In 2007, we started BLOG Zentangle and began our enjoyable series of conversations within our Zentangle community.
In reading through these blog posts with their insightful comments, we decided to bring a few of them to your attention from time to time. It is easy, for me anyway, to sometimes think of old information as stale information. But these insights and conversations are anything BUT stale!
We invite you to enjoy this post from 2014...
Maria writes:
I have to say, I never had a thing for "Perfection."
Not that I am not tidy or conscientious or the least bit lazy . . . though I am learning not to work as many hours as I have in the past.
Perfection, to me, always had a "boringness" to it, like the perfect apple or the perfect Christmas tree. ( I'd choose the Charlie Brown tree every time.) And so, with art. The paintings that so attracted me were portraits of people who had something of a distinguishingness to them -- maybe a wart; or a crooked tooth; or a non-symmetrical face . . . something to remember (or admire).
So, what's this all about? I think "perfect" is over-rated and it would be best if it was banished from the vocabulary of the arts. Art, like nature, is most beautiful in its imperfections . . . always having that some little thing that caused a bit of tension . . . just a bit.
Just think, if DaVinci lived today . . . perhaps we'd be stuck with a face plumped with so much plastic surgery . . . instead of the Mona Lisa. But I digress . . . .
Let's remember this when we create our Zentangle tiles. Embrace their imperfections. Let them take us to a place unexpected. Admire our singularities. Learn from our every stroke. Have confidence in the fact there is always another tile, another tangle.
I read an article in the "Huffpost" that got me thinking about this. I think the whole 3 1/2" format allows artists of all kinds to experience the luxury of experimenting with lots of works of art, instead of the excruciatingly painful large piece you never get to finish.
Have fun.
Do it again.
Do more.
Admire your efforts.
Take joy in what you have created.
Share your art with others. They will be impressed.
Give your art to others. They will be grateful.
When the day is done and you look at your art, always smile. This sounds silly, but it works every time. Your eyes will see it in a different light. And the smile will become real.
Rick adds:
Maria was out this week and saw an ad in a magazine, grabbed her blank book and . . .
That shape is so resonant with the fiddleheads coming up in our front yard:
I love the imperfection and volume of nature. Imagine if trees only decided to make as many seeds as they knew would become trees. There would be no trees! Imagine if artists only decided to create (perfect) masterpieces. There would likely be no art!
Imperfections themselves can be wonderful inspirations. Whether it's a tangle done "wrong" or a stain on a chopping board that perhaps otherwise would not have been tangled:
Although once Maria got started, she (naturally) tangled the other side, too. :-)
If you haven't already, do take a moment to read the article linked above as it will tie all this together.
A perfect balance of wisdom and beauty as always. When I’m not tangling I write. And I mostly write small things, very very, small poems. But I’m also working on some longer projects, which I find tough going, almost torturous at times. Recently a friend, not a particularly close one, but perhaps that distance allowed for clearer perspective, suggested I shouldn’t worry so much about the big projects, but enjoy the area of my strength and pleasure, stick with the small. And a light went on. And then it flickered, as of course I already knew this from the wisdom of these little tiles. But then I think the point of life is relearning the same lessons until they eventually stick! Thanks for reminding us of what we might already know but easily forget!
Jem on
I LOVE this post! I refer to myself as a “recovering perfectionist”. A few years ago, I came across the statement, “Perfectionism is a profound form of self-abuse.” That resonated with every cell in my body. I try to remember to tell every new batch of students this phrase. Most heads nod slowly as its truth sinks in …
Jan Brandt, CZT on
midori, czt on
The biggest hurdle when teaching is to get my students past that need for their tile to be perfect and to relax and enjoy the process. For some the need is so strong for perfection and they keep comparing their tiles to others that I am very tempted to go to the teacher’s store and buy a few foldable private cardboard cubbies so that no one can see each other’s work until finished.
For me the process is what gets me through most days…focusing on each stroke and letting pain recede to the background. For this I am forever grateful.
Lesley Goldberg on
I have to live with imperfection, as my right hand has been aching and feeling terribly cold since I had an accident in my kitchen. Zentangle gives me the chance to do still wonderful art.
Inge Frasch, #21 on
Quwatha Valentine on
I, as do many, hear and see tanglers making self critical comments on their creations … not good enough, not right, not perfect.
It has concerned me for some time that social media encourages us to look purely at the art and not at the essence of Zentangle – the moments of relaxation and pleasure we get from those repetative lines, the Zen.
This seeking of perfection in the visual aspect of your Zentangle art will never be achieved or bring the joy that is possible.
Why? Because perfection does not exist. The perfectionist will always seek to criticise themselves and in doing so will never free themselves to really appreciate the achievements, beauty and pleasure.
The Curse of Perfectionism is well known (Google it !).
In my teaching and coaching my constant theme is that you are good enough, right now. What you are and what you do is good enough and those imperfections make what we do and who we are beautiful, unique and special.
Each and every imperfect tile is more than good enough….. it is imperfectly ‘perfect’.
Anonymous on
Kellie May on
Aishwarya Karthik Darbha on
Sue Leslie on
During 2018 I chose to join a number of Facebook pages of various Zen-Tanglers..Some of the art posted out there is both mind-boggling and absolutely stunning !! THEN, I found myself feeling a little “jilted” with reference to my tiles and found it challenging to get that “first tangle” on the tile..I had to stop and re-think my goal with practicing Zentangle® …That was when I realized my tiles are unique and with continued practice my style will evolve in ways yet to be determined..I am so looking forward to looking back on my journey in the future and reviewing my work. It will improve, but I realize that doesn’t mean the tiles at the beginning of my practice are not “perfect”..In fact, I enjoy the little “funny stuff” that may not make a perfect tangle !!-Sharon Jerkovic-September 5, 2018
Sharon Jerkovic on
Gloria V on