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An Ode to Zentangle

An Ode to Zentangle

When we announced our 20th Anniversary Celebration in the beginning of this year, we received the most wonderful gift from CZT Jody Genovese that is too special not to be shared.

Thank you, Jody, for this Ode to Zentangle.




  • Your ‘Ode’ was wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

    Deborah Davis on

  • That’s an incredibly creative poem! I love the inspiration I get from so many CZT’s and Zentangle lovers!

    Suzanne Jasper on

  • Jody, your poem brought a smile to my face, with many chuckles and out loud laughs as I kept reading. I just had to share with a few Zentangle buddies. Thanks for sharing this fun, moving poem. I know I’ll refer to it quite often.

    Louise Malloy on

  • Jodi’s poetic creativity is impressive as her tangling. She’s been a huge contributor to the

    nahneeduz on

  • Jody’s wonderful poem just put a big smile on my face! Thanks for sharing 🥰

    Josephine Wood CZT36 on

  • Beautiful Ode, and some tangle to draw.

    Catherine on

  • Jody, I love your Ode to Zentangle! So creative and fun.

    Lesley Goldberg on

  • So creative and fun!! Really awesome!

    Anonymous on

  • Thank you for sharing. This Ode was so brilliant ! I thoroughly enjoyed it :)

    Crystal Gidget bushinsky czt38 on

  • Thank you for sharing. This Ode was so brilliant ! I thoroughly enjoyed it :)

    Crystal Gidget bushinsky czt38 on

  • Brilliant! So cool! ❤️

    Anu on

  • Oh, what fun! A rollicking tribute to the art-with-meditation form we all know & love! As much fun as Two Monkeys—or a whole barrel of them!

    suzi-r on

  • Marvelous. Such a great construct of tangles and never does she mangles, that Jodie Genovese, her craft is a breeze.

    Heidi Froelich CZT40 on

  • Oh so great Jody and thank ZHQ for sharing. Was certainly my giggle for the day.

    Sue Lesle CZT on

  • Thank you to Zentangle for giving me something to write a poem about. I think I speak for ALL of us when I say this art form has completely changed our lives so I am externally grateful to Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and the whole Zentangle crew.
    I didn’t know this was posted until early afternoon and am just getting to see all the beautiful comments that have made this a perfect ending to the day. The full opus tile is posted on Zentangle’s instagram page and if you look carefully you will see some of the poem unfolding in the tile. Thanks to all my zentangle friends for the constant support.

    Jody Genovese on

  • Simply awesome!

    Michele Kutta CZT on

  • Absolutely brilliant!!!!

    Heather Hartwick Gladden CZT 20 on

  • Fantastic tangle tribute (art and poem partnership) and perfect for our 20 year anniversary! Bravo! My friend! Bravo!!

    Debbie Huntington CZT27 on

  • That’s wonderful Jody, a fitting gift indeed!

    Sue Zanker on

  • So fun! Thank you, Jody and thank you so much, Zentangle HQ, for sharing this with all of us!

    Kathy Wright-Starr, CZT12 on

  • Thank you Jody for this amazing tribute to the Zentangle method. Your inspiring words brought a smile to my face.

    Lianne on

  • Jody, an artist and a poet. What a great tribute poem. Thanks to you for submitting and thanks to ZTH for sharing. Put a smile on my face.

    Johnifer Baker CZT41 on

  • How joyful and what a treasure! Thank you for sharing.

    Karen Polkinghorne on

  • Clever people these Zentanglers. Wonderful work

    Roslyn Badcock on

  • Jody, truly amazing words that cheered me up today. You are gifted with such words that flow and tell a wonderful story of our favorite topic – Zentangle. Such clever ways to weave the tangle names in your prose. You are amazing and t admire your special talent.

    Gloria Vatavuk on

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