It has become an annual Zentangle tradition for us to celebrate the holiday season with a series we call The Twelve Days of Zentangle. For twelve consecutive days, we deliver daily tangling lessons, guiding you through the steps to create festive tangled works of art that are all part of the same theme.
Join us now for Day Four, as our old friend Alfie and a couple of new friends take us through The 2022 Twelve Days of Zentangle.

Nomi says, “I need to refocus for a minute. Rick always tells us to hold at arm’s length and turn it this way and that. . . but I think I need a little help from my friends!”
Marasu immediately starts singing “I get by with a little help from my friends. . .”
Alfie joins her in a not so perfect harmony, and grabs the scroll ever so gently. He says to his old pal Nomi, “Here, let us hold that for you”. Then all three admire the beautiful work Nomi has done so far.
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This Zentangle series is unique as we will be working on one singular piece of tangled art over the course of twelve lessons. The customized surface will provide structure and a common element to guide us on this adventure together. We will methodically and magically add to the structure as we simultaneously discuss and share our system of collecting, deconstructing, and categorizing tangles. As we take you on an adventure, we will introduce you to our Zentomology™ approach. We will explore Tangle Genuses, or categories of tangles.
In true Zentangle fashion, our approach to this system is playful and open to exploration and interpretation. We use the Zentomology system as way to learn about the characteristics of tangles and explore how to use them in ways that enhance and balance our tangled compositions. As we dig into this concept, we leave a trail of tangled artwork behind us. Join us as we get tangled up in the Zentomology approach of studying tangles while creating one large piece of tangled art.Each day, as we add to this singular piece of tangled art, we remind you to trust the process. Watch as this composition comes together with different tangles, concepts and your individual style. At the end we will bring all of the elements of the Zentangle Method together in a beautiful and unique piece of artwork.
Tangle along with Maria as she and Rick guide you through the fourth video in this series. Today, they introduce you to a new tangle, mysealiam! See the step-out for this tangle below.
We recommend doing these videos in order, beginning with day 01. You can view all previous Project Pack No. 19 videos here.
Please share your creations on the Zentangle Mosaic App using the hashtag #PP19Day04 and #12DaysofZentangle2022.
Let us know your thoughts below and at the end of this series, we will pick a commenter at random from each day to receive a Zentangle surprise!
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New Tangle: mysealiam

Christine on
Melissa on
Somehow managed to leave my comment for today’s post on Day 05 so I’ll leave my comment for Day 05 here so as not to double comment on one post!!
So – The Fengle tangleation is such an interesting one especially with the way that Moon Pie fits into it – that really is some construction yet so simple when you know the steps. Thanks for this insight.
Evy Browning on
Mysealiam looks great but seems like a real challenge to me, I think I‘ll try it on a tile first. Can‘t wait to go on with the big one, though. I love what you‘re doing!
Ulrike on
Mysealism will be a fun tangle to explore using! Thanks for the step outs!
Linda J on
It is interesting to observe the changes on paper day by day.
Claudia on
Linda M Dochter on
Ulrike on
Marty Greiner on
Deborah R on
I love following Alfie, Marasu and Nomi, their drawing is growing too!
Dorian on
This one is so addicting! Love it!
Cathrine Nicols on
Carol R on
Charlene on
Mysealiam looks so much harder than it is. Thanks for the step-out! I’m loving this tangle.
Nancy on
I’m impatient for New day and New aventure….
carmela on
Cindy Brandt on
Andrea R on
LLS on
I had to think about this a bit before putting pen to paper, but I’m pleased so far with how my piece is turning out! Kind of sorry I haven’t been taking pictures every day, and SO looking forward to shading!!
Ellen Weinman on
Alannah MacPhail on
Wendy on
Cilla Carpenter on
Suchitra Komandur on
Love mysealiam – it’s just like the graceful manta ray which is one of my favorite sea creatures!
Donna on