Julie writes...
We have been enjoying our stroll down memory lane as we go Back to Basics this summer. A few weeks ago, we invited you to visit our old blog, BLOG Zentangle, and peruse the entries and comments. Today, we are sharing with you a blog from 2017: Humble Beginnings.
Please join us as we look back and where we our Zentangle journeys stated.
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Julie writes:
[Previoulsy] I wrote about how we need to stop comparing our Zentangle art to others and embrace our practice. Well, Maria liked the blog (and your responses) so much that she suggested I write one about comparing our Zentangle art to… our Zentangle art. Are you scratching your head? That’s ok. It will all make sense.
Consider this – a world class ballerina’s first step as a baby was probably a wobbly one. Michael Jordan probably missed his first basket and Julia Child probably burned her first soufflé. They all may be known as exceptional in their field, but they all started somewhere.
And so did we.
The more you practice something, the better you get at it. The same rings true with your Zentangle practice. The more you tangle, the better you get at it. By “better,” I mean, you become more comfortable with the pen and paper. You refine your style and master techniques and tangles. You find a safe space where the pen meets the paper and you grow. But, you had to start somewhere.
After last week’s blog, Maria thought it was a good idea to find the first tile she ever did and encouraged us to do the same. It was humbling to compare where we started to where we are now. To see how our Zentangle practice has evolved and our styles have emerged. It is also a good exercise when you are feeling inadequate about your work, to see how far you’ve come.

Rick, 2004

Whether you have been tangling for a week or for years, we encourage you to compare your first tile to your most recent tile. The tiles tell the story of your Zentangle journey.
Join us in this exercise on the Zentangle Mosaic app by uploading your first tile(s) using the hashtag #humblebeginnings. We will select one mosaic user who uploads their tile using the hashtag to receive a Zentangle surprise.
You can also download the app for free and search #humblebeginnings to see where Zentangle artists from around the world got their start.
If you are not on the app, you can find your first tile(s) and hang it somewhere you will see it often, to remind you how you’ve grown!
Tan Swee Leng on
The Zentangle method allows my Tangled Thoughts a place to relax, regroup & refresh. Sharing the method allows us to share the joy & rejuvenation that Zentangle brings to our lives with the result of beautiful pieces of art. Thanks for sharing your story.
Josephine Wood CZT36 on
The Zentangle method allows my Tangled Thoughts a place to relax, regroup & refresh. Sharing the method allows us to share the joy & rejuvenation that Zentangle brings to our lives with the result of beautiful pieces of art. Thanks for sharing your story.
Josephine Wood CZT36 on
Maya on
☺ 🙋💓 Auntie Em
Soothing! on
Carole on
Rupam Varma on
Theresa Caillouette on
Linda Hunter CZT 31 on
Julie Isaac on
Claudia Fießinger on
Jori on
Evy Browning on
Eni Oken on
Do Mi Stauber on
Karen on
Margaret Hart on
Gloria Jo Flynn on
Jeanne on
Jacky Lee, CZT36 on
Joanna Kohl on
Leslie Hancock on
Dott on
Julie Lemmel on
Gail Rosin on