Wow! We were amazed and delighted by all the versions of new tangled species that were created during Project Pack No. 21! So many tanglers expanded on the fanciful tangled garden of botanical species we had imagined. The creations were truly spectacular. Quite a few tea times at ZHQ have been spent sharing the art tanglers have posted on the Mosaic app and Instagram. “Did you see this one?”, “I love this!”, “Breathtaking!”, were just a few of the exclamations. How wonderful would it be to wander around and get lost for a bit of time in this gorgeous garden?
Scattered throughout this blog are just a few of the examples we chose at random from hashtag searches.
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During this project pack series, three new tangles were released, mythograph on Day 4, rambles on Day 6, and foundabout on Day 7. You can find the step-outs for these new tangles in our newsletters.
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Above posted on the Mosaic app by LauriePattersonCZT5, Rytz, and MartyD_CZT
Although this was not originally planned as part of this project pack, this whole series was too fun, and we were not ready to have it come to an end. We know how creative all of you are and we want to see what you would imagine with suggestions of tangles. Each day of the challenge, we will suggest two tangles for you to weave together to continue to grow our tangled gardens. What new botanical specimen will you imagine? What will you name it? Where will it grow? What are its virtues?
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We have created five challenges that will be released by our newsletter every third day. Today is the first day of the challenge and we invite you to check out the tangles Martha and Molly have chosen for you! We are excited to see how each creation will grow into something so beautiful and different, just like all of you!
Sue Lesle CZT on
I thought I would share my friend’s reaction when I showed her my Botanical Tangle from Challenge 2.
Here it is:
Your pages send my imagination into beautiful mythological forests and gardens inhabited by pretty fairies and nymphs frolicking joyfully about and fulfilling an assignment given them by Queen Celestial Terraluna: to locate as many unique plants as they can find. Once found, they lead the queen and her entourage of oreads and naiads to the plant for the naming ceremony.
At the end of the ceremony, Queen Celestial Terraluna opens her sacred chest, where her divine Book of Botanicals and special pens are kept. She pulls them forth and, filled with Mother Nature’s spirit, produces its likeness and its story, as her loyal subjects watch in awestruck admiration. When she has completed the sacred drawing and its mythology, the queen closes the book and returns it and the pens to the sacred chest where they lay until the fairies and nymphs discover the next botanical treasure.
Kathy McMurtry on
Connie Condra on
Followed along PP21. Loved the theme. I was pleased to see the Challenges coming. I had an idea (fantasy) in my head to use the seashore & shells, so seeing the Challenges coming, I will go with that theme to wrap up summer months. (sorry for duplicate post, finger it enter key prematurely)
Johnifer Baker on
Followed along PP21
Johnifer Baker on
Can’t wait to get stuck in. Been trying to order the PP for delivery to the UK and it wasn’t happening but going to keep trying.
Rachel May Miller on
celebrate books and reading. Great fun!
Ella Sue on
Kay Owens on
Liz Strekal on
Sue Lesle on
Thank you indeed for this very special project pack. Being a lifetime herbalist I found it extremely entertaining to watch the fantasy plants come to life, especially the great accompanying stories…. Will have to start hiking a night to find these amazing gems 😂. Lots of ideas to stimulate the imagination. Love the Project Packs, always look forward to the next. Thanks for all the fun and for all the creativity you continue to provide the Zentangle community.
Laureen on
I have had such fun with these tiles! I can see my tangling becoming better and better with each one. I am very happy that I decided to join in with #21 and I’m super excited that you have decided to continue on with these challenges – how fun!! Thank you for making this gal who always swore she couldn’t draw into someone who can and who actually loves what she creates.
Jill on
This was one of my favorites! I haven’t gotten my ‘story’ going yet, but have had so much fun creating the botanicals. I jumped a bit ahead and created some more from the ZHQ tangles. I’m going to wait to see what the challenges will be before I complete my book. Thanks so much for another fun project pack.
Joyce Schieltz on
Penny on