Whew.. Project Pack No. 19 was certainly one for the books.
It was big, it was ambitious, it was daunting, it was inspiring.
We approached this project pack series a little different than most. Our tangling team each worked on their own piece in the same order that you all did. Molly filmed Day 1, and then we all tangled that day and then waited for the next person to film Day 2 and so on..
Before we even began, Molly kept telling us to “trust the process.” I remember she gave me several reminders and then right before I sat down to start my piece, she called me. It was almost like she could sense I was about to begin, and she wanted to remind me one last time, “trust the process.”
What was the big deal? It was Project Pack No. 19 after all – that means we have done this now 19 times.
This project was a big deal. Not only because the end result was a beautiful compilation of tangles, textures and techniques, but because it called on us to really lean into those Zentangle philosophies that we appreciate so much.
I have not been pushed out of my comfort zone like this in a long time. Like all of you at home, I did not know what the end result would be. I trusted our team and knew it would be great, but I truly had to trust the process. I was encouraged to use tangles that I normally would not have chosen for my work, taking things one stroke at a time, and reminding myself (often), that there were no mistakes.
Now that we have finished, I can truly say that it is one of my favorite project packs. It is a reminder of resilience, creativity, trust, and embracing the unknown. I have a renewed appreciation for all the different families of tangles and how they work together and complement each other and a renewed sense of patience when it comes to my art (oh was it hard to wait to shade).
I am grateful for Molly and her vision for this project, her trust in the process and in us to help relay it to all of you. And I am grateful for all of you, who tangled along with us (and may still be tangling) in this series, which really was, a big deal.

Lorsque j’ai ouvert le projet, la taille m’a un peu effrayée. Je ne l’ai pas commencé en même temps que vous, j’ai regardé toutes les vidéos, j’ai peint le fond.J’étais intimidée. Et puis je me suis finalement lancée… et je n’ai plus pu m’arrêter ! C’est devenu mon projet préféré. J’ai adoré ce grand format, tout cet espace et toutes ces possibilités ! J’ai eu un énorme plaisir à vous regarder dessiner, à dessiner à mon tour, à réfléchir au placement des motifs… Certains étaient inhabituels pour moi, et je n’avais pas utilisé certains autres depuis très longtemps. Je suis actuellement en train d’ombrer, et c’est spectaculaire ! Ce projet m’a ouvert des perspectives. J’avais très envie de vous dire un grand merci, à tous et à chacun, voilà qui est fait !
VioletteZen on
Nancy Moore on
Holly C on
Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team und Euch Allen ein wunderbares neues Jahr und weiterhin viele schöne Ideen, die Ihr so wunderbar an uns weiter gebt.
Rosemarie Seefeldt, 2. Januar 2023
Rosemarie Seefeldt on
Happy new year to you all!
Ulrike on
Wait this is Zentangle -there is no track! It doesn’t matter. so I found another spot to put those tangles l. The process Cascaded. Everything had to have a new place. I decided to add everything I could. If one of you added a heart, I added a heart. If one of you added extra mookas, I added extra mookas.
Then I added a couple of tangles that you didn’t add!
Wild and Crazy!
Overall I loved this project pack. It was big fun.
Lisa Hoesing on
Sue Zanker on
Peyton on
I’m not done yet, but this has been fun and is definitely getting framed! Thank you for another great project.
Robbin on
I looked at a few of the teaser comments about Project 19 and decided that I needed to get the project pack for this one. I received it just a few days before Christmas and was awestruck at how bit it was! Needless to say I decided to wait until life settled a little and I could give it my full attention and appreciation. Soooo, looking forward to next week when I plan to start! Thanks for the great project!
Dianne Riva Cambrin on
Brenda Shaver Shahin on
This PP is epic! I’ve long wondered how one might go about creating a big, meandering Zentangle. Now, I’m working on one! Thank you!
Helen Maciejewski on
Sue Zanker on
This is by far one of my favourite project packs! I had so nervous when I saw this big parchment opening up but after adding a bit here and there everyday I start to appreciate it even more and more. I’m still taking my time working on this just enjoying every second of it!
Jacqueline Lee (CZT 36) on
This is by far one of my favourite project packs! I had so nervous when I saw this big parchment opening up but after adding a bit here and there everyday I start to appreciate it even more and more. I’m still taking my time working on this just enjoying every second of it!
Jacqueline Lee (CZT 36) on
MaryAnn Scheblein-Dawson, CZT#1 on
MaryAnn Scheblein-Dawson, CZT#1 on
Sue Lesle CZT on
The finished project is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. In my humbled opinion this was the best project pack thus far.
If you look hard enough you can see other images appear. Amazing!
Christine on
This was a big, initially daunting, project. I had to overcome any expectation of an outcome (fear? of not doing it right?) Working one stroke at a time, I was able to enjoy the freedom and beauty, at the heart of the Zentangle Method. So many moments, and life lessons, One Stroke at a Time. Great fun. Wowwowwow at all the beautiful, absolutely unanticipated, outcomes we all produced! Happy tangling through the New Year and beyond to one and all!
Anna Vermillion-Hoss on
Mary Kay Cass, C.Z.T.34 on
Lisa Wick McLean CZT28 on
Carol R. on
Martina Fegeler on
Have viewed all videos (some days more than once). Practiced some of the “new” tangles on tiles first. Using Days 11, 12 and Wrap up videos for more inspiration while filling in more spaces and then I will do some shading. “Trusting the process”. I had not ordered PP yet, so I used 9×12 artist paint pad textured watercolor paper & used pencil to draw the spaces. I did have watercolor pencils and enjoyed that process also. Day 11 with Martha using the watercolor pencil was a awesome new process I’m going to try. So many other inspiring ideas from this PP. Will be taking my time to appreciate & finish.
Johnifer Baker on