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No ReGretas

No ReGretas

Molly writes...

My mom has always said, “I learn from my children.” I always giggled at that growing up as I could not believe that was the case.

Now that I am grown and have children of my own, I can understand what she means. There have been countless times that I watch or listen to things my children do or say, and I am completely overwhelmed by the insightful meaning behind it.  

There is brilliance in our innocence and youth. Just as there is priceless wisdom in our age and experience. They both have value, and I believe we should honor them both.  

Recently I was particularly moved by something my daughter shared with me.  

For years my daughter Indy has carried a tiny plastic kitten figurine around with her in her wallet. I had noticed that she did this but never really thought anything of it. Recently I saw it tumble out in her hand as she was getting something, and I asked her why she had it in there. She replied to me as if I should have already known, “oh that is Greta.”

I inquisitively responded, “Greta?”

“Yes,” she went on. “It is short for, No ReGretas and she reminds me to have no regrets.”

She went on to tell me a story about when she was little, and she had saved up her own money and bought something for herself. At the time she was convinced she needed this item and was so excited to have it. Not too much time passed, and she felt as if she had regretted the purchase that she saved so much for. It was a simple feeling she experienced at such a young age, but it was a feeling she tapped into and decided she wanted to pay attention to. She said she did not like the idea of regretting something. So, from that day she adopted Greta to live in her wallet and every time she opened it up, Greta would be there as a friendly reminder to have no regrets. At first it was targeted towards her purchases but soon she carried the concept into her life in general.  

Observing this, kind of blew my mind. I too started thinking about the feeling of regret and acknowledged and agreed with her that it was not a pleasant feeling. It is in fact a normal human behavior. However, if you think about it. Having regret does not change what happened. It does not fix a problem, and it does not move you forward. It only leaves you stuck in the past, feeling bad about something that has already happened. I think about how when we practice the Zentangle Method we encourage our students to tangle with no regrets. We draw with deliberate strokes and take each one as a purposeful part of our journey. Are there imperfect strokes? Yes, there are. Are there so-called mis-strokes or mistakes on our tiles from time to time? Yes, that does happen. Do we get interrupted or too tired to tangle sometimes? Yes, to all of these. But in our practice, we look at whatever situation we have in front of us, and we focus on what the next stroke is. We look for what beautiful thing is happening on our tile and around us. We put our attention toward things we are grateful for in that moment and move forward one stroke at a time.  

Much of what we practice on our tiles, trickles into our lives. It is true that our lives are not perfect. There are things that we all navigate that I am sure we wished didn’t happen or that we did differently. But we cannot change the past, we can only change how we react to the past in the present. We can decide how to move forward, embracing the bits that carried us and the lessons we learned. It all becomes part of the beautiful people we are today. There is beauty to be found on this journey and we all are a unique piece of it. You too!  

So, maybe you too want to carry a Greta along with you? A gentle reminder that whatever comes your way, rather than getting lost in regret, you can choose to find the strength to focus on the next stroke.

We all can choose to learn, overcome and to see the beauty beyond.      

Molly Hollibaugh


  • Thank you, Molly for such a wise and wonderful story! There have been a few times lately when after starting a tile, becoming stuck with where to go next, I’ve actually just torn it up! Good grief! Here’s to not ever doing that again! 😂

    Mary Lindeblad on

  • What a better world it would be if we all listened for, and to, the wisdoms of children. This afternoon I will look for my Greta. Thank you Indy and Molly.

    Elizabeth Fifield on

  • What Brilliant insight from one so young! I wish that I had been that smart when I was her age! I would be so much better off financially and emotionally! I agree that we can learn from children. I was blessed to be able to teach in a Christian Day School for twelve years. I learned so much from my students! ( Praying that they learned a little from me!) The last two years that I taught, in addition to my regular students, I was blessed with a Down’s Syndrome young girl as a student. Having never taught a child with learning disabilities before, I enlisted the prayers of friends and family to help me. It was a WONDERFUL two years, and Emily became my favorite student! I learned so VERY MUCH from her! The most important lesson was that it is okay to repeat the same lesson over and over until we have learned it. Second there is no need to rush learning. We all learn at our own pace. Third, every student is “special” in their own way.. . I like the fact that Greta was in Indy’s wallet to remind her not to spend impulsively. I need to add a reminder to my wallet,

    LLS on

  • What a great story. Indy is a very special girl and how amazing to see the logic, insight and creativity she possesed at such a young age.Thank you for sharing this story. And thank you Indy. Your story has enlightened a great many Zentangle lovers.

    nahniduz on

  • Thanks, Molly, for sharing Indy’s wisdom with us. Wowsa!!

    Molly Siddoway King, CZT36 on

  • I think this calls for a Greta tangle…a reminder for us all!

    Katrina Thiebaut on

  • What a beautiful story! And How wise your daughter is! Thank you for sharing.

    Dominique on

  • I really need a Greta with me! A lovely little story and a reminder ‘to leave the baggage behind and have no regrets’-

    thanks for sharing a story from your daughter. We can learn so much from them and a lesson Zentangle teaches us in different ways!

    Jasmine Jehangir on

  • So enjoyed hearing this lovely story. What wise words and insight that will continue to guide her and has inspired many of us. Thank you for sharing.

    Nancy CZT18 on

  • Thanks for this sharing. It’s wonderful what we can learn from our children. What a great idea had Indy.

    Elisabeth on

  • lol my apologies, my regret is my phone dropped out of my hand and posted before I was done.

    Yes, we all have regrets in our lives and little reminders do help to remind us not to make the same error (no mistakes in Zentangle so no mistakes in life), learn from them and move forward. We all are teachers and learners in our journeys through life and how we handle what comes are way defines us as a human being; good or bad.

    Meaning, having regrets is part of who we are but more importantly if we learn from these regrets and grow like a beautiful tangle we are a better person because we learned how to deal with the regrets in a positive way. Learning from those experiences empowers us and hopefully we move forward creating a wonderful life.

    Cheryl K. Jensen on

  • Wow..that is ages of wisdom speaking if you ask me. Thank you for sharing that Molly. You have two very special daughters. Great post..

    Jody Genovese on

  • I just love hearing about how you learned this from your daughter. I feel like I’ve gained so much wisdom from my daughter’s presence in my life and I admire her so much. And her name is also Mollie! I took a self-compassion class a couple of weeks ago and the facilitator talked about how when we practice gratitude, we often feel that we are not supposed to be grateful for ourselves. That really stuck with me and I shared it in a Zentangle class I taught. One person said she was so glad to hear that because it was hard for her to get to the class and she was really proud of herself for making it. I think being grateful also for ourselves and no regrets kind of go hand in hand. Thanks Molly and Indy for a lovely reminder of how to go about our lives.

    Dione Greenberg CZT42 on

  • Wow! I need a Greta too in order remember this story….. But better I’ll search something that reminds me, as you wrote we cannot change the past, we can only change how we react

    Thanks to share with us 👌🏻✍🏼💙

    Meritxell on

  • This is an awesome truth! I am impressed with ReGreta! Love the story.

    Glenda Dudley on

  • Molly this is so true, we do waste time on regretting things that have happened in the past which we can’t change but need to learn from them. This is one of the great things of Zentangle is to embrace things we are not happy with and look at the whole work and what we have achieved.

    Margaret Hart CZT on

  • Thank you Molly and Indy, I needed to hear this today!

    Ulrike on

  • I love this story! Thanks! 💜

    Rimona Gale on

  • Insightful post with humor – great combo. Thx for sharing.

    Nanc Needler on

  • I LOVE THIS! I just taught my first Zentangle class this week – an informal practice one with two friends (probably just as much tea and date nut bread and talk as instruction and tangling lol), and I can’t wait to share this with them – particularly as there was some discomfort with “no mistakes.” And yes – thank you, Indy!

    Peyton CZT38 on

  • Love this life story! Thanks Molly and Indy! I also want a Greta!

    Nathalie on

  • Molly, gracias por tu linda historia. A mis 82, soy madre de cuatro hijos profesionales y tengo cuatro nietos también profesionales. Ellos han sido mis maestros toda mi vida y de mis nietos cada día aprendo más cosas. Sus pensamientos y sus consejos son verdaderos ejemplos que puedo aplicar en mi relación con mis alumnos de Zentangle que son de todas las edades. El lenguaje sencillo y amable es la mejor herramienta fundamentada en el amor y la gratitud, así grandes y pequeños momentos siempre van mejor.

    Elsa Dueñas CZT26 on

  • Thank you so much Molly (and Indy!) for sharing this. Almost a year to the day I lost a dear friend Greta who became ill very suddenly and passed a few weeks later. She was a super creative person and a beautiful soul. She enjoyed doing Zentangle. AND, she was a big cat lover! This is like a little hello from her. :) No regrets. No mistakes. xo

    Katie Crommett, CZT 15 on

  • Мила Моли, благодаря за споделения материал!

    Ценно, полезно!
    Няма съмнение, че децата ни носят в себе си знания на ново ниво!Те ще живеят в друго време… Това е пътя на развитието!
    Твоето момиче Инди е умница!
    Винаги има какво да научим от децата ни!
    Прекрасни сте, момичета!
    Бъдете здрави и благословени!

    Дафи on

  • Wonderful! Your daughter is so wise.

    I have a tiny owl I will tuck into my purse, I’ll call him Morse … no re-morse!

    Thank you, Indy.

    Ann Baum, CZT36 on

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