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CZT Family Tree: Verónica Vázquez Orozco

CZT Family Tree: Verónica Vázquez Orozco

We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.

Today, we are excited to introduce Verónica Vázquez Orozco!

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Name: Verónica Vázquez Orozco, CZT #34                                                                                                                             
Hometown: Santiago, NL, Mexico


Favorite tangle
Mooka, Diva Dance, Crazy Huggins

 Favorite place to tangle: My studio

In June 2019, I became a Certified Zentangle Teacher. It was a wonderful experience and when I returned home, I had to share this beautiful method with my community in Mexico. I won a contest to teach the Casa de Cultura (House of Culture) in my home town of Santiago Nuevo Leon in Mexico. I started with this amazing experience and they had a chance to show all of the artwork that we created in three months and then suddenly the world changed in 2020. 

When the pandemic began, I was worried about all of the people around me with high levels of stress and anxiety, so I decided to start an afternoon Zentangle class on Instagram. I  did not really no how to go about doing this, but as you know in Zentangle, there are "no mistakes." Now, I have a wonderful world-wide community who joins me every day at 5 o'clock. Every day is a new message with gratitude and appreciation for the Zentangle time we have together. I have now taught over 200 free sessions on Instagram. I am so proud to be a part of this amazing and unique family. 


My favorite part about teaching the Zentangle Method is
: I am a visual artist, so for me almost everything in my memory has something visual. Every person for me is an image with movement, the face that they have when they arrive to the class is different than the one that they have when they leave. I see the beautiful spark of happiness, self-esteem and empowerment. It is such a wonderful feeling as a teacher. 

Through my experiences as a CZT, I have learned: that everybody should have this art therapy every day and switch to the creative and dynamic mind. 

Facebook: Veronica Vazquez Orozco



  • Estoy feliz de ser su alumna! Aprendemos y nos divertimos! Felicitaciones Vero!!!

    Teresita on

  • Mi querida amiga Vero, me siento muy orgullosa de ti!!! que hermoso muy merecido reconocimiento !! eres una inspiracion para muchos!!

    Anonymous on

  • Conoci Zentangle con la pandemia, y a Veronica. Es un angel de mujer. Desde Mayo del 2020 ha estado todos los dias, dedicando a la comunidad tiempo para compartir este arte. Hoy dia tomo sus clases de Acuarela

    Ingrid Serfaty-Berman on

  • I have enjoyed tangling with Veronica on Instagram. It always feels like a friendly space! Thank you for sharing!

    Diane Harpster on

  • Veronica, I am delighted to meet you. Your enthusiasm as an artist and as a Zentangle teacher is absolutely beautiful. I am going to find you on IG and join you one day. I can tell you must be like a breath of fresh air to your students. Congratulations on becoming a CZT and embracing the Zentangle Method.

    Brenda Shaver Shahin CZT, Ontario, Canada

    Brenda Shaver on

  • Muchas felicidades Verónica, porque eres una gran persona y artista y te mereces todos los reconocimientos del mundo por la gran labor que realizas a través del zentangle. En mi caso es un ratito de paz y relajación cada noche. Un ratito en el que solo existe el papel, el micron, tu voz y todas esas personas que nos reunimos en esa gran mesa para compartir la experiencia zentangle. Muchas gracias Vero.

    Paqui González lorenzo on

  • Me encanta Verónica, el trazo firme que tiene, la imaginación en sus diseños….toda una bomba de mujer….

    Saludos y sonrisas

    Bormen on

  • I enjoy everynight with Vero! She is very descontracturated and teach us that Zentangle is a way of living !we are friends in a big table without Any virus or Any problem! It is a party when my clock arrives at 8 pm!!!! Bravo Vero!!!

    Teresitasant on

  • Verónica es una excelente maestra que desinteresadamente nos acompaña y enseña cada tarde. Nos apapacha en su mesa imaginaria compartiendo con personas de todo el mundo. Felicitaciones querida MAESTRA!

    Monica Davila on

  • Sólo tengo agradecimiento hacia Verónica! Por su tiempo, su simpatía y su generosidad. Desde Caracas, unida a una gigantesca mesa internacional paso una hora, que no cambio por nada, en un completo relax y haciendo lo que me gusta, dibujar! Gracias Verónica!

    Elvira Beroes on

  • Estoy feliz de haber tenido la oportunidad de conocerte Verónica, eres una persona linda generosa todos los días a las 17.00 hrs tus live gratuitos, son 222 live desde que empezamos con la pandemia feliz de encontrarte a ti y la familia zentanglera un gran abrazo de agradecimiento por tan bella labor.

    Cristina Contreras 10 De Febrero 2021 on

  • Veronica is a wonderful person, she helped me to start teaching. Her classes are very good and friendly!! Good for you Vero!!! Go on!!!

    Sara on

  • I am very happy to be in your zentangle comunity, Vero! You are a great person and very generous, teaching us all you know! Thank you very much!! I love the post! Congratulations!

    Cecilia Blanco on

  • It’s so lovely that you can share this with your whole community and that now your community as grown to include the whole world! Your work is beautiful.

    Jody Genovese on

  • That’s what I love about Zentangle. Almost all of us didn’t know how to do things that we went ahead and did anyway. Brave, challenged ,and creative.

    Lisa Hoesing on

  • So nice to meet you Veronica. Nice to hear how you’re sharing Zentangle with people in Mexico and around the world.

    Nancy on

  • Dear Veronica, You have inspired me this month…happy valentine’s week ! You are a gift!

    Mary Ellen Ziegler Czt33 on

  • Muchas felicidades Verónica por tu amor al arte y al método zentangle que nos has compartido y contagiado durante más de 220 clases gratuitas y en vivo. Eres maravillosa y nos haces sentir igual. Bendecida seas 🙌🏼

    Lidia Elena De León on

  • Veronica, I love to read about you here. I love your amazing way of teaching, so fresh , so directly, so fun… you get to our heats! 💚

    María Tovar on

  • Wow!!! Amazing VERO🌸

    Amazing person and love to learn work her and her wonderful comunity🥰
    Love the post!!! ZENTANGLE

    Marcela Meneses on

  • Congratulations to Veronica for her commitment to propre. I do approve her initiatives and I do share her opinion about zentangle as a wonderful daily routine!

    I am a CZT 36 and thus still shy to teach but stilI I have started on a free basis with little groups on line and I’m proud to have transmitted my passion

    Françoise PAWLICK on

  • What a wonderful story and I love her spirit of giving.

    Clara A Brunk on

  • ¡Qué buena idea! I’m going to check out your Instagram site right now…me gustan todos los colores 🤗

    Ruth Osborn CZT36 on

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