously.

How I have shared the Zentangle Method in my community: I taught Basic and Beyond classes extensively from 2015-2019 and heard some pretty tough stories after I spoke about how I came to be a CZT. Zentangle has truly helped these folks get through tough times by leaning on the lessons of the method. I think I have ‘birthed’ at least 10 CZT’s from my classes, which means those folks are sharing Zentangle with others and helping even more folks find the peace and joy that it brings. Nothing could make me happier!

My favorite story or memory about teaching the Zentangle Method is: I was doing a demo at a gallery for an upcoming class and a woman kept walking by. I asked her to have a seat and draw with me. She told me that she had had 5 strokes and knew she couldn’t draw. I asked her to trust me. She did and she surprised herself. She signed up for the upcoming class. After that class, she came up to me to tell me how much she enjoyed it and that it made her feel great to be able to draw using the steps. She also told me that she had mentioned the upcoming class to her doctor and her doctor told her not to waste her money. He told her that due to her condition, she would never be able to draw and she certainly wouldn’t enjoy it because it would be too difficult and frustrating. I couldn’t believe what she was saying! Then she told me that when her doctor said that, it just made her more determined to come to class to see the possibilities. Needless to say, she is hooked and loving Zentangle! She considers it part of her therapy and has never looked back.

Through my experiences as a CZT, I have learned:

  • Patience
  • Trust the Process
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff
  • Everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.
If I’m not tangling, you will find me…: Spending time with my wife and cuddling with my dogs.

Mosaic Name: KimKohlerCZT





  • I enjoyed reading about Kim as well as all the comments. It reinforces the reference of Zentangle as “Vitamin Z!!” I mean, what other medicine helps breast cancer, depression, anxiety, stroke, Parkinson’s? (I could go on & on with diagnoses, but these are just the ones mentioned above.) And that doctor needs some education on looking at the WHOLE person. ..good thing there are other health professions who do!! Thank you for sharing.

    Julie Till on

  • I enjoyed reading about Kim as well as all the comments. It reinforces the reference of Zentangle as “Vitamin Z!!” I mean, what other medicine helps breast cancer, depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s? (I could go on & on with diagnoses, but these are just the ones mentioned above.) And that doctor needs some education on looking at the WHOLE person. ..good thing there are other health professions who do!! Thank you for sharing.

    Julie Till on

  • Hello Kim “KK”!! Kim and I bonded pretty quickly at Seminar in 2014…and again at ZenAgain. She is such a lovely, fun and caring person. It was a pleasure to teach with her at our Tahoe Tangle Retreat, and to share an Airbnb!! Her story is unique, just like her…love you Kim!! xoxoxo

    Kim VanZyll on

  • Kim, I love seeing your story here on You are truly an awesome CZT, Zentangle teacher, and community builder for Zentangle. I met Kim via this website when looking for a Zentangle teacher in my community. At the time, I told her I was not only looking for classes, but an art community that would support each other in our growth process. Kim involved me in her community of wonderful Zentangle friends, and I am now a part of this lovely group of people. Thank you, Kim! You are such a positive influence for others, Zentangle skill builder, and joy in my life.

    Louise Horner on

  • Kim, I’m a “lurker” on the mosaic app, but I’ve always been drawn to your work and I’ve saved several of your drawings to my mosaics. So nice to hear a little more about you! Keep up the encouraging work you do.

    Lynnda Tenpenny on

  • Hurrah for you, and shame on that doctor!

    Clara A Brunk on

  • Nice to meet you, Kim! I’m so glad you have Zentangle to rely on when things get rough. What’s more, I’m glad your students have you to inspire them! Exponentially, you really are making a difference in so many lives! Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork and your story with the “Tangleverse!”

    Jessica L DykesCZT39 on

  • Beautiful article. Especially about the lady with the strokes. Amazing how a doctor would nit encourage his patient.

    Barbara Kaplan on

  • Dear Kim
    Thank you for sharing your journey. It meant a lot to me. And I hope your student got a new doctor.

    Mary Lou Minard on

  • You are a beautiful person who’s love touches many. Thank you!

    Molly Hollibaugh on

  • Love your tangles and love your story.

    Thanks for sharing

    Dominique Martin-Proveux on

  • What an inspiring story, Kim! Thank you for sharing it.

    Heather Hartwick Gladden CZT 20 on

  • Thanks everyone! I am truly grateful for our community and the positive vibes that ensue when we get together.

    And yes, the student came back for more classes and told me that she took her tile from that first class to show the doctor that she can in fact draw.

    Kim Kohler on

  • Wonderful story! Zentangle has helped me in much the same way. I have been tangling for 10 years now and rely on it whenever I feel depressed, anxious, or angry. I too went through breast cancer but did not know about Zentangle at the time. I am glad you knew about it and that it helped you through that difficult experience. I am hoping the lady you talked about showed her doctor what she is able to do through Zentangle. Your work is beautiful!!

    Donna Lee Cole CZT #37 on

  • Thanks so very much, Kim, for these heartening stories and your gorgeous tiles! I have to say my blood boils when I hear about people like that doctor who are in the medical profession. Whatever happened to “First…do no harm”? I love that she had your generous sharing, and first hand experience so she could know otherwise for herself. Awesome!

    Molly Siddoway King, CZT36 on

  • Kim, it was a pleasure to meet you at Tahoe Tangles this year.. You are a beautiful soul and tangler!

    Linda Rios CZT 327 on

  • I am so grateful to have met you through Zentangle. You are a gem! Love this spotlight on you!

    Katrina Thiebaut on

  • Hi Kim,

    Yes, I didn’t know about your depression but am so glad you have Zentangle to help you with the difficult days! Your story about the woman with the strokes reminds me of my student who had Parkinsons. She was delightfully surprised that Zenangle helped her with writing and being able to sign her name again. After that, she announced that in every class she took. BTW, I love your #Jax too! Hugs to you.

    Gale Sherman on

  • Kim Kohler is one of the finest humans I have ever known. She is an excellent teacher and a one of the best cheerleaders for Zentangle. She walks the walk and talks the talk. I am proud to call her friend.

    Elizabeth Silva on

  • You’re amazing Kim! Thanks for sharing this.

    Sandy Kelley-Jones on

  • Lovely to know you have birthed 10 CZT’s! Wow. I’m new to the Zentangle world, just started at the beginning of this year. Tangling has helped me weather some stormy times and…I improve as an artist!

    ZenAffinity on

  • Kim, you are awesome. Good to know that tangeling makes a huge difference to body and soul.

    Ineke Kruger on

  • Love hearing other’s stories. Thanks for sharing it with us Kim K.

    Sue Leslie on

  • I love your story AND your tangling! I hope the lady whose doctor told her to forget drawing got a new doctor – and showed the old one her successes!

    Stefanie Spikell on

  • I love your work. Lovely story as well. Thank you for sharing.

    Anonymous on

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