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CZT Family Tree: Audrey Markowitz

We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.

Today, we are excited to introduce Audrey Markowitz!

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Name: Audrey Markowitz

CZT #: 7

Hometown: Carson, Nevada, USA

Favorite Tangle: Pick just one? That's tough! But if I had to choose, I'd say flux. I love its shape and organic curves and the way it always dances with endless verve!

Favorite place to tangle: My favorite place to tangle is in my studio surrounded by my art, my art supplies and my Sophie (my fur baby), of course, curled up on top of my feet.

How I use the Zentangle Method in my life: I used the Zentangle method as a way of giving back the joy, the serenity, the magic and the create inspiration that it continues to give me. The Zentangle Method has been a life saver! Over 8 years ago, I got breast cancer and required surgery and radiation. The Zentangle Method got me through a VERY difficult period. At the radiation center, I was known as the "redhead who sat in the waiting room with her pens and notebook tangling her heart out!" I have since given up the red hair and let the white and gray take over!

Prior to my surgery, I remember telling my surgeon that I had a Zentangle class scheduled 3 days after surgery and asked him if I thought I would be able to keep the commitment I had made prior to my cancer diagnosis. He said, "If you're up to it, do it." I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't think I would be up to it. But, my passion for teaching and sharing the beauty of the Zentangle Method was all the energy I needed to teach that class, and I did, in fact, teach it! The feeling of joy, vitality and happiness in my body while I was teaching that class, even though I just had surgery, helped me remember that I, Audrey, was still inside me despite what I had been through and what I would be facing... that I was more than my cancer.

All through my treatment and radiation, I continued to create art and teach the Zentangle Method - the two things I am passionate about. The Zentangle Method has truly been a gift that keeps on giving. I vowed to continue sharing that gift with the same enthusiasm and passion that I started out with when I first began teaching. I have taught at out local cancer center to both patients and staff, to teenagers and young children, to seniors and to everyone in-between! My heartfelt commitment has been to share this art form and allow each individual to enjoy it in a way that is most meaningful and satisfying to them.

My favorite story or memory about teaching the Zentangle Method is about a student of mine who at her first introductory class with me was literally afraid to pick up her pencil. She was unbelievably worried about taking the class and wondered if she would even be able to complete it. Well, not only did she complete it, but she went on to take many, many other classes with me and eventually went on to create her own business creating art using the Zentangle method. Today, she has her own online business and also sells her art in different shops around town and the surrounding area. He work is exquisite. There is an old zen adage that says it right, "To surpass the teacher is to repay the debt."

Through my experiences as a CZT, I have learned how important your own genuine enthusiasm, passion, sense of humor and concern for each student is when teaching. We all learn and process information differently. The challenge is to be empathetic and to be creative, to listen and to find ways to reach everyone.

If I am not tangling, you will fine me in my studio designing a new Zentangle class or experimenting with a mixed media project. If I am not in my studio, I am out on a long walk with Sophie, or curled up on the sofa reading a good book.

Find me on the Zentangle Mosaic App! Username: @Audrey





  • a story as beautiful as you are Audrey! So glad we’ve been able to enjoy Zentangle together, even tho we’re not close by very often.

    dennie on

  • Such an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing.

    Mkay Watson CZT17 on

  • Thank you for sharing you story!

    Josephine on

  • Audrey, your verve, enthusiasm, and joy jump right off the page in your writing. Your work is beautiful and gets my creative juices flowing. I’m inspired to pick up my pen today!

    Jane Elaine on

  • Thank you for sharing your inspiring story Audrey! Your work is lovely and a joy to see.

    Kathy Y. on

  • But, wait……. What was the Ted Talk about/title? I want to hear more about it! Thank you for including the Zen adage: “To surpass the teacher, is to repay the debt” . I am from CZT class 32. I only recently started to teach when COVID hit and shut me (everything!) down. I now have some opportunities to start teaching again, and I’ve been hesitant, thinking my skills weren’t “good enough”. But thanks to you I realize, that doesn’t matter. Sharing the joy of zentangle and sending someone down their own path is what’s most important!!!

    Tracie on

  • Oh yes! An incredible way to start my day – with your story and art! With gratitude, ME

    Mary Ellen Ziegler CZT33 on

  • Your story and your art is inspiring. Thank you.

    Maria Vennekens on

  • I met Audrey a few years ago and value that first meeting. We had a special connection, even in that short time, and I can’t wait to see her again someday. I’m thrilled to read a little more about her journey and strength. All I can say is that whenever I hear Audrey’s name, I smile with joy.

    Mary Rose Feldman on

  • Thank you for giving us this opportunity to meet an awesome CZT, Audrey Markowitz. I am honored to have her as a CZT friend. She has a warm and infectious smile and personality. Thanks, Audrey for sharing your tangling story. You are inspirational.

    Katrina Thiebaut on

  • Very beautiful story. Very beautiful artwork. Very beautiful person either as a redhead or a white/gray haired person.

    Gloria on

  • What an amazing, inspiring story, Audrey! Your students are so lucky to have you as a teacher! The artwork you’ve shared with us is exquisite; and that of your students as well. They are a credit to your teaching ability! Your persistence and determination in the face of adversity is a lesson in, and an affirmation of the healing power of art, and of Zentangle in particular. Thank you for sharing your story and your teaching philosophy with us, and for the Zen adage. It’s also a reminder that Zentangle is “a journey, not a destination,” and I’m still a traveler…

    Jessica Dykes on

  • It is a joy to read about our fellow Zentanglers, and the paths that have led us to where we are today. The thorns are not so sharp within the leaves of the rose.

    Ginger White CZT34 on

  • Awesome story Audrey! I admire the choices you have made! Reading, spending r time with your fur baby and zentangles!

    Keeping it simple!

    Melissa Grudin on

  • Beautiful work! What an inspiring story about your past. I wish you all the best and keep “tangeling on!”

    Dianne Riva Cambrin on

  • Inspired to create something right this minute after reading your joy-filled story. Thank you for sharing.

    Judy W on

  • Thank you for sharing your story, Audrey. Zentangle also helped me through my breast cancer treatments and declining health of my mother. I copied down the adage you shared, “To surpass the teacher is to repay the debt.” My favorite part of the classes I teach is the sharing at the end. I love seeing where my students took the lesson. Tangle On!

    Becky Boynton on

  • What a great story, Audrey, and thanks for sharing it. In many ways, teaching the Zentangle Method, can be more uplifting than just creating art for yourself. You are sharing a philosophy as well as art and the combination is powerful, both uplifting and inspiring. We learn from each other, and all we need is to create our first zentangle with the guidance of a good teacher and we are ‘hooked’ to go on from there.

    Janice Orlansky on

  • What an inspiring story!!!! thank you so much for sharing

    Donna on

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