Today, we are excited to introduce Alicia Gutierrez Rey!
Name: Alicia Gutierrez Rey CZT#: 18
Hometown: Madrid, Spain
Favorite tangle: Crescent Moon
Favorite place to tangle: on my terrace surrounded by plants and flowers
How I use the Zentangle Method in my life: I discovered Zentangle in my life when I was going through a personal and emotional crisis and Zentangle helped me overcome those difficult moments of insecurity and low confidence in myself. After my certification, I left my previous job to dedicate myself full time to be a CZT and to commit to teach this method and accompany people like me who were going through difficult situations in their lives. I also understood that Zentangle increases the creative potential of people, so I extended my training by doing a master in Coaching and a certification in CPS (Creative Problem Solving) in order to expand my tools to help people to develop inner personal growth from their own personal stories.
My favorite story or memory about teaching the Zentangle Method is: I have been teaching zentangle for 5 years and I am still fascinated by the amazement with which people rediscover their own dormant creativity. People who have had difficulties to look inward with other tools, discover creative meditation, as I understand it, and they are able to discover their full potential. I have many many stories that I could tell you about the people I have taught zentangle and how they tell me that it has impacted them in their lives. I have received countless messages from people during the confinement of Covid19. During this confinement I have been doing live workshops every day to accompanying those people who are alone in their homes and who are going through complicated situations. People who have lost loved ones or close friends, or people having deep feelings of loneliness and isolation, even depression and hopelessness. Even nurses and health personnel who also were needing disconnection and respite from their daily work. I am very happy because the initiative it´s being a big success and is currently reaching many people and being followed largely, getting a lot of followers. I have been receiving numerous messages of people telling me that they have practicing Zentangle and following my workshops and how this has helped them to cope with these difficult situations and to trust a little more in their recovery and their future. This have been and immense joy for me and truly a feeling of purpose and contribution in this challenging time we are facing.

Through my experiences as a CZT, I have learned: The huge capacity for creativity that we all have and our potential to look inward with different tools and methods, all of them aimed at learning a little more about ourselves and appreciating our unique lives.
If I’m not tangling, you will find me…: I love to travel, visit new places and learn exciting and different things for around the world, and above all I love to continue learning new tools for personal growth and activities that spark my creativity. I really enjoy reading, practicing yoga, meeting with friends ... If I didn't work as CZT I would have loved to be an oenologist (I love to know the stories behind each wine!)
Mosaic Name: AliciaCZT18
Check out Alicia's free Zentangle classes on Instagram Live: @mindandtangle
Here are some comments from Alicia's instagram students..
"Thanks to your classes my days pass happier, it is food for my soul. I am more afraid of running out of paper than of running out of food! Thank you"
"Hello Alicia, I want to thank you for these daily meditations. I know it is a great effort for you to be there every day and you don't know how I appreciate it. A part form being confined for a month now, days before the quarantine I lost my partner in an accident and it has been really hard. Your meditations are the only thing that have given me peace and tranquility. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"Thank you, Alicia, for your time and for showing us something that I did not think existed in my life and that would be so good for me."
Alejandra R. on
Mil gracias.
Marta Bernardo on
Ria Joris-Matheussen on
One day a friend send me some tiles that she had drawn following a girl on Instagram named Alicia and told me that she gave a class every day and that I could do the same. Of course, I didn’t believe her. But in the end I decided to try it and I remember that first Sunday in May (Mother’s day in Spain), with a piece of paper and a marker pen, I began to make dots and lines and it was the best hour and a half I spent that day, apart from the VC with my mom, of course. The next day I was excited about what Alicia would teach us. So until yesterday, which was our last live on Instagram, I have not missed a day. Drawing this makes me focus on it, relaxed, and forget about all the stupid things that go around in my head. Thank you very much Alicia for giving us your time and for making us believe more in ourselves. I will go on learning Zentangle (mindandtangle with Alicia). BREATHE
Rose on
Encontré a Alicia por casualidad al empezar la cuarentena, y llevo tangleando con ella desde el 15 de Marzo. Apasionada de su trabajo, nos ha estado guiando diariamente a más de 1.500 personas de todas las partes del mundo; meditar de su mano es todo un lujazo.
Tan enganchada estoy a este método que tanto me está ayudando que quiero seguir aprendiendo y mejorando más y más; ahora formo parte del club de los jueves en su academia on line y estoy FELIZ 😀
Gracias 🙏🏻 Alicia por todo, por darnos tanto 🥰
Cristina on
Thank you Alicia for your time, your dedication and your spirit. You rock! I enjoyed every single day of your classes. It brought me back to the essence of Zentangle. Every day was a lovely experience. And “respira”, “no es importa” and “qué bonito me esta quedando” will forever be written in my heart. Although I use these words myself in my own language, they sounded even better in Spanish! May you and your loved ones be happy, creative and safe for eternity. Thank you.
Karin Godyns, CZT20, Belgium on
She has been very generous last two months, sharing her time and kwnoledge with us (up to 1,900 people!!) along this hard time.
My husband and me attend the metings toghether all days…. and we love it more every day
Thanks Alicia!!!!!!!!!!!
Bea on
Muchísimas muchísimas gracias por tanto Alicia, ojalá el salto sea para seguir subiendo.
nuria on
Leí en un post de IG que Alicia estaba dando vivos de zentangle gratis, cuando volvía a mi casa desde el trabajo en el tren, días antes que declaren la cuarentena aquí en Buenos Aires. En un papel cualquiera con una lapicera, sentada en aquel vagón semi vacío cree mi primer dibujo. Desde ese momento trató de no perderme ningún vivo! Me ha ayudado muchísimo!!! Enormes gracias a Alicia por lo que ha hecho para todo el mundo ! Saludos desde Argentina!
Veronica on
concha ibarreche on
Lorraine on
gemA. on
Enhorabuena por lo que estás consiguiendo!!!!
Maria José Piñero Parra on
Mar Sanchez on
Conocí a Alicia curioseando en Instagram durante el confinamiento. Ha conseguido que 1500 personas y más… meditemos creando. Es una influencerzentangle! Transmite paz y tranquilidad, enseñando estupendamente la filosofía de zentangle. Estoy muy agradecida por su ayuda.
Esther EScriche on
Hilda Zambrano on
Anahi Bisio Aiello on
Nina on
Eternamente gracias, Alicia!!!!
monica ferreres on
Soy alumna de Alicia desde hace años y siempre me ha enseñado Zentangle como un método de enriquecimiento personal, mostrando en sus clases pasión por lo que enseña y transmitiendo mucha calma y seguridad. Me siento muy afortunada de haber participado en sus clases (presenciales y online) y seguiré haciéndolo siempre. Durante el confinamiento, el Zentangle me ha sido de gran ayuda, ha sido un alivio diario a la tensión y el miedo, sobre todo los primeros días; un rato en el que encontrarme con otras personas, que aunque tan lejos sentía muy cerca; un momento en el que meditar y no pensar más que en la línea que dibujaba y respirar… Muchas gracias, Alicia, por darnos tanto y crear ese entorno de magia diario
I have been a student of Alicia for years and she has always taught me Zentangle as a method of personal enrichment, showing passion in what she teaches in her classes and transmitting calm and security. I feel very lucky to have participated in his classes (face-to-face and online) and I will always continue to do so. During the confinement, the Zentangle has been a great help to me, it has been a daily relief to tension and fear, especially the first days; a time to meet other people, who although so far away felt very close; a moment in which to meditate and think only of the line that I drew and breathe … Thank you very much, Alicia, for giving us so much and creating that daily magic environment
Gema on
Paz Villa on
El confinamiento ha dejado de ser abrumador después de tropezarme con Alicia y sus directos enseñando un poco de esta maravillosa técnica. De corazón, un millón de gracias por permitirnos, a más de 1700 personas en ese rato, poder respirar profundamente, ser conscientes de nosotros mismos, de perder un poco el miedo al resultado de lo que estamos haciendo porq sabemos que lo haremos bien, de agradecer por estar sanos, por todo lo que tenemos y por tener la oportunidad de aprender algo nuevo y de disfrutar aprendiendo, como lo hacemos. Encantadísima de conocerte. Una venezolana pasando la cuarentena en Miami.
Morella on
Isabel Herrera Díaz on
Jael Veiga on
Esther on